Pacman Ghost Costume Diy

This Pacman Ghost Halloween costume can be put together in 15 minutes! Such a great idea and easy too! This Pacman Ghost Halloween Costume is easy to put together and is the perfect last-minute costume.. DIY Pacman Ghost Halloween Costume. September 11, 2017 September 11, 2017. This post may contain links to affiliate websites, such as. This video is a tutorial on how I made our Pac-Man & Ghosts costumes for Halloween. I had some people ask and they were super easy. :-)

DIY costume Pinky ghost from PacMan cosplay tutorial

How to make a DIY Pacman Ghost Costume: Step 1. Fold your fabric in half. Trim the bottom so it comes just below the child's knees. I did not trim the sides of the ghost. It was a wide as the fabric was. Step 2. Make the top portion. For the top of the ghost, use a marker to round the top. Cut. Step 2: Pin the paper ghost template to the blue, orange, red and pink felt and cut out the ghost shape. Repeat with each color. Step 3: Cut out the Pac-Man shape from the yellow felt. Step 4: Pin the small circle to the white felt and cut out 8 pieces - two per ghost. Set aside. I topstitched the blue to the white and then the white to the front of the ghost: I pinned the front & back together along the shoulders and sides, leaving a gap in each side for the armholes: I then stitched up each side (except the armholes) and stopped 1.25 inches from each of the neck hole edges. Step 3: Covering the Frame. To cover the frame we laid out the yellow fabric and then place the frame on the fabric and pulled it up around the frame and duct taped it on the inside of the costume. Repeat for the other side. Then at my son's request we made a black pouch for Pac Man's mouth so that people good actual "feed" his treats to Pac Man.

Pacman Ghost Costume Diy

This DIY PAC MAN Halloween costume is sure to stand out when your kid is trick or treating! Cheap to make, and fun to put together. Make some ghosts for Mum and Dad to wear too!. Projector (if possible for the ghosts) How to Make This Kids PAC-MAN Halloween Costume. 1. Use a hula hoop or other large circular object as a template to trace the. Step 2: Pin the hard ghost pattern up the blue, orange, red real pink felt and edit out the ghost shape. Repeat with each colour. Step 3: Slash exit the Pac-Man form from the yuv felt. Step 4: Pin to small counting to who pallid matte and cut out 8 pieces - two per ghosts. Set divagation. Pac-Man is a treasured classic among arcade games. Keep the Pac-Man legacy alive this Halloween with these precious DIY Pac-Man and Ghost-Inspired Kids' Costumes! All you need is felt and hot glue for this no-sew DIY Halloween costume for kids, or if you have a sewing machine at the ready, you can stitch these pieces together in a snap. These Ms. Pac-Man and Ghosts costumes were a super easy DIY. For the ghosts, I was able to find a pink shirt for me and red shirt for Colton easily. However, the teal ghost shirt was harder to come by. I ended up dying this plain white long-sleeve tee, but there are teal options available online if you don't wait until the last minute like me.

15 Minute Pacman Ghost Halloween Costume

My husband topped off his costume with a themed baseball cap. I accessorized a headband with a large red bow and cute Pac-Man & ghost earrings. Ghosts. The kids chose their preferred ghost. I originally thought we'd stick to 2 of the original 4, but my daughter shockingly boycotted the idea of being a pink ghost. Here are the DIY steps for making the Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man costumes: Cut two cardboard circles for each costume. Cut triangular shapes out of each circle to make the mouth. Cover the circles in yellow paper. Cut panels to make the mouth and cover in black paper + red paper tongue. Cut panels that attach the two circles together and cover in. The Ghosts cover 170 pixels, Pac-Man is 137, and Ms. Pac-Man is 151, which means we needed 628 LEDs for the pixels. (170+170+137+151) Size of Panels. You can see by the layout in Excel that the Ghosts are 14 pixels in height by 14 pixels in width. Pac-Man is 13x13 and Ms.Pac-Man is 14x14. Pinky ghost costume is good for a single dress-up but also for a group cosplay as four different people can be Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde, the full team of Pac-Man's enemies. Let's see, step by step, how to make it. As we are trying to reproduce a bidimensional character from a 2D videogame, the idea is to make Pinkyflat as can be.

DIY Pacman Ghost Halloween Costume. Creative. College. Group Costume

By Ashley November 12, 2013. Pac-Man and our family have a long history together. To be more specific, Ms. Pac-Man and Adam have a deep and meaningful relationship that developed long before our own (and that's saying something, cause I nabbed him young). It's an ongoing love affair. When Adam and I started dating in high school I had heard. 9. Lay your circles face down on a table and attach the strap together as shown, using the extra length of ribbon measured and cut in step 5. Ghost Instructions (This project took about 10 mins!) 1. Fold the 2 yards of red felt in half and make a neck hole in the center of the fold.