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People Suck Quotes (40 quotes) Find & Share Quotes with Friends Join Goodreads People Suck Quotes Quotes tagged as "people-suck" Showing 1-30 of 40 "I think he just loved being with the bears because they didn't make him feel bad. I get it too. August 25, 2022 Inspirational Quotes Looking for quotes about mean people who suck? We have rounded up the best collection of people suck quotes, sayings, captions, and status (with images and pictures) that you might relate to.

MEAN PEOPLE SUCK MEAN PEOPLE! Quotes that are appra pro Pinterest

People Suck Quotes These quotes are about people who suck. If you landed on this page, we are guessing you are having a bad day. Sorry…hopefully these quotes will help lighten your mood a bit. 1. "In life you have to realize people are terrible human beings so there's no point in trying to see anything good in them when there isn't." - by Unknown people suck quotes 1. "I'm not anti-social. I'm just selectively social." 2. "I prefer to be alone and feel comfortable that way." 3. "I'm not really a people person, but I am a me person." 4. "I like being alone. I have control over my own space. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to feel better than my solitude. Not anymore. ~ Jennifer Estep. There's danger in just shoveling out money to people who say, 'My life is a little harder than it used to be.' At a certain place you've got to say to the people, 'Suck it in and cope, buddy. Suck it in and cope.' ~ Charlie Munger. Popular People Suck Quotes "Life sucks!" You will often hear people saying this when everything is crumbling down around them. Sometimes life does suck—but those times eventually pass, and we'd like to think that life is more of a roller coaster than a pit of despair. After all, there are also times when life is magical.

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Sometimes life just sucks." - Alexa Chung "As much as life can suck, it always beats the alternative." - John Green " Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way ." - Axl Rose "Life is a shit sandwich. 30 People suck quotes I hate people. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Not just the ones who are jerks or rude or obnoxious, but also the ones who try to be nice, and then I feel bad about hating them anyway. People suck. It's a fact of life. People are annoying, selfish, and generally unpleasant to be around. Jim Butcher A lot of people my age think stand up sucks. Votes: 1 Aziz Ansari Losing sucks. I don't think most people understand how bad it feels. Votes: 1 Tony La Russa A city plays the role of a great big magnet that's sucking people up. Votes: 1 Geoffrey West Jen Sincero There's danger in just shoveling out money to people who say, 'My life is a little harder than it used to be.' At a certain place you've got to say to the people, 'Suck it in and cope, buddy. Suck it in and cope.' Charlie Munger I'm the greatest rock and roll drummer on the planet and you suck. Tre Cool

Mean People SuckAnd Are Especially Dangerous to Lightworkers HuffPost

1. "Try to be nice to people who aren't nice to you. They may need it more than you think." - by Buddhism 2. "People don't decide on a whim that they are going to be bad people. It occurs when terrible things happen and they give in to the anger and it affects their inner peace." - by Robert Brault 3. We are all created by the Almighty, and like Him, I love all of humanity.". - Phil Robertson. "Those who disrespect you with their mouth don't deserve your ear.". - Curtis Tyrone Jones. "Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.". - Eric Hoffer. "When you tolerate disrespectful people you disrespect yourself.". 74 Life Sucks Quotes 1. "Life is hard. Then you die. They don't throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful that it happens in that order." - David Gerrold 2. "The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken place. But those that will not break it kills. People Suck Quotes "People suck. It's a fact of life. People are annoying, selfish, and generally unpleasant to be around. They're also full of themselves and think they're better than you—which they are! Don't let them get under your skin." - Unknown "People are like parking spaces: some of them are easy to find, and some of them are hard to get.

Jim Butcher Quote “As a whole, people suck. But a person can be

People have different ways of expressing their frustrations with the flaws and imperfections of humanity, often captured in quotes that capture our collective e. Why do some quotes about people suck resonate with us? How can a simple sentence capture the complexities of human behavior? Join me as we explore the People Suck Quotes. Some people aim at nothing in life and hit it with amazing accuracy. » Aman Jassal. Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks. » Alexa Chung. Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are. » John Green.