This map uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This map is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. Map of Golarion
Fantasy world map, Pathfinder maps, Fantasy map
Are you looking for a map of Golarion, the world of the Pathfinder role-playing game? Explore the interactive map of the continents, regions, and nations of this fantasy setting, created by the PF-Wikis community. The interactive Golarion Map is a project by members of this wiki community. The source code can be found on GitHub.Discussions of this mapping project occur primarily in the #golarion-mapping channel on our Discord server.. The map. The fullscreen map can be found on GitHub. Geography Continents Golarion contains eight continents amid immense seas. Interactive Golarion Maps Original (slower, more features) Tiled (faster, fewer features) Globe Maps A latitude/longitude graticule has been overlaid on the following Paizo maps to help you place each region on the globe, and orient them relative to other regions. Click on a map to enlarge.
Fanmade Golarion map by DarthSunshine42 on DeviantArt
August 3rd, 2019 I've examined the world map in the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Core Rulebook and have worked out a map projection that reconciles it with the guidance used to develop the current set of latitutde and longitude data. Golarion is the main world of the Pathfinder campaign setting on which much of the events in the game take place. The planet orbits a yellow sun in the far reaches of the multiverse among dozens of other worlds. Third in orbit, this blue planet contains vast oceans and lush green lands, the perfect environment for human cultures to thrive. The revised world map of Golarion Golarion as a globe Printable gore strips so you can build your own globe at home These are links to Imgur and are more or less temporary until my official Golarion Geography web site is updated. Then I'll have a better, more permanent set of links with slightly higher-quality traces. Shop Jobs Sign In This map and four globe views of Golarion was included in the Core Rulebook for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Though the printed map was only a half-page in size, the commissioned map was poster-sized, and contains a great deal of detail that can't be seen in the printed book.
GolarionWorldMap by skrittiblak on DeviantArt
Maps of the world of Golarion. The continent of Garund is in the south, while the continent of Avistan is in the north. Click on either map for a super-sized (VERY detailed) version. Golarion: Same map with 12-mile hexes: page revision: 15, last edited: Giant Map of Golarion 1E Resources Hello everyone, there used to be a giant, high-res map of Golarion on here ( ), but it seems to have been deleted and I can't find my copy of the map anywhere. Was it taken down for some sort of copyright reason or something?
In the center of which, exists an Isle of Terror where the Whispering Tyrant (that ancient lich) rules a kingdom of undead that puts every other nation on edge. The possibilities for playing a. By. DarthSunshine42. Published: Nov 15, 2012. 420 Favourites. 59 Comments. 152.6K Views 1 Collected Privately. This project intends to make a full map of Golarion, the main setting for the Pathfinder RPG. Current only full maps of the Inner Sea and Tian Xia are available. This is an attempt to fill in the blanks that Pazio hasn't yet.
Pathfinder Golarion World Map Map Of Florida
Though countless worlds dot the heavens, spinning around distant suns, the heart of the Pathfinder campaign setting is a vibrant planet called Golarion. In this place, civilizations rise, empires flourish, miracles grace the skies, and unspeakable evils rise from the shadows to cast a cloak of darkness across the shining cities of the ancients. In the region known as the Inner Sea, the present. The environment you create will shape their view of the world, as will the cultures they see, and each place has its own pallet of things to offer.. Check out this fan made Golarion Map for an interactive view of the fantastic map created by Paizo for their main campaign setting. Stavros. Click Below for a full Interactive Map.