Mega Charizard Y by Xous54 on DeviantArt

Looking for Mega Charizard Y? We Have Almost Everything on eBay. We've Got Your Back With eBay Money-Back Guarantee. Enjoy Mega Charizard Y You Can Trust. Charizard ( Japanese: リザードン Lizardon) is a dual-type Fire / Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation I . It evolves from Charmeleon starting at level 36. It is the final form of Charmander . Charizard has three forms: Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Gigantamax Charizard.

Pixilart Mega Charizard Y by Anonymous

Weight 100.5 kg Gender / Ability Drought Versions Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents. It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything. However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponentweaker than itself. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style 0006 Charizard Fire Flying Mega Charizard Y is able to use Drought and its high Special Attack stat to become a fierce wallbreaker. Access to Solar Beam allows it to muscle through bulky Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Rotom-Wash, while Focus Blast hits Heatran and Tyranitar for a ton of damage. Charizard is a Fire / Flying type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Charizard is a large dragon-like Pokémon, mainly orange in color. It has two large wings, the underside of which are turquoise. Like Charmander and Charmeleon, it has a flame at the end of its tail. Charmander (Fall 2019) Forms There are 3 different forms of Charizard: Normal Mega Evolution X Mega Evolution Y Mega Charizard Y Raid Guide Mega Charizard Y has previously been Raid Boss in Mega Raids. Raid Tier 1 Boss CP 12,326 Suggested players 1 Boss HP 600 Caught CP range 2,449 - 2,546 Caught CP (boosted) 3,061 - 3,182 Minimum IVs

Mega Charizard Y by WyattGuzman on Newgrounds

Mega Charizard X. Mega Charizard Y 0006. Type. Fire. Dragon. Weakness. Ground. Rock. Dragon. Height 1.7 m. Category Flame Pokémon. Weight 110.5 kg. Gender / Ability Tough Claws Ability Tough Claws Powers up moves that make direct contact. Versions. Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents.. Mega Charizard Y | Pokemon GO Wiki - GamePress Advertisement GamePress Mega Charizard Y Last Updated: October 24, 2023 | Submit Feedback or Error Raid Guides Mega Charizard Y Raid Counter Guide Mega Charizard Y Raid Duo Guide Table of Contents Movesets Type Chart Min/Max CP Click for Charizard Original Shiny Pokemon Ratings Mega Charizard Y - Pokemon X and Y Guide - IGN Pokemon X and Y Guide Pokemon X and Y Guide Mega Charizard Y By Hector Madrigal , aRowlingStone , Casey , +40.9k more updated Jan 9, 2014. Mega Charizard Y--one of two amplified versions of one of the most popular Pokemon in franchise history-- has been named as the latest Pokemon Go mega raid, running from March 22 until March 26.

Pokemon Mega Charizard Y

Regular; Mega X; Mega Y; Shadow; Mega Y Charizard is a Fire and Flying-type Pokémon. Mega Y Charizard is weak to Rock, Electric, and Water-type moves.. Mega Y Charizard has a Max CP of 5037 in Pokémon GO, it is weather boosted by Sunny and Windy weather, and it was originally found in the Kanto region. Shiny Mega Y Charizard is available in Pokémon GO. Flavor Text. It is said that Charizard's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles. When expelling a blast of superhot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely. Its wings can carry this Pokémon close to an altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very high temperatures. charizard-mega-y #10035. Base Exp. 285. medium-slow. fire / flying . Type. 1.7 m. Height. 100.5 kg. Weight. Evolution Chain. charmander. generation-i. charmeleon. generation-i. Lv 16. charizard. generation-i.. If CHARIZARD be­ comes furious, the flame at the tip of its tail flares up in a whitish- blue color. silver: Breathing intense, hot. Mega Charizard Y is a ferocious wallbreaker in National Dex because of its sky high Special Attack stat, great ability in Drought, and passable Speed tier that lets it threaten much of the metagame. Drought sets Mega Charizard Y apart by boosting its Fire-type moves, weakening Water-type moves, ands also letting it use Solar Beam effectively.


Terminology. Mega Evolution is described as a phenomenon as well as the transformed Pokémon. The related verb is Mega Evolve.. The Mega Evolved Pokémon are identified by having "Mega" in front of their name, such as Mega Altaria or Mega Ampharos.In the case of Charizard and Mewtwo, each of them has two Mega Evolutions with either the letter X or Y after the species name: Mega Charizard X. What is Mega Charizard Y in Pokémon Go? (Image credit: The Pokémon Company) The final evolution of the Fire type starter from Gen I, Charizard has not one, but two Mega Evolutions. Mega Charizard X is certainly the more interesting of the two thanks to its Dragon typing, but novelty aside, Mega Charizard Y is the better performing of the two.