HERBS + QUICK TIPS for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People Magic Herbs

31 Everyday Herbs and Spices that You can use in Spells Allspice Correspondences Buy dried allspice for spells. Magickal Properties Luck Money Positivity Medicinal Properties Aids digestion Mild anesthetic Reduces flatulence Basil Correspondences Buy basil anointing oil | basil washes for spells. Magickal Properties Business success Happiness Love This magical kitchen herb can be used in rituals and spells to attract prosperity and financial opportunities. Nutmeg. Nutmeg enhances psychic abilities and intuition. Practitioners commonly use it in divination rituals or meditation practices to deepen one's connection to the spiritual realm and gain insights.

10 Herbs for Healing Spells Magic herbs, Herbal magic, Healing herbs

Angelica Root. Sprinkle the Angelica Root (also known as Archangel) in the four corners of your house, at the entryways and on the window panes to ward off evil. You may also add Angelica to your bath to remove any hexes or curses that have been placed on you. Bloodroot. The Doctrine of Signatures One of the ways that our ancestors discovered the magical associations of plants was through the Doctrine of Signatures. The Doctrine of Signatures is the herbalist's understanding that some plants will physically resemble the condition they are meant to address. Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection and can be used in incenses for sleep and meditation. Sprinkle it around your home to ward against psychic or magical attack. If you're a gambler, wash your hands in chamomile tea to ensure good luck at the gaming tables. Most Important Herbs and Plants for Spells Aloe Vera Anise Basil Bergamot Caraway Catnip Chamomile Cinnamon Clove Clover Dill Fennel Frankincense Galangal Garlic Ginger Heather High John The Conquerer Jasmine Lavender Lemon Balm Lilac Marigold Marjoram

Printable Herb Profiles Book of Shadows Pages Herb Etsy Witchcraft

Here are the suggested meanings and uses of some popular ritual herbs: Agrimony - ancient herb of healing, restoration, and benevolent protection ( full article) Alfalfa - good fortune, money magick, healing and cleansing infusions ( full article) Angelica - warding and banishing, angelic magick, summoning strength ( full article) Noted herbalist Nicolas Culpeper recommends "a decoction made with the flowers of Lavender, Horehound, Fennel and Asparagus root, and a little Cinnamon" to help with epilepsy and other disorders of the brain. Tincture of lavender has been officially recognized as a treatment in the British Pharmacopceia for two centuries. The purpose of herbs is more than to add flavor or an extra 'oomph' to your dish. Now, what makes using herbs different from herbal magic? The secret is that magic is based on one thing: intention. According to Scott Cunningham, writer of magical herbs, the foundation "of herb magic -and all magic- is the power." Here are a few popular herbs to use in spells: Basil: Basil is associated with protection, healing, and love. It can be used to create protective wards, to heal the sick, or to attract love. Chamomile: Chamomile is associated with calmness, peace, and relaxation. It can be used to calm the nerves, to promote relaxation, or to induce sleep.

Healing Jar Spell Jar spells, Wiccan magic, Herbal magic

2 oz dried angelica ⭐. Great for use in protection spells βšͺ. Grind and add to carpet sprinkles for home protection 🏠. 1 lb by weight βš–οΈ. Steep in boiling water for 10 minutes and add to your bathwater for protection πŸ›€πŸ½. Perfect for working with the Angels πŸ‘ΌπŸ½. 1 ounces of dried angelica root ⭐. Anti-Hex powder - .5 oz. Explore Popular pages Community in: Info, Material Info Wiccan Herbs and Spices Edit Many botanical, herbs, resins and spices can have powerful effects on the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. The herbs on this list are intended for ritual use and are not intended to mitigate or treat any health conditions. Ingested herbal magic takes the form of teas, food, or any other way you'd like to ingest the herb. This type of use of Wiccan herbs will be the primary focus of the spell. Your magic with the herbs will happen at the time of the spell, for example, making a love tea, which can then be drunk at any time afterward to complete the spell. Use the herb in protection jars, spells and rituals to make them more powerful. 12 herbs for protection. Now let's look at 12 powerful herbs that you can use for protection in your own life: 1. Rosemary. Native to the Mediterranean, Rosemary is an all-purpose herb that is commonly used in protective and healing spells.

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Rosemary is specifically one of the best protection herbs for purification purposes. If you need to cleanse something, burn rosemary in the air, or keep a small satchel of rosemary around your home. You can also brew a potion (even just water and rosemary works well) to cleanse your hands before performing a ritual. 34. Salt Ash - Spells relating to the sea, protection, and luck. Make your Yule log from ash and burn to brings prosperity. Yggdrasil was an Ash tree. Element water. Basil - Also called witches herb. Use in spells for Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Associated with Imbolc. Aids astral projection. Element Fire.