A magic square, or kamea, is a representation of spiritual forces in a mathematical format. They are typically arranged in such a way that any row is equal to the sum of any column. While there are numerous magic squares, this section will deal with only those squares associated with the 7 classical planets. Planetary Magick squares use the numbers 3 through 9 and are used to attract the influence of the planets and their angels or demons during magickal practices. They are, quite simply, grids bearing numbers relative to that planet and its corresponding mathematical calculations: So how do we use planetary squares in magick? Gabriela Herstik, author of "Inner Witch" and "Bewitching the Elements" states that "Planetary magick is rooted in the belief that the planets—specifically the seven classical planets (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn)—are living intelligence that we can connect to and embody through spell and ritual work. 6017 0 These pages detail an ancient form of magick that have been updated for modern practitioners. It incorporates the use of magick squares and sigils for a more focused intent in spell work. Magick squares are used to draw in the influences of their corresponding planet.
Occult Encyclopedia of Magic Squares Angels and Spirits of
Updated on January 19, 2019 In the Western Occult Tradition, each planet has traditionally been associated with a series of numbers and particular organizations of those numbers. One such method of numerological arrangement is the magic square . Magic Square of Saturn Catherine Beyer Associated Numbers Planetary squares come from maths, not magick. But in maths they are called magic squares. But they're not magick. Yeah, its weird. And complicated. Bascially, ancient scholars from China to Europe used these magic squares for maths before anybody used them for anything magickal.
A magic square, or kamea, is a representation of spiritual forces in a mathematical format. They are typically arranged in such a way that any row is equal to the sum of any column. While there are numerous magic squares, this section will deal with only those squares associated with the 7 classical planets. Planetary Magick squares use the numbers 3 through 9 and are used to attract the influence of the planets and their angels or demons during magickal practices. They are, quite simply, grids bearing numbers relative to that planet and its corresponding mathematical calculations: So how do we use planetary squares in magick? Gabriela Herstik, author of "Inner Witch" and "Bewitching the Elements" states that "Planetary magick is rooted in the belief that the planets—specifically the seven classical planets (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn)—are living intelligence that we can connect to and embody through spell and ritual work. 6017 0 These pages detail an ancient form of magick that have been updated for modern practitioners. It incorporates the use of magick squares and sigils for a more focused intent in spell work. Magick squares are used to draw in the influences of their corresponding planet.
A magic square, or kamea, is a representation of spiritual forces in a mathematical format. They are typically arranged in such a way that any row is equal to the sum of any column. While there are numerous magic squares, this section will deal with only those squares associated with the 7 classical planets. Planetary Magick squares use the numbers 3 through 9 and are used to attract the influence of the planets and their angels or demons during magickal practices. They are, quite simply, grids bearing numbers relative to that planet and its corresponding mathematical calculations: So how do we use planetary squares in magick? Gabriela Herstik, author of "Inner Witch" and "Bewitching the Elements" states that "Planetary magick is rooted in the belief that the planets—specifically the seven classical planets (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn)—are living intelligence that we can connect to and embody through spell and ritual work. 6017 0 These pages detail an ancient form of magick that have been updated for modern practitioners. It incorporates the use of magick squares and sigils for a more focused intent in spell work. Magick squares are used to draw in the influences of their corresponding planet.