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Here is a quick 10-question multiple choice lab safety quiz that tests how well you understand safe procedures in the science lab. Download and print the PDF quiz or just take the quiz right here and check your answers. The answers and explanations are below the quiz. Lab Safety Quiz Select the best answer to each question: Name: _______________________________ ? Lab Safety Worksheet Look at the cartoons and answer the questions concerning lab safety. Lab Safety Scenarios Read through each scenario. Under the scenario, write which lab safety rule is being broken. During the lab in class, Carlos realizes his group needs more chemicals.

Recognizing Lab Safety Worksheet Answer Key Printable Word Searches

Download PDF Lab classes present unique challenges and opportunities. This worksheet can help students understand safe lab practices and good techniques. If the PDF does not display below, you may also download it here. You May Also Like Glass Disposal Boxes, Pack of 6 2 Products $53.95 - $77.85 Combination Emergency Shower and Eye/Face Wash These laboratory worksheets cover the parts of lab equipment, safety signs, and other concepts in the science lab. The free worksheets are in PDF, PNG, and Google Apps formats for downloading, printing, or completing online. Lab Safety Signs Worksheets Practice identifying important lab safety signs. This series of worksheets will help students learn their way around a science lab. We will emphasis the important nature of lab safety across these worksheets. We begin by learning all the names of the lab equipment and what each piece is used for. We review the basic units of measurement that you will come across frequently in your experiments. A safety test can provide the necessary assurance that both the student and teacher are upholding their end of this impor-tant responsibility. Included is a blank Science Laboratory Safety Test as well as a Teacher Answer Key. The Science Laboratory Safety Test and additional safety materials are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc.

Lab Safety Worksheet Pdf

Answer Key: SpongeBob, Patrick, and Gary were thrilled when Mr. Krabbs gave their teacher a chemistry set! Mr. Krabbs warned them to be careful and reminded them to follow the safety rules they had learned in science class. The teacher passed out the materials and provided each person with an experiment book. Possible applications include: In-Class Review/Formal Assessment Provide students with a copy of the worksheet. Each scenario is accompanied by 2 questions. Assign the questions to students as an in-class review or as a formative assessment after you've concluded your instruction on laboratory safety. Instructor-Led Discussion Major General Laboratory Safety Rules and Reasons (Continued) RULE REASON(s) Wear eye protection, aprons or lab coats, Fragments of glass or harmful substances can closed-toe shoes and other damage eyes. Clothing should be protected to safety protection as directed by your teacher minimize risk of fire or burning, or other harm. These experiments are designed to be used in college or university level laboratory courses, and should not be conducted unless there is an appropriate level of supervision, safety training, personal protective equipment and other safety facilities available for users. The publisher and authors believe that the lab experiments described in this

50 Lab Safety Worksheet Answers

Cartoon on Lab Safety Answer Key Questions: 1. List 3 unsafe activities showsn in the illustration and explain why each is unsafe. Jim drinking, Sue's Hair, Duke using direct sunlight and many other unsafe procedures can be found 2. List 3 correct lab procedures depicted in the illustration. Engineering Safety Activity—Lab Safety Rules Assessment Answer Key 1 Lab Safety Rules Assessment Answer Key For each question, circle the letter or letters that best answer the question. 1. Which clothing items should not be worn while in the lab? Circle all that apply. A. Safety googles B. Open-toed shoes C. Long necklaces ANSWER KEY 1. Important eye equipment for lab work. safety goggles 2.-3. Neither of these should be in your mouth when working in a lab (2 answers) food or gum 4. Where to go if a fire starts in a lab nearest exit 5. You should always wear these to protect your hands gloves 6. What chemicals can do to you if not handled carefully (3 possible. 9. What is the purpose of a safety shower? 10. Why should you not run if you catch on fire? 11. Why should you use a hot plate instead of a Bunsen burner when flammable chemicals are present in a chemistry lab? 12. How should you properly smell a chemical? 13. To prevent poisoning, what three items should NEVER be taken into the lab? 1 2 3 14.

Lab Safety Quiz Worksheet

Lab Safety - Science Safety Rules w/ SpongeBob (pdf) - Students identify safety rules that SpongeBob and his pals broke as they performed experiments. Download includes notes for the teacher and an answer key. An additional slide challenges students to find mistakes illustrated in a science lab image. Science is a hands-on laboratory class. You will be doing many laboratory activi-ties which require the use of hazardous chemicals. Safety in the science classroom is the #1 priority for students, teachers, and parents. To ensure a safe science classroom, a list of rules has been developed and pro-vided to you in this student safety contract.