pin by alicia kennedy on words mood ring colors mood ring color mood

Amber: Nervous, unhappy, cool Green: Average, calm Blue: Emotions are charged, active, relaxed Violet: Passionate, excited, very happy Black: Tense, nervous (or broken crystal) Gray: Strained, anxious The color of the warmest temperature is violet or purple. The color of the coolest temperature is black or gray. How Mood Rings Work Mood rings change colors based on your body temperature and indicates a person's metaphysical strengths and weaknesses based on their mood. They're made of thermochromic liquid crystal in a shell of Quartz. Did you know there are positive and negative aura colors?

Mood Ring Colors and Meanings

Let's get into it! History of Mood Rings? Are Mood Rings Accurate? What Do Mood Ring Colors Mean? Violet Mood Ring Meaning Red Mood Ring Meaning Blue Mood Ring Meaning Blue-Green Mood Ring Meaning Green Mood Ring Meaning Yellow Mood Ring Meaning Amber Mood Ring Meaning Brown Mood Ring Meaning Gray Mood Ring Meaning Black Mood Ring Meaning 1 Purple is a color that can have many different meanings. It has been described as the best color for a mood ring because it contains so many different shades. The meaning changes depending on the shade and how dark or light it is. It can be used to represent love, intelligence, peace, and others. It's also a royal color. Discover The Symbolisms & Meanings Editorial Team Published On: November 29, 2023 1758 words 8.9 min read Ever glanced at your mood ring and noticed it's turned a mysterious shade of purple? You're not alone in wondering what that could possibly mean about your inner emotions. Dark Blue The dark blue mood ring color meaning is one of deep calm and complete serenity. When you see your mood ring is dark blue, it's an indicator of true inner peace and mindfulness. Light Blue Like dark blue, a light blue mood ring color means you're feeling calm and relaxed, just maybe not as deeply as dark blue indicates.

Mood Ring Purple

The color is the key! Can Mood Jewelry Really Tell What You're Feeling? So, how do mood rings work? Scientifically, mood rings and other mood jewelry activate their color in response to the wearer's body temperature and the temperature of his surroundings rather than his emotions. So, the question is: can it tell what you're feeling? It's possible. Orange: Upset. The same basic feelings with yellow are amped up when the ring turns orange, and it often suggests nervousness, stress, or confusion. Light Green: A modest but unconcerning level of anxiety. Light-green could suggest mild jealousy or stress, or it could suggest a guarded or alert demeanor. Green: Relaxed. Mood rings can change into a variety of colors, and it is believed that each color is associated with a different emotion or mood. Common colors that mood rings can change include blue, green, yellow, orange and purple. Each color has its own unique meaning and interpretation. The traditional mood ring color meanings are as follows: Blue: relax. Blue on the mood ring is associated with calm and relaxation, as well as feelings of joy. This color is often associated with trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, wisdom, faith, truth, and heaven. It is a color that symbolizes reliability. When a mood ring is blue, it usually means that the wearer is calm and happy.

pin by alicia kennedy on words mood ring colors mood ring color mood

Violet and pink mood ring stones can indicate passion or extreme tension. However, these colors and black could just mean your hands are hot because of the weather. Black: Usually, the "cold" color of a mood ring is black or brown. This is also the color of a broken mood ring. High temperature breaks a mood ring, but water can ruin it too. Purple Mood Ring Color Meanings. The color purple in a mood ring is associated with a range of meanings, each adding a layer to its majesty. Here are some of the common interpretations: Love and Romance: Purple is often associated with love and romance. It's the color of a heart full of love, a mind filled with romantic thoughts. The most common color for a mood ring to turn is between green and blue. Black Fear, Stressed, Nothing, Angst, Serious, Overworked, Stormy, Depressed, Intense Brown Nervous, Anxious, Cool, Cautious, Distracted, Mellow, So-So Orange Unsettled, Nervous, Mixed, Confused, Upset, Challenged, Indignant Green Keep in mind that mood rings are sensitive to dampness and water. Water seeping through the primary crystal of a mood ring usually results in the untimely demise of the ring. The crystal changes to black and stops responding when it comes into contact with water. After then, it stops reacting to temperature fluctuations or changing its color.


The color means that you're worried, stressed, or overworked. You're not in a good place emotionally and really need to take a bit of time out to relax. Mixed - Sometimes mood rings will show a mix of colors, like blue and green, purple and amber, purple and violet, and orange, yellow and green for example. That's totally fine. Here is a complete list of mood ring color meanings. Purple mood ring meaning: Romantic, passionate, excited, happy. Green mood ring meaning: Curious, mixed emotions, relaxed. Blue mood ring meaning: Calm, relaxed, inspired, happy. What does black mean on a mood ring: Melancholy, tense, nervous, painful. What does pink mean on a mood ring.