Pipe wrench pliers Steps: Turn off the main power switch on the boiler and the main water supply to the boiler. Hook up a hose and water pump to the boiler's draw-off valve to drain down the water in the boiler. If possible, pump the water into a utility sink or extend the hose outdoors. Find a spot for the new water heater. Gas Water Heaters; Electric Water Heaters; Indirect Water Heaters; Boilers & Volume Water Heaters; Storage Tanks; Find Commercial Contractor; Resources. Spec, Manuals, & Parts Lists; Warranty Center; Right Spec ® Sizing & Cross Reference Tools; Revit ® eF Series ® Calculator; Tank Size Calculator; Piping Diagrams; For The Pro ® Bulletins.
Benefits of an Indirect Water Heater, Wayland & Dover
The Lochinvar SSS series indirect water heater (FIG. 1-1) is designed to generate domestic hot water in conjunction with a hot water boiler using forced boiler water circulation. This indirect water heater consists of a 444 Stainless Steel tank in which a smooth 304 stainless steel coil is located. The minimum pipe size for connecting to a water storage tank is 1 1⁄2". The minimum pipe size for connecting the boiler is 1 1⁄2" for the Mod Con 300 VWH and 2" for the 500 and 850 models. All pumps are shown with isolation flanges or full port ball valves for isolation. 2.1 Installation checklist 2.2 System zone control 2.3 Priority or non-priority for hot water 2.3.1 Option 1 - Priority 2.3.2 Option 2 - Non-priority 2.4 Locating the water heater 2.5 Temperature and pressure relief valve 2.6 Additional recommended components 2.7 Removing the existing domestic water heating system 2.8 Water quality 3.0 Piping Hot Water Can Scald! • Water heated to temperature for clothes washing, dish washing and other sanitizing needs can scald and cause permanent injury. • Children, elderly, and infirmor physically handicapped persons are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water. Never leave them unattended in bathtub or shower.
Indirect Water Heaters Firstcallplumbingandheating
Presented by John BarbaEver wonder how you can get the most out of an indirect water heater? In this fast-paced, fact-filled presentation, you'll learn how t. The heat transfer medium must be water or other nontoxic fluid having a toxicity rating or class of 1, as listed in Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th edition. The pressure of the heat transfer medium must be limited to a maximum of 30 PSIG by an approved safety or relief valve. 100307474_2000559957_Rev B. EPJ SERIES INDIRECT WATER HEATERS - Installation and Service Manual 8 Water Piping Section 3 3.1 BOILER WATER PIPING Connect boiler out (hot) supply piping to the "BOILER WATER IN" fitting on the tank. The "BOILER WATER OUT" fitting on the tank should be piped to the boiler return. Use Teflon tape, pipe dope, or both on all 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: sreduce piping heat loss. sprovide minimum friction loss. Install levelling legs 1. Carefully tip the water heater onto its side. 2. Screw the four levelling legs into the base. 3. Return the water heater to the upright position and set in place. 4.
[DIAGRAM] Hot Water Piping Diagrams
This is the manufacturer installation and operator document for the Squire Indirect Water Heater, a high-efficiency product from Lochinvar, LLC. It provides detailed instructions, diagrams, and safety precautions for installing and operating the water heater. Download the pdf to learn more about this innovative and durable device. and an indirect gas fired water heater (FIG's 2-2 and 2-3). NOTICE See the Water Heater's Installation and Operation manual for specific piping diagrams that match the inlet / outlet water tappings on the tank to the inlet / outlet water tappings on the water heater. Tapping locations on the water heater may vary by product or manufacturer.
3.4 Zone valve system (residential only) IBC recommends using minimum size 1" pipe and 1" full-port zone valves with a high CV on the water heater zone to ensure adequate flow. Page 26: Electrical The temperature sensor supplied with the IBC indirect water heater is an NTC Thermistor type with a resistance of 10,000 ohms at 25°C and β = 3892. located on top of the indirect water heater. - See Section V of this manual for details. Burn Hazard. This indirect water heater contains very hot water under high pressure. Do not unscrew any pipe fittings nor attempt to disconnect any components without positively assuring the water is cool and has no pressure.
[DIAGRAM] Indirect Water Heater Piping Diagram
Indirect-Fired Storage Water Heater Models HWT-40, HWT-60, HWT-80, HWT-120 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Contents Heater Package includes: Fully insulated oven glazed titanium glass lined tank with temperature control well installed. Temperature control adjustable up to 145°F. WARNING - HOT WATER CAN SCALD! Figure 2 The First Secondary The schematic in Figure 1 shows the indirect tank piped as a secondary circuit. Notice that the indirect is connected upstream of any secondary circuits serving space heating loads. This ensures the tank's heat exchanger gets the hottest water available when operating.