Welsummer or Partridge Rock? BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise

Free Shipping Available. Buy Partridge Rock Chicken on ebay. Money Back Guarantee! The Partridge Rock chicken is a rare and beautiful variety of Plymouth Rock chicken that is known to be a good layer and produces excellent meat as a broiler breed. Plymouth Rock chickens were first bred in the 1800's, and are likely the result of mixing Black Java hens with Dominique roosters.

Lizzie, my Partridge Plymouth Rock hen

Partridge Rocks This is one of the best varieties for the exhibitor as it is quite rare and makes an outstanding show bird. The highly colored male has black hackle and saddle feathers with an edging of rich brilliant red, a lustrous greenish black breast and body touched with reddish bay on the wings. PARTRIDGE ROCKS FACTS, Recognized as a distinct breed in 1909 and admitted to the American Standard of Perfection. The hens are large and lay brown eggs. The Partridge is just one of the varieties of the Plymouth Rock family and noted for a good dual purpose chicken. High Egg Size Large Egg Color Brown Breed Temperament Skittish Breed Colors/Varieties Rich Brown, Rusts Breed Size Large Fowl This is one of the best varieties for the exhibitor as it is quite rare and makes an outstanding show bird. Chicken fanciers call partridge rock chickens by the name partridge Plymouth Rock chickens. Plymouth Rock chickens come in several colors including partridge, white, barred, Columbian, buff, blue and silver penciled. Plymouth Rocks are a popular dual-purpose bird among small flock owners and lay brown eggs. Origins

Murray McMurray Hatchery Partridge Rocks

Partridge Rock are a dual purpose chicken and excellent layers of brown eggs. Cackle Hatchery® has been hatching quality chicks since 1936. Click here now to buy! Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 200 Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Easy to Care For Mature Weight: 6-7 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb Next available shipping date: January 10, 2024 Important: Our minimum chick quantity is 5 per breed and sex. The Partridge is just one of the varieties of the Plymouth Rock family and noted for a good dual purpose chicken. SPECIFICATIONS Breed: American, Heritage Average Weight (lbs) Hen: 7 Rooster: 8 Egg Color: brown Avg Eggs Per Year: 180-240 Bred for Egg Producing/Meat Sku Pullet: 8957 Sku Straight Run: 1070 Partridge Rock Chickens: A Blend of Beauty and Productivity Partridge Rock chickens are fairly good-sized birds, renowned for their plump body and striking appearance. Their brown plumage not only makes them a visual delight but also reflects the quality of the eggs they lay.

WyanDottes and Rocks Breed of the month

Partridge Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed is classified as a rare breed and is a heavy brown egg layer. The Partridge Plymouth Rock Chicken is raised by Cackle H. Partridge Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed is one of the many m Breeds of Chickens that Cackle Hatchery produces eggs from their own breeder flocks to hatch. Part. Hoover's Hatchery Live Partridge Rock Chickens, 10 ct. 3.9 (22) SKU: 135450699 Available Promotions View more promotions Sex: Select Sex Unsexed Female Select Sex for Availability Pickup and Delivery options may vary based on Availability Important: The rich, reddish brown color of Partridge Rock Chicken contrasts beautifully with their black penciled feathers, which resemble those of Wyandottes. According to the Livestock Conservancy, the population of these stunning animals is increasing as a result of homesteaders' growing interest in them. They have been an APA-recognized breed since.

Partridge rock? BackYard Chickens

Partridge Plymouth Rocks or "Partridge Rocks", as they're called, are a rare and beautiful dual-purpose bird. Their heritage is unclear with reports of different crosses, but what is clear is that they're very friendly, great layers of large brown eggs and able to withstand cold weather quite nicely. What color eggs do Partridge chickens lay? The Plymouth Rock Chicken: All You Need To Know Posted on March 15, 2021 by The Happy Chicken Coop Plymouth Rock is one of Americas' oldest breeds. The hen was seen from coast to coast before the end of World War 2, and it became the nation's main source of chicken meat and eggs.