LongHaired Miniature Dachshund The Ultimate Purebred Icon

We Double Dog Dare Ya to Stop By & Play Today! Petland Henderson Has The Perfect Puppy For You. The long-haired Dachshund looks similar to the short-haired variety except they have longer hair. Most will have long hair on their ears, legs, skirts, and tails. Their body will also have long hair.

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The Long-Haired Dachshund is a feisty little wiener dog with long and wavy hair. Dachshunds are very popular house hounds because they are one of the few hunting hounds that fit perfectly into a domestic lifestyle. This breed is very popular with people who live in big cities as they are well adapted to live indoors but still thrive outside. About the Breed The famously long, low silhouette, ever-alert expression, and bold, vivacious personality of the Dachshund have made him a superstar of the canine kingdom. Dachshunds come in. The long-haired Dachshund is one of three recognized types of Dachshunds. Apart from the obvious difference in coat type, they are very similar in most other respects. The other two types are the wire-haired Dachshund and the more common short or smooth-haired Dachshund. Breed Overview Height: 14 - 19 inches (standard); 12-15 inches (miniature) What is a Long Haired Dachshund? Dachshunds are toy sized dogs with hound personalities. They have long bodies, short legs and a narrow muzzle. The long-haired Dachshund has an elegant, flowing coat. In fact, it is one of three Dachshund coat varieties, which can all be found in either the standard or miniature breed.

39+ Long Haired Dachshund Breeder Picture Bleumoonproductions

A Long-Haired Dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied dog breed with a long, fluffy, silky coat, big feathery ears, long nose, deep muscular chest and a loud bark. Known to be stubborn, spirited and courageous, they were originally bred in Germany to hunt badgers. What Is a Long Haired Dachshund? A long haired Dachshund is one of the three coat varieties of the standard Dachshund breed. These dogs have long, silky hair that can either be straight or slightly wavy. They usually have longer hair on their ears, chest, legs, and undersides of the body. Characteristics A wire-haired dachshund A typical dachshund is long-bodied and muscular with short stubby legs. Its front paws are disproportionately large, being paddle-shaped and particularly suitable for digging. Its skin is loose enough not to tear while tunneling in tight burrows to chase prey. Long-haired dachshunds are the long-haired version of the adorable and beloved dachshund breed. They're spunky, affectionate dogs who also have a stubborn streak. Their nicknames include "wiener dog," "sausage dog," and "doxie." Once upon a time, long-haired dachshunds were hunting dogs that braved badger dens.

Long Haired Dachshund Dog Photograph by Mary Evans Picture Library Pixels

A Long Haired Dachshund is a small dog. The standard Dachshund is a hound-type dog with a long body; short powerful stubby legs; big paddle shaped paws that are good for digging in earth; and has a long thin tail. Sometimes referred to as a: Weiner dog, Sausage dog, Doxie Or the Badger dog from Germany A Brief History Of The Long Haired Dachshund The Long-Haired Dachshund is a medium breed dog on short legs. The coat should be soft, straight or only slightly waved, forming attractive feathering on the backs of legs, ears and tail. 1 of 5 Lifespan 12-16 years Weight 9 - 12kg Height 33 - 37cm Colours The Dachshund, or the Doxie, is a popular purebred hunting dog that stole the hearts of many people all around the world with their feisty temperament and distinctive appearance. Though Doxies may prove to be a handful in certain aspects, they are people-oriented pups with exceptional devotion and love for their humans. The long-haired dachshund is considered to be a moderate and seasonal shedder, meaning they shed their coat 4 times a year as the seasons change. Generally, long-haired dachshunds are considered fairly low maintenance and only need grooming once or twice a week and nail clipping monthly.

Long Haired Doxen / Long Haired Dachshund Care Guide Colors Temperament

A long-haired Miniature Dachshund is a smaller version of the standard-sized Dachshunds with long, silky hair intended to help them hunt during the cold seasons. They are called by many names including Sausage dog and Wiener dog, but they are bred for the same reason - to hunt and trail wild animals.. 1. Dachshunds Go by Many Names Many consider Doxins as a great companion pet; that's why they earned a lot of nicknames or aliases. Here are they: Wiener-Dog Dachshund Dashie Dachel Teckel Dachsels Doxin Dog Doxen Doxen Dog Doxie Doxie Dog Doxhund Hot Dog Sausage Dog In the United States, they are more popularly known as Dachshunds.