10 Funny Wedding Anniversary Wishes Have A Great Day! Zitations

"You'll always be the only person I send heart eye emojis to." "Love is great but a little ' rizz ' never hurts either (and you've got lots of it)." "Each and every day you're my favorite notification." "My love for you still gives me the same feeling as when I see my food coming at a restaurant." "Happy anniversary! Just imagine if our marriage was functional as you make it appear on Facebook." "A married couple are well suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time." "Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener" Thinking about it, I wouldn't have married you if I wanted a peaceful life.

Cute Funny On Your Anniversary Greeting Card Cards Love Kates

1.) Happy Anniversary to the best first husband I'll ever have. 2.) God proved his sense of humor when he matched you and me together. He also proved His genius. Three cheers, we made it another year, hubby! 3.) Ok, so most of our candlelight dinners are when the electricity goes out. But you still keep me charged. Love you, and happy anniversary. "I love you. Thanks for killing all the spiders this year." - Anonymous If love is an amazing dream, then marriage is the alarm clock." - Anonymous "The four most important words in any marriage: I'll do the dishes." - Anonymous "On our anniversary, let's celebrate being one year closer to death do us part." - Anonymous "I love you. Thanks for killing all the spiders this year." "There's no one else I would rather snoring as hell beside me." "I'll love you even when you're old and wrinkly." "Holy shit. We're still married!" "One year down, freaking forever to go. Happy anniversary." "Marriage is a workshop… where the husband works & the wife shops." "I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. just kidding, I've reached my limit." - Anonymous. "It's incredible to think about how much our love and annoyance for one another has grown over the years. Dear Wife, Best Wishes on Your Anniversary!" - Anonymous. "Being married to you is like being a part of a comedy show that never ends.

Funny Wedding Anniversary Wishes Quotes And Sayings Pictures With

Happy Anniversary, my love. You are a great husband. You really are a winner. So, let's celebrate our marriage, and take me out to dinner. Happy Anniversary. True love is letting your wife max out your credit card. Really, it is. Let's celebrate our love while we still have some money left. Sincere anniversary wishes to my loving husband. Happy anniversary, my love. Here's a thank you for marrying me, and here's a sorry for marrying me. Happy anniversary, honey. Thank you for always believing in me, even in the moments when I didn't believe in myself. I assume God must have stuck some superglue between you two on the day of your wedding. Both of you seem so attached. Happy Anniversary, darling, I still admire your determination to change me. Honey, you said you wanted this anniversary to rock, so I bought us a pair of rocking chairs. Happy Anniversary, my love, There's no one else I'd rather diet with. Happy Anniversary, darling. I still want you, and I still don't know why. Funny Anniversary Wishes. 1. Happy anniversary, you guys! Love gets hard with each passing year (especially for a cat-and-dog couple like you). But you need to love each other harder. 2. Today is a grand celebration of your hardest achievement, staying married all these years. Happy anniversary and congratulations on reaching this far.

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Happy anniversary!". - Anonymous. "I'll love you even when you're old and wrinkly" - Anonymous. "I love waking up next to you in the morning. Just don't breathe on me" - Anonymous. "Well, we made it another year without one of us either ending up dead or in jail. I call that a win" - Anonymous. 1. "Three years of marriage and 8 whopping years of being together! How have we not killed each other yet? All jokes aside, I am so happy to have you as my husband!" 2. "Thank you for setting an example of how to be patient (mostly), and kind (usually) with one another!" 3. "Happy Anniversary! We've gone a whole year without divorce! You're a keeper, babe!" "Another year of love, laughter, and putting up with my endless jokes. You're not just my husband; you're my favourite stand-up comedian. Cheers to us!" Funny Anniversary Wishes To Wife In your eyes, your wife is the person with the most beautiful smile, and you really want to see her radiant smile. "You're my favorite person to annoy. Another year of successful irritations - go us!" "Remember when we thought getting married meant being adults? Guess we missed the memo!" "Happy anniversary to my partner in crime - you're stuck with me and my terrible jokes!" "They say love is blind, but they didn't mention it's also deaf to snoring.

Funny Anniversary Quotes Text & Image Quotes QuoteReel

It reminds them to celebrate their anniversary by acknowledging and nurturing the invisible yet strong bond they share. "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.". Happy anniversary! Congrats on having the longest one night stand ever! I'm so glad ' partner' didn't ghost you. Woo! You still like each other! Started out with a kiss…how did it end up like this? Happy anniversary! Have you renewed your vows yet? Or have you broken all of them before you come here?