Your name in Japanese katakana. To get started, enter your name in English. Translation Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
10 Nomes Japoneses Populares 2015 Curiosidades do Japão
What is my name in Japanese? We will look at several strategies to figure out your name in Japanese. Learn more Convert your name to Japanese (Kanji/Katakana). You can also purchase the product printed with your name conversion. Find The Perfect Gift For A Japan Lover! English spellings such as Yuuki, Yuki and Yūki are included. These English transcriptions are also searchable. e.g. English transcriptions are assisted by the power of AI. If you find anything unusual, please let us know via the Contact form! First Name Search Last Name Search From Japanese 秋 ( aki) meaning "autumn" or 昭 ( aki) meaning "bright" combined with 絵 ( e) meaning "picture, painting" or 恵 ( e) meaning "favour, benefit". Other kanji combinations can also form this name. Akihiko 明彦, 昭彦, あきひこ m Japanese From Japanese 明 ( aki) or 昭 ( aki) both meaning "bright" combined with 彦 ( hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Common English Names in Japanese. If you're like 99% of most people… you're lazy. You just want the translation. Well, look below. If I don't have yours, leave a comment below and I will add it! So, hopefully I got your Japanese name in there. Now, you can start speaking basic Japanese and go introduce yourself as…
80+ Pretty Japanese Girl Names (With Meanings)
Japanese Options Type to translate. Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator. Dictionary Click on a word to look it up. Looking for English to Japanese phrases for different life situations? You've come to the right place! Greetings and basic phrases Hello こんにちは How are you? お元気ですか? A work in progress that will be update periodically, this list of Japanese/English baby names for boys and girls is a mix of "western" names as well as Japanese names that I think could work well abroad and in Japan. Updates 2023.5.31 Update: Added more names to the list! Japanese Name Translation and transcription | Namsor Analyse and convert Japanese names Namsor provides a name translator and a specialized name processing technology dedicated to analyzing names in the Japanese language. Convert a Japanese name to Latin It attempts to transliterate real natural English to katakana more accurately than most of the other transliterators out there. It does this by using a combination of dictionary lookup (from a database of more than 4,000 common names), substitution rules and machine learning.
Write your name in Japanese
Japanese Name Converter Japanese Name Converter A tool to find your name into Japanese. Enter your name below, your name will be translated into Japanese Kanji, Katakana, Furigana and Romaji, which is convenient for everyone to book various accommodation, transportation or activities when traveling in Japan. Name Type English Name Chinese Name Name Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily. Enter any Japanese text or English word in the search box and Jisho will search a myriad of data for you. Here's a few example searches to give you a taste of what Jisho can do. Great English search: house.
Type your first or last name into the field below to get your name in Japanese Katanana, Hiragana, and Romaji. Start typing your name Search by category a Names starting with A b Names starting with B c Names starting with C d Names starting with D e Names starting with E f Names starting with F g Names starting with G h Names starting with H i Proper Names Dictionary. Japanese proper names glossary of family names, given names, places, products, companies, famous people, organizations, railway stations, etc.. Over 740,000 translations total. search using Japanese, rōmaji, kanji, or kana, or English. use wildcards: * (asterisk) for zero or more characters, _ (underscore) for exactly.
Japanese Names 400+ Cute and Popular Japanese Names
The Significance of Choosing English to Japanese Kanji Translation Names. How a name can shape a person's identity and personality: Uncover the profound influence of names on self-perception. The psychological and cultural factors that come into play when naming: Explore the complexities of name choice in a multicultural context. Japanese Names Translation Translating Japanese names Romanization of Japanese names is easy, but translating a Japanese name back to its original form with the correct probabilities is hard. There are many Kanji variants for a single Japanese name in its romanized form. Japanese surnames