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HOURS & SCHEDULE Christ of the Ozarks & Cross: Open 365 Days a Year from 8:00am-8:00pm, 11:00pm on nights of Passion Play) Passion Play: 70 performances on select nights from Good Friday and Saturday thru early November. Click here for schedule. Holy Land Tour: Tours on days Passion Play is performed and by advanced reservation at 2:00pm every day except Sunday and holidays. THE GREAT PASSION PLAY - An hour-and-forty-five minute reenactment of the last week of the life of Jesus Christ. Staged in a 4,000 seat outdoor amphitheater, the multi-level set, special lighting and sound effects, live animals, and a cast of 170 Biblical costume come together to create a thrilling epic drama.

Passion Play Katy Carr

The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is "America's #1 Attended Outdoor Drama" according to the Institute of Outdoor Theatre. Eureka Springs is just the place to relive The Greatest Story Ever Told!The Play at 8:30pm (7:30pm on Good Friday and Saturday and after August 17) is not the only thing to see and do though. 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Write a review About Performed from May through October, The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is "America's #1 Attended Outdoor Drama." Since 1968, the Play has been seen by over 7.7 Million people from all over the world. What started as a play born of passion became a powerhouse production and Texas destination. More than three decades later, it remains a major draw. Read more What is The Promise? The Promise is a one-of-a-kind musical production performed annually at the Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, Texas. Nearby Lodging There are few places where the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is portrayed so beautifully as in the Great Passion Play of the Ozarks. Nestled into the Ozark Mountains in beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas, this is an outdoor drama that will leave you inspired.

Passion Play (2011) FilmFed

The Great Passion Play, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. 79,628 likes · 1,073 talking about this · 41,716 were here. The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is "America's #1 Attended Outdoor Drama." Find a passion play in your area an bring a friend to experience the story of the cross and the empty tomb! Four Corners Come see the He's Alive! the Passion Play of the Four Corners April 3rd - 7th at 7pm nightly, or join us April 8th for a matinee at 2pm. McGee Park Convention Center 41 Road 5568 Farmington, NM 87401 Denver The 2023 Passion Play season has ended. Click here for tickets to 2024! Tickets are available for the 2023 season of The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Plus, don't miss the Christ of the Ozarks, Holy Land Tour, museums, gift shop, trails, and buffet! 935 Passion Play Road. Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632. An unforgettable and inspiring performance enjoyed by more than seven million people from all over the world for over 40 years. Experience the wonder and glory of the Greatest Story Ever Told -- The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas! A cast of hundreds perform amid historically.

Passion Play folding8

This great Faith Based Tour begins in Branson with a performance of Sight & Sound Theater's new action packed musical "QUEEN ESTHER.". Then you witness the story of a kind and gentle man who settled in these remote Ozarks in the late 1800s at the Shepherd of The Hills Outdoor Drama. Before spending a day in Eureka Springs to see the Great. Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at the annual Sunrise Service at The Great Passion Play at 7am Easter morning at the foot of the Christ of the Ozarks Memorial Statue. The 2022 season of the Passion Play has ended. Click here to get tickets for 2023! The Great Passion Play is the largest attended outdoor drama in America. Over 8 million people have witnessed the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The St. John Passion Play, Cincinnati. 230 likes. Established in 1918, the cast and crew of the Passion Play is run entirely by volunteers

REVIEW A Passion Play, Written on the Waves Love London Love Culture

2024 List of Passion Plays 2024 2023 2022 2021 (POSTPONED DUE TO COVID19) 2020 (postponed due to COVID-19) 2019 2018 Interactive map with locations and details of the Passion Plays happening around the UK in 2023. Find the Passion Play near you this Easter. Oxford The Oxford Passion Play will take place on Holy Saturday, 30th March 2024 in Hinksey Park. The play… Read More. Read More . 0 Comment . 272 Views . 2024, Community Drama, Free Theatre, Live Performance. Londonderry. September 14, 2023 . By Passion Trust. Londonderry 'Walled City Passion' is a live performance reimagining the Easter.