Seeds for Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Helianthus annuus Amkha Seed

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Helianthus annuus 'Mammoth Grey Stripe' Sunflower)

A giant variety, Helianthus annuus 'Mammoth Grey Stripe' (Common Sunflower) is a tall annual boasting huge flowers, up to 8-12 in. across (20-30 cm), with brilliant golden-yellow petals surrounding a dark chocolate central disk. Giant Gray Striped Sunflowers: Planting Guide by Caralee Fontenele | Dec 17, 2022 | Nuts & Seeds If you want to add a touch of whimsy to your garden, plant some giant gray striped sunflower seeds. These flowers grow to be about 6 feet tall, with large gray and white striped petals. On August 14, 2021 Mammoth sunflower Mammoth sunflowers grow to be GIANT! Mammoth Sunflowers originated in North America and were further developed in Eastern Europe in the 18th century. These classic giant sunflowers easily reach 12 feet in height, with their heavy flowers averaging about one foot across. Giant Gray Stripe Sunflower $ 1.75 Add to Wishlist Add to cart This is the traditional single stem giant Russian sunflower that grows to at least five feet in height, but often much higher. The blooms are typically over a foot wide and packed with seed that makes a tasty snack for birds and people. 20 seeds PLANTING Helianthus annuus Annual

Giant Grey stripe sunflower 25 thru 5 LB seeds bulk birds

The Giant Grey Striped Sunflower variety has a giant yellow flower head, up to 2 feet across on a single, tall stalk, up to 12 feet. The large seeds have the characteristic grey stripes. This is a cultivar of the true North American native that is such a familiar sight. November 13, 2023 Discover the secrets to successfully and for Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflowers. From their physical appearance to the best conditions, planting and tips, and methods, this complete guide has everything you need to know. Description of Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Mammoth sunflowers, also known as giant sunflowers, are sunflowers that have been specifically bred for their large size. They can grow to be up to 12 feet tall, with monstrous blooms that can measure up to 2 feet in diameter. These towering annual plants are a true showstopper in any garden, and are sure to impress anyone who sees them. Plant your seeds at least six inches apart in rows three feet apart, knowing that you will thin them after they germinate. Giant Sunflower Care When your sunflowers are about three inches tall, pluck out the smallest specimens, leaving about 18 inches between the tallest plants.

God's Growing Garden "Giant Gray Stripe" Sunflower Part 3

One of the largest sunflower varieties available, Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower produces flowers up to 14-in. across and huge yields of edible seeds. The high oil content in the seeds makes for a great roasted flavor. An heirloom sunflower variety, Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower is an open-pollinated, annual sunflower that grows 9-12 ft. tall. Along with being huge plants with beautiful, giant flower heads, 'Giant Greystripe' sunflower produces loads of seeds that are the large, edible snacking-type. They are tasty eaten raw or roasted and lightly salted. Perfect for snacking in the shell, or the meats make a nice addition to bread, rolls, or as a topping to green salads. Mammoth Grey Striped. Mammoth Grey Striped is another giant variety of the common sunflower. This heirloom sunflower can grow from 8 to 12 feet in height. Flowers are typically 8 to 12 inches in diameter. Seeds have a grey stripe at maturity. This sunflower will benefit from staking, and can be blown over in heavy winds. Giant Grey Stripe Sunflower is an open-pollinated giant sunflower variety with heads that can get as wide as 20". The head size is usually proportional to planting density, so increase plant spacing for larger heads. This variety produces strong, sturdy stalks that can get as tall as 12'. Plant a row of these to create Giant Grey Stripe Sunflower

Seeds for Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Helianthus annuus Amkha Seed

Giant Grey Stripe Sunflower (Helianthus annuus): For quantities over 500 lbs. (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or click here for a price quote and delivery options. Giant beautiful flowers. These sunflowers can grow tall up to 96+ inches and make great windbreaks. Plant in the full sun for best results. "Giant Gray Stripe" Sunflower - Part 1 Photo by Angie Ouellette-Tower The "Giant Gray Stripe" Sunflower - Part 1 GOOD Here again I have a problem with the name - I don't see a stripe & it is not at all gray - anyway, they are beautiful. I have so many great pictures of this variety that I split it up into 3 parts: Good, Better & Best.