German Shepherd Lab Mix Complete Breed Guide Animal Corner

August 10, 2021 John Woods Four words: the perfect family dog. I'm excited to share my insights about this unique breed. It's a designer dog that's a mix between a German shepherd and a Labrador retriever. As you might expect from both parent breeds, it's a large dog with a lot of energy. June 2, 2023 78 A German Shepherd Lab mix, or Sheprador, is a designer hybrid dog. They are a cross between a purebred German Shepherd and a pedigree Labrador Retriever. The Sheprador stands at an average of 24 inches tall and can weigh up to 80 pounds when fully grown.

German Shepherd and Lab Mix

The German Shepherd Lab mix, also referred to as a Sheprador or Labrashepherd, combines two of dogdom's most popular pure breeds into one powerful hybrid package. Crossed between the classic German Shepherd and a bouncy, family-friendly Labrador Retriever, this crossbreed inherited some of the best qualities of both parent breeds. The German Shepherd Lab mix, or Sheprador, is a loving hybrid that is confident and happy-go-lucky. This mix is half German Shepherd and half Labrador Retriever. Some Shepradors have the signature German Shepherd tan and black pattern and others have the solid color pattern of a Labrador Retriever. 20-27 inches Weight: 60-95 pounds Lifespan: 10-12 years Colors: Cream, brown, white, gray, black, red Suitable for: Active families, house with a yard Temperament: Affectionate, protective, loyal, intelligent, energetic These dogs typically take on both of their parents' appearances. The German Shepherd Lab mix is a loyal dog and is also known affectionately as the Sheprador. It's a blend between a purebred German Shepherd Dog (GSD) and a Labrador Retriever. Inheriting traits from both parents, these dogs are intelligent and loyal. They are well known for their guarding abilities and willingness to train.

German Shepherd Lab Mix Complete Breed Guide Animal Corner

The German Shepherd Labrador Mix, aka the Lab German Shepherd Mix, aka the Sheprador, is what you get when a German Shepherd mates with a Labrador (to state the obvious). As these dogs are roughly the same size, the mother can be of either breed as long as she is larger than the father, to ensure against any difficulty in the birthing process. 1 1. Where does the Sheprador come from? 2 2. What is a German Shepherd Lab mix? 3 3. Is the Sheprador a heavy shedder? 4 4. Is the German Shepherd Lab Mix a family dog? 5 5. Is this breed easy to train? 6 6. Are there any special requirements for the German Shepherd Lab mix's care? 7 6. How much does a German Shepherd and Lab mix puppy cost? 8 8. A combination of two of the most adored breeds, the German Shepherd Lab Mix is a marvel in the canine world. Known as the Sheprador, this hybrid breed inherits the sharp intelligence of the German Shepherd and the undying loyalty of the Labrador Retriever. The Lab German Shepherd is a mix of two of the most popular dog breeds in the world: a purebred German Shepherd and a purebred Labrador Retriever. These dogs are known to be the most intelligent, hardworking and active dogs and combining the two genes is a miracle come true.

German Shepherd Lab Mix Everything You Need to Know Before Buying

What Is a German Shepherd Lab Mix? Photo by @myla_germansheprador (IG) A German Shepherd Lab mix is a cross between a purebred German Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever. Also called German Sheprador or Labrashepherd, this medium to large-sized dog is known for being loyal, intelligent, active, and outgoing. Many German Shepherd Lab Mix puppies may represent a combination of colors depending on the colors of the parents. Some will be solid-colored like Labradors while others will have the black markings on the face, back, and legs like a German Shepherd. Depending on the way the genetics fall, determining in advance the type of coat for German. The German Shepherd Lab mix, or Sheprador, is a cross between a full-blooded German Shepherd and a purebred Labrador Retriever. The Sheprador stands at approximately 24 inches high and can consider as much as 80 extra pounds when totally expanded. Shepradors (German Shepherd Lab Mix): Breed Facts & Temperament. The Sheprador also has another name: If the breed name Sheprador doesn't float your boat, you can join the handful of dog-lovers who refer to the breed as Labrashepherds! Personally, we believe the name Sheprador rolls of the tongue a little more naturally.

German Shepherd Labrador Mix Sheprador Puppies, Prices & More

The German Sheprador is a mix between the German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever. They are excellent family dogs as they are easy-going, good-natured and gentle, yet playful. These dogs love to be the center of attention and equally enjoy being fussed over by a crowd or playing tug-of-war one-on-one. The average lifespan for a German Shepherd Lab mix is between 10 and 12 years. This falls in line with the life expectancy of the parent breeds. Generally, larger dogs tend to have a shorter lifespan than smaller ones. Many factors will affect how much time these dogs have.