Here's our list of funny and slightly insulting ex quotes 1. "Sometimes a woman will look back on what she had, not because she wants to go there but to motivate her to do better." Reuben Holmes II 2. "I love my ex so much I printed out all his pictures. After all, I need him for target practice. 500 Best Funny Ex Quotes: Hilarious And Brutal (2023) 1. "When your ex says 'You'll never find anyone like me'. Say 'that's the point'." ― Drake 2. "We looked at each other, smiled and agreed that maybe I'm too intense. Then we ate our food and I just smirked because I knew it was true." 3. "I cannot compromise my respect for your love.
Ex Boyfriend Quotes, Ex Quotes, Sarcastic Quotes, Woman Quotes, True
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Let's dive into the world of ex-boyfriend humor! 100 Funny Quotes About Ex Boyfriends "My ex-boyfriend's job is like his heart - always on break." "If my ex-boyfriend was a watch, he would be stuck in time - never moving forward." "My ex-boyfriend's sense of humor is like his heart - nonexistent." Best Funny Ex Quotes and Messages To Make Your Partner Jealous "Definition of Ex? Thanks for the experience. Our time has expired. Now EXit my life." "I'm not saying my ex is a 'zero.' I'm just saying that if you divide any number by zero, you get an undefined result." "My ex thinks I'll never be happy without them. Funny Oct 17, 2017 87 Of The Most Brutal Responses To Ex Texts 3.1M views Šarūnė Bar Community member ADVERTISEMENT The dreaded ex. Most of us have got them. There are millions of occasions when the situation is resolved with an amicable, mature ceasefire that can even blossom into a beautiful friendship. Funny Quotes For Ex #1 Copy "Breaking up with my ex was like getting a membership to the freedom club." #2 Copy "Love is blind, but breaking up with my ex taught me the beauty of 20/20 vision." #3 Copy "When your ex says 'You'll never find anyone like me'. Say 'that's the point'." ― Drake #4 Copy
In case you were making dumb decisions here are some words of wisdom 😝😝
5. "Crying after a breakup — ain't no one got time for that." Photo: 6. "I don't make mistakes, I date them." 7. "Ex means thanks for the EXperience, our time has Expired, now Exit. Whether you've just broken up, you want your ex back, you want to move on from your ex, or you've already begun to heal, you'll find adages that you can relate to and use to help you move forward. And if you want to write the perfect letter to your ex it's here! Ex quotes: Some of the most well known sayings Quotes about your ex boyfriend Funny Ex Boyfriend Quotes 1. Oh you're dating my ex? Cool, I'm eating a sandwich… want those leftovers too? 2. When your ex says "You'll never find someone like me". Reply with "That's the point". 3. My ex wasn't an asshole. He was the whole ass. 4. Dear Ex, as easily as I hired you, I had to fire you. 13. I found compassion and kindness once we broke up, that says a lot. 14. You were so predictable when we dated I saw your moves from a mile away. 15. If you were worthy of my love, we'd still be together. 16. Let us continue to stay apart so our soulmates can locate us. 17.
Funny Ex Quotes And Sayings. QuotesGram
Funny Quotes About Your Ex Lover. 22. "Stop complaining about your life. There are people out there dating your ex." Unknown. 23. "My ex had this one annoying habit. Breathing!." Unknown. 24. "Dating an ex is the equivalent of failing a test you already had the answers to." Kendrick Cole. 25. "I accidentally bumped into my ex. Funny ex quotes 1. "My ex asked me how I was doing. I told him, 'I'm great! Remember, I upgraded, not downgraded.'" 2. "Breaking up with my ex was like deleting a useless app from my phone. Suddenly, everything started working better!" 3. "My ex had one talent: making me laugh. Unfortunately, it was unintentional." 4.
My Ex Looking At My Ex Now When You See Your Ex Liking Another Girl's IG Pics Ex-boyfriends Be Like When Your Ex Asks If You Can Still Be Friends I Found Some Baby Pictures Of My Ex Happy National Ex Day I Don't Have Ex's When Yo Ex Text You When Your Friend Gets Back With Their Ex Found My Ex's Heart When Your Ex Finally Gets A Girl Mitch Hedberg A pessimist is a person who has had to listen to too many optimists. Don Marquis "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." - A. A. Milne Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? Abraham Lincoln
Ex humor Ex memes, Funny ex memes, Ex boyfriend humor
1. "All I'm saying is I've never seen my ex and satan in the same room.",ex quotes and funny ex quotes 2. "An "EX" is called an "ex" because it's an EXample of what you shouldn't have. It's that I finally realize, you're terrible.". - Anoynymous. "If I swallow scrabble pieces and barf it out, that would still make a better statement than what you speak.". - Anoynymous. "Zombies eat brains. You're safe.". - Anoynymous. "All I'm saying is I've never seen my ex and satan in the same room.