Nursing Home Ministry Ideas

The nursing home ministry devotionals listed below are downloadable for free in .pdf format. They are for you to use as you see fit in ministry to care center residents. You may adjust them in your presentation to meet your specific needs and to accommodate the circumstances of your audience. 1. Learn to Speak the Language of the Residents We learned that residents called our service "going to church" while we called it devotion. As soon as their terminology was applied to our vocabulary, we noticed a marked improvement in attendance. Taking "church" to them fills a void and reestablishes one of life's valued experiences. 2.

Corinthian Baptist Church Ministry

4. Make the nursing home ministry a place where volunteers can use their talents. Generally, in nursing home ministry, a group visits a nursing home together, shares words of hope and healing, and provides food for the elders. (This may or may not be tradition in your ministry setting.) Equipping God's people to help nursing home residents find hope and peace in Jesus. Helpful Resources and News for You Be Informed, Inspired and Connected Every few months, we publish a newsletter so that you may know what the LORD is doing in the nursing home mission field. Home FREE Nursing Home Ministry Resources! CLICK HERE to check out the latest ministry newsletter! Are you on staff or do you volunteer in a local nursing home, or assisted living facility, or a retirement home, or an adult day care center, or maybe you care for a family member or a friend in their home? Here are three steps to begin: Jesus said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." ~ Matthew 25:40 STEP 1. Pray Passionately Begin by praying for wisdom, understanding and direction as you consider starting a nursing home ministry at your church.

Nursing Home Ministry Ideas

For a young man with limited ministry experience, my time working in a nursing home has helped me grow as a pastor and put my shepherding skills to use. Here are four simple lessons I've learned along the way. 1. The Blessing of Encouraging Saints. When the apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian elders that they "must help the weak," he also. terms "nursing home ministry" or "care center ministry" we refer to a broad category of long-term care settings which include retirement homes, assisted living facilities and nursing homes. The population of a local care facility will often accurately reflect the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of the community that surrounds it. 4 Simple Ways to Minister in a Nursing Home - Focus on the Family Home » Pro-Life » 4 Simple Ways to Minister in a Nursing Home 4 Simple Ways to Minister in a Nursing Home By Focus on the Family May 8, 2018 As many as 60 percent of those living in nursing homes do not have regular visitors. Games and Activities List Here is a list, though incomplete, of some volunteer activities needed in care facilities: activities bulletin board helper activity director's helper (go-fer) adopt-a-grandparent programs art therapy audio tape programs balloon volleyball beachball toss bingo board games bowling care packages (general/holiday/birthday)


The first requirement in starting a nursing home ministry is to have a genuine concern for the salvation of others, recognizing that you may be providing their last opportunity to hear the gospel. Decide beforehand how many times a month you or the team can minister. Make an appointment with the activities director of nursing homes in your area. Talk to your kids ahead of time before beginning your ministry. 8- Use music whenever possible, especially older songs from their era or religious songs. Most nursing homes will have their own collections that you can play. Ask! One resident sang over and over the same song during the course of the year. Organizing a nursing-home ministry requires more than making the decision to start one. You'll need to determine which nursing home to adopt, how often the ministry will visit, what visitors will do at the nursing home and how to get the word out so church members will participate. These Worship Service Programs are provided as a resource for volunteers and long-term care center staff who do "church services" in care facilities. These are a "church bulletin" in ".pdf" format. Note: you must have Adobe Reader loaded on your machine to use these files.

Nursing Home Ministry Ideas

-Biblical basis of nursing home ministry: Acts 6:1-7; James 1:27; I Cor. 12:21-25; I John 4:7-21; Jeremiah 22:16; II Cor. 4:16; also the meaning verses on honoring the aged.-Serving in a nursing home brings culture shock, which is the sense of cultural disorientation one experiences while living in a society different from his own. It carries. SafeSurf Rated. To spread the love and message of Jesus Christ in the nursing home environment, providing support and encouragement by regular visits by caring Christians. To support other interested groups and churches in North Carolina with training, multimedia ministry materials, and assistance in recruiting volunteers.