Genesis Bible Quiz (Level EASY)

1. True or False? -- The book of Genesis is part of the Pentateuch. Bill Fairchild True False The answer is: True The Greek name for the first five books of the Hebrew Bible is the Pentateuch. 2. Who wrote the book of Genesis? Hulton Archive / Getty Images Adam Eve Moses Paul The answer is Moses. 3. True or False? This Bible quiz Genesis 1-50 with answers features 50 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the chapters in the book of Genesis. Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this book of Genesis 1-50.

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Bible Quiz Genesis 1-10 With Answers Question: What is the first line of the Bible in the book of Genesis? Answer: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Question: On which day did God create the light? Answer: God created the light on the first day. Question: What did God create on the second day of creation? Bible Quiz Genesis 1-50 This quiz is based on the book of Genesis. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. 1. 'And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.' Quick Quizzes Genesis, Chapters 1—11 Quiz 1 of 5 In the Book of Genesis, on which day of the creation process does God create humans? First Third Fourth Sixth 2 of 5 What animal does Eve encounter in the Garden of Eden that encourages her to eat the forbidden fruit? A deer A bird A serpent A cockroach 3 of 5 Who is the third son of Adam and Eve? Genesis Bible Quiz A) What does the word 'Genesis' mean? Covenant Law Creation Origin (or beginning) B) How many chapters are there in the book of Genesis? 50 48 36 56 C) After Adam and Eve ate of the fruit that God had told them not to eat, they heard the LORD walking in the Garden. What did they do? Went to greet the LORD Did nothing

The Book of Genesis Trivia Questions

Genesis Bible Quiz At the moment we have 270 questions from this book. We have limited the questions to 25. Shuffle How long did the Egyptians mourn for Jacob? 3 days 7 days 40 days 70 days How old was Jacob when he stood before Pharaoh? 110 years old 130 years old 150 years old 170 years old Who was turned into a pillar of salt? Noah's wife This Bible Quiz Genesis Chapter 1 to 20 with answers features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover the first twenty chapters of the book of Genesis. Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this book of Genesis chapter 1 to 20. All right, let's dive into […] Bible trivia - Genesis Bible Quiz. This is Bible quiz #89 of . 16757 attempts at this Bible trivia quiz with an average score of 69.7% 1. What was created on each of the seven days of creation (in order)? 2. From which tree was Adam and Eve not to eat? 3. What was Cain's question back to God when God asked where Abel was? 4. What was the name of the son of Adam and Eve who was given to replace Abel? 5. Who was the oldest man in the Bible and how many years did he live? 6.

Genesis Bible Quiz Part I Free Bible Quizzes Bible quiz, Genesis

OTHER QUIZZES: Genesis 1-50 quiz Bible Quiz on Genesis 1-25 Genesis 25 to 50 Bible Quiz Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 21-30. Answers to Genesis 1-11 Questions Question 1: In Genesis 1:5, what was the first day called? Answer: D) The First Day; Explanation: Genesis 1:5 states, "God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there. GENESIS 200 Quiz Questions Page 1 Lesson 101, Chapter 1 1. In what book of the Bible is Abraham first mentioned? Answer: 2. In what scripture verse is found the statement "He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel"? Answer: 3. Who is the human author of Genesis? Answer: 4. "Sin is not _____ where there In today's trivia, "Bible Quiz Genesis 1-50 with Answers," we will share with you a variety of engaging and thought-provoking questions that cover the entire range of events, characters, and teachings found in the first book of the Bible. From the creation story to Joseph's journey in Egypt, this quiz is designed to test your knowledge, deepen. Genesis means coming into being, and that is what the first book of the Bible recounts - the creation of the world we know, its re-creation after the great Flood, and the establishment of the group of people known as the Israelites who have a special relationship with their God.

Bible Quiz, Genesis Book Of Genesis Jacob

The Lord bless you and keep you. 1) How many days did it take for God to create the heavens. and the earth? Bible Reference: (Genesis 1:1-31) a) 7. b) 3. c) 6. d) 12. 2) Who is the son of Abraham through whom the Jewish. These are simple Bible quiz questions that you should know if you have read the Book of Genesis. Print this quiz and the answers . This quiz has been taken 22062 times, with an average score of 55.43% 1.) Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for what? so man can see