44 Best Photos Black Long Haired German Shepherd Puppies Large Long

Absolutely stunning world class long haired German Shepherd puppies for sale, these dogs are absolutely gorgeous and pretty rare..check them out today! Call Us Today At (815) 653-1900 . Home; Info. German Shepherds with longer coats are no different than a normal coated German Shepherd in any way, other than the length of the coat.. German Shepherd Dog & Poodle are Top Five Most Popular Dog Breeds The German Shepherd Dog and the Poodle were ranked fourth and fifth on the AKC's Most Popular Dog Breeds 2022 list. Learn about what makes these breeds special from the Managing Editor of the AKC Gazette, Bud Boccone.

44 Best Photos Black Long Haired German Shepherd Puppies Large Long

The long-haired GSD has a long coat that is similar to a combination coat. This means the coat is long and silky in some places but short in others. For the long-haired GSD, the coat is long everywhere except the face and the fronts of the legs. The ears are covered with short hair as well as tufts of longer hair. You will end up paying anywhere from $500-$1500 for a Long Haired German Shepherd puppy. Age: Price: Puppy: $500-$1500: Adult: $300-$500: Adoption: $75-$350: Buyer's Tips. If you are getting your puppy from a breeder then make sure they are reputable and screen for avoid conditions like hip dysplasia. Where do long haired German Shepherds come from? Historically, German Shepherds originated in Germany and were native sheepdogs. In 1899, a dog club called the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. was founded by Captain Max von Stephanitz. He firmly believed that the standard of the German Shepherd breed should not include dogs with long hair. Longer-coated Shepherds can be more expensive than standard German Shepherds. The GSD price is mainly determined by the hair color rather than the long hair itself. The cost varies widely, with the price being as low as $700 and as high as $3,500. Long-haired Shepherds will be known from birth.

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FOR SALE. GALLERY. VIDEOS. PUPPY DEPOSIT AGREEMENT. MALE vs FEMALE. History of the German Shepherd. SPAY AND NEUTERING. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT A GERMAN SHEPHERD. TRAITS AND TEMPERAMENTS. Cleveland German Shepherds. At Cleveland German Shepherds we strive to produce some of the best long haired German Shepherds in the country. To do this we carefully select all of our breeding dogs to make sure they come from World Class Champion Lines with great health and amazing temperaments. In doing this we can carefully select the traits. Long haired German Shepherd puppies are less common than short haired. This is because, in German Shepherds, the gene which codes for short hair is dominant, and the gene which codes for long hair is recessive. This means that short haired German Shepherds can also carry the gene, without expressing it in their coats. Some breeders consider the. The Long-haired German Shepherd Isn't Recognized. The American Kennel Club acknowledges but does not recognize the long hair variety of German Shepherd. The long hair is considered a fault, but these dogs are acknowledged by the Kennel Club of the UK as well as the FCI. 3. The Long-haired GSD Has an Undercoat

a fluffy dog laying on top of a rock next to grass and rocks with green

Feel free to Visit our Ranch in Pennsylvania to see for yourself. Note:The long hair gene in the German Shepherd Dog breed is considered a recessive gene - some refer to it as the "coat factor".. In order to have long coated GSD puppies, each of the parent dogs must carry the recessive "coated" gene for long coated GSD pups to be produced. 22-26 inches. 65-90 pounds. 9-13 years. German Shepherd Dog characteristics. Haus-Neufus. Our German Shepherd Dogs can be used for showing in conformation, obedience, agility, protection, schutzhund sport or simply as a great family companion. The terms that describe the Long Coated Shepherd Dog here at Haus-Neufus are quality, character, nobility, intelligence, soundness, loyalty, correct structure and beauty. Wolfgang von Wolken is a gorgeous 3-4 year old long haired German Shepherd. Hendrix von Haiming is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. Kagen von Kretz is a stunning 3 year old black and red German Shepherd. NO CATS or small dogs. Graham von Granzin is a very handsome 2 year old Shepherd mix.

Long Haired German Shepherd Puppies & Everything You Should Know

Male long-haired German Shepherds grow to the height of 24 to 26 inches and can weigh 66 to 88 pounds. Female long-haired German Shepherds are smaller in size when compared to the males and grow to the height of 22 to 24 inches and weigh 51 to 73 pounds at a healthy weight. The visible difference remains the length and texture of the hair. The long-haired German shepherd dog is a purebred variety of the 'normal' German shepherd which traditionally has a short or medium-length coat. These beautiful dogs look very elegant, but they still have the lovable, reliable, and intelligent personality of the 'normal' German shepherd.