Pantone Peachy Pink for spring colour type Colour Styling

Peach Pink color hex code is #FA9A85 Peach Pink Color Like Color Codes Palettes Shades Patterns Interiors What is Peach Pink Color? Included in the Pantone Textile Cotton eXtended list with the PMS number 15-1530 TCX, Peach Pink color hex code is #FA9A85 with RGB equivalent (250, 154, 133). Peach Pink is a medium dark color with the color codes #ff9a8a / rgb (255, 154, 138) / hsl (8, 100%, 77%). Peach Pink has a reddish hue and high saturation. In the RGB color space, the color Peach Pink has the values ( 255, 154, 138 ), being composed of 100.0 % Red (R), 60.4 % Green (G), and 54.1 % Blue (B).

Peach Pink Color Code Pantone TPG Sheet 151530 Peach Pink Pantone

Peachy Pink has the hex code #FFC5BD. The equivalent RGB values are (255, 197, 189), which means it is composed of 40% red, 31% green and 29% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:23 Y:26 K:0. In the HSV/HSB scale, Peachy Pink has a hue of 7°, 26% saturation and a brightness value of 100%. HEX #FF9A8A color name is Peachy Pink. HEX color code #FF9A8A represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values - the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB). The RGB values of this color are 255, 154, 138 ( rgb(255, 154, 138) ). That means #FF9A8A color is composed of 100% of Red, 60.4% Green and 54.1% Blue. HTML color codes HTML color code for #F98B88 Generic color name: Peach Pink Colors that make up #F98B88 RGB: 249, 139, 136 - HSL: 0.00, 0.90, 0.75 Web safe color: No Complementary color A good complementary color for this color is #89F6FA. Example text color using #F98B88 Peachy Pink #FF9A8A Shades of Peachy Pink #FF9989 #E2887A #C6776B #AA665B #8D554C #71443D #55332D #38221E #1C110F #000000 Find more Tints of Peachy Pink #FF9989 #FFA496 #FFAFA3 #FFBBB0 #FFC6BD #FFD1CA #FFDDD7 #FFE8E4 #FFF3F1 #FFFFFF Find more Tones of Peachy Pink #FF9989 #F89E90 #F1A296 #EBA79D #E4ACA3 #DEB1AA #D7B6B0 #D1BAB7 #CABFBD #C4C4C4

Numerisch Paar Überwachung pink color tones Galerie unbezahlt Alabama

Color space information Pantone 15-1530 Tpx Peach Pink Color | Hex color Code #F99584. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image Peachy Pink. The color code of Peachy Pink indicates, that red is the main light source among the primary colors red, green and blue. Together with green it also forms the basic color yellow, but still remains as dominant basic color for the initial color impression. Pantone / PMS 15-1530 TCX / Peach Pink / #fa9a85 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #fa9a85 is a light shade of red. In the RGB color model #fa9a85 is comprised of 98.04% red, 60.39% green and 52.16% blue. In the HSL color space #fa9a85 has a hue of 11° (degrees), 92% saturation and 75% lightness. Peach is a pale yellowish-pink color with the hex code #FFE5B4, part of the pastel palette of colors favored in interior design. The shade gets its name from the peach fruit, which is associated with immortality in Chinese mythology.

Peach Color Hex Code Hot Bubble

Pink is an undeniably positive color. From the soft tones of pastel pink and baby pink to the rich hues of coral and Indian red, almost any shade of this color is bound to lift your mood. Here are some of the many shades of pink that exist, and that may inspire you in your next creative project. The color combinaison (or color scheme) of the color peachy pink.. Color code BIN : 11111111 10011010 10001010. What is a color HEX ? The HEX code consists of 3 groups of 2 digits from 00 to FF, representing the primary colors: red, green, blue. Peach Pink Color - Combinations, HEX Code - Shutterstock Peach Pink Peach pink is a warm and life-affirming color. This cheerful hue is inspired by the exterior of the peach fruit. In addition to luscious, ripe fruit, this color also brings to mind beautiful, exotic lilies. Peach pink speaks of warmth, freshness, and life. A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of pink are: tickle me pink, wild watermelon, misty rose, salmon pink and rose! See also: Pink Color Hex Chart A List of Pink Shades Pink #ffc0cb | rgb (255,192,203) Misty Rose #ffe4e1 | rgb (255,228,225) Light Pink #ffb6c1 | rgb (255,182,193) Hot Pink #ff69b4 | rgb (255,105,180)

Peach Color Code / Coral Meaning, Combinations and Hex Code Canva

A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of peach are: vivid tangerine, peach yellow, light salmon pink, dark salmon and salmon! See also: Peach Color Hex Chart A List of Peach Shades Peach Puff #ffdab9 | rgb (255,218,185) Old Lace #fdf5e6 | rgb (253,245,230) Papaya Whip #ffefd5 | rgb (255,239,213) Antique White Peach Pink. Peach Pink brings out the romantic side in everyone who lays eyes on it! By blending together pinks and oranges hues into one luxurious shade - you'll be sure to make unforgettable memories when paired up with shades like dark blues or purples. Peach Pink. HEX #ff9a8a. RGB 255, 154, 138. CMYK 0, 40, 46, 0.