Buy Lavender Loose Tea. Great For A Calming Herbal Tea. Can Also Be Used For Cooking. BWFO Is A Family Owned Business Based Within The UK. Free UK Delivery For Orders Over £30. Quick Overview of Lavender Wyandotte Chickens Origin: America Type: Standard Large Fowl Size: Heavy (7-8 lbs) Rarity: Extremely Rare Purpose: Dual Purpose (Egg Laying and Meat) Color: Lavender Egg Laying: Good (4/week, 200/year) Egg Color: Cream Egg Size: Medium/Large Unique Feature: Rose Comb Cold Hardiness: Excellent Heat Tolerance: Good
any one with pics of Lavender Wyandotte s Page 3
Black split to lavender chicks are expressed as BLACK and are capable of producing lavender offspring. Wyandottes︱Greenfire Farms Watch on Hatching Eggs - When hatching eggs from this breed, you want to thoroughly check the chicks that hatch for the presence of feathers on the legs. They are large, fluffy, and have a lot of feathers. They have no beards, no muffs, single red combs, and red wattles. At one point in the past, Lavender Orpingtons could lay as many as 340 eggs per year. But these days, they average 150-200 light brown eggs per year. Wyandottes are one of the most strikingly beautiful chickens to grace a backyard flock. Developed in New York, they are quiet, easy to manage and one of the most winter hardy of all breeds. APPROX. 245 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR EGG COLOR: CREAM MATURE WT: MALE 7 LBS. FEMALE 5 LBS. The Lavender Wyandotte are a stunning looking bird that carry a nice even colour of lavender. They are a rare colour in the UK and the above pictures are the birds that we won our classes with at the shows in 2019. Lavender Wyandotte Bantam Breed Characteristics
6+ Greenfire Farms Lavender Wyandotte DayOld Chicks (Auction ID
Early stages of Lavender Wyandottes showing some specimens with the tail shredder gene. Created by Allan Brooker - Lavender is now standardised (Jan. 2014) by the Poultry Club of G.B.. The hatchability of chicken eggs is as essential for backyard chicken keepers as it is for commercial flocks, especially when you have a limited number of. The Lavender Wyandotte it a fairly new colour and not yet recognised by the Wyandotte standard. They have a heavily feathered, round body, with a rose comb. The cockerel and hen are very similar in feather colour, with blue/pink body feathers and silver neck and mantle. They look stunning when in a family group. Add some royalty to your flock!! Our breeders currently consist of Greenfire Farms line rooster over 8th generation breeding Lavender Wyandotte Hens from an unrelated line. This cross has added much needed genetic diversity, and has resulted in strong,vigorous chicks. Leg coloring has improved greatly this generation but still a work in progress. The Wyandotte name comes from the Northeastern tribe of Native Americans, the Wyandotte Nation. In the 21st Century a new wonderful color was added to the Wyandotte gene pool, Allan Brooker, a Briton spent a decade breeding Wyandottes and was able to create the most convincing lavender chicken anyone had ever seen.
Lavender Wyandotte Chicks For Sale Feather Lover Farms
Underlying the colours of laced Wyandottes are a few well known colour genes. Gold and its converse, Silver; Blue and its homozygote (blue splashed) White; Dominant White, which makes black or blue go white and Mahogany which adds a rich reddish dark brown to gold. Gold laced pullet breeding cockerel. Our Lavender Wyandotte's are stunning and curious birds. Much time has been spent to stewarding this rare color of Wyandotte. These birds are a very nice size and type. To date, all chicks have hatched with beautiful yellow legs. Please note that quality Wyandotte's take longer to mature, but are well worth the wait! It's typical for hens to start producing between 7-10 months of age.
Lavender Wyandottes are bred to carry beautiful feathers while maintaining their reputation as excellent egg-laying chickens. The Wyandotte also makes our list of the largest chicken breeds. Lavender Ameraucana Ameraucanas are another popular choice for backyard farmers. They are excellent dual-purpose birds. Meat production: Good Cold tolerance: Exceptional Heat tolerance: Poor-moderate Predator evasion: Moderate Foraging ability: Good Toleration for confinement: Moderate-high Temperament: Friendly (but some roosters aggressive) Aggression toward flock members: Low-moderate Noise level: Moderate-high
Created in the North-Eastern US it is a firm favorite of many homesteaders for its reliability in producing eggs and meat. It has the distinction of being the first American breed specifically bred to be dual purpose. It is a beautifully marked heritage bird. Lavender Wyandotte chickens are one of the most beautiful and beloved breeds of chicken around. Originally developed in the United States in the 1880s, these birds boast a striking purple-tinged lavender hue that many owners find absolutely stunning.