HVAC R22 & R410A , Temperature Pressure Chart , Waterproof eBay

R410A Pressure-Temperature Chart Liquid. Vapor: Liquid: Vapor Liquid: Vapor Liquid: Vapor-49; 5.5; 5.4-45 1: 49.7 49.5. Saturation Pressure-Temperature Data for R410A (psig)* Temp (°F) Pressure Temp (°C) Temp (°F) Pressure Temp (°C) Temp (°F) Temp (°C) Pressure Temp (°F) Pressure Temp barA. Known as " absolute pressure "; pressure against a perfect vacuum. It's calculated as Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure. The standard atmospheric pressure of 101,3 Pa or 14,7 psi is used. Hence, the barA unit is equal to Gauge Pressure + 14,7 psi. barg.

HVAC R22 & R410A , Temperature Pressure Chart , Waterproof eBay

R410A PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CHART Saturation Pressure-Temperature Data for R410A (psig)* ECLPC-1 Rev 1 - 02/22. Created Date: 2/25/2022 1:24:53 PM. R-410A Pressure-temperature chart. Author: Jim H. Created Date: 6/19/2012 3:09:17 PM. R410A Pressure Temperature Chart (In Fahrenheit) Printable PDF Temp er atu r e (° F ): R410A P r essu r e (p si g ):-60 ° F 0. 9 psi g-55 ° F 1. 8 psi g-50 ° F 4. 3 psi g-45 ° F 7. 0 psi g -40 ° F 10. 1 psi g. Read more at : ht t ps: / / l earnmet ri cs. com/ r410a-pt -chart -pressure-t emperat ure-chart / A typical R-410A refrigerant pressure/temperature chart will give refrigerant pressures at various (ambient) temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 160 °F. Here are a few examples: Notes to the table above Typical Low Side Pressure Range for R410A in the field: 115-120 psi

Pt Charts For Refrigerants

Pressure Temperature Charts Vapor Pressure in PSIG. R-410A Environmental Classification HFC Molecular Weight 72.6 Boiling Point (1atm,°F) -61.0 Critical Pressure (psia) 691.8 Critical Temperature (°F) 158.3 Critical Density (lb./ft^ 3) 34.5 Vapor Density (bp,lb./ft^ 3) 0.261 Pressure (psig) Temp (°C) Temp (°F) Pressure (psig) Temp (°C) Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor-49 5,5 5,4 -45 1 49,7 49,5 -17,2 51 145,8 145,2 10,6 101 323,1 322,1 38,3-48 6 5,9 -44,4 2 51,1 50,8 -16,7 52 148,4 147,9 11,1 102 327,7 326,7 38,9. R410A PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CHART. Created Date: Refrigerant Pressure-Temperature Home Back. Choose Refrigerant: R-410A R-22 °C °F: Psig-40-39-38-37-36. R410A. Refrigeration Equipment. Air Cooled Condensers. Chillers. Condensing Units. Cooling Towers. Fluid Coolers. Ice Machines & Parts. Refrigerators & Freezers.. Pressure/Temperature Chart. Temperature (F) R-22 R-410A R-12 R-134a R-404A R-507A R-407A R-407C R-427A R-422B R-422D R-407F R-448A R-421A R-513A R-449A R-452A-48: 4.8: 6: 18: 1.6:.

R410A Pressure Temperature Chart PDF

Refrigerant R-410A Pressure Temperature Chart - This R410A PT Chart will help you when charging a system that utilizes R-410A. Furthermore, R410A is an HFC and is commonly used in residential and light commercial HVAC equipment for air conditioners and heat pump systems. R410A Pressure Temperature Chart R410A Temperature (°C) Pressure (barA) Pressure (barg) Pressure (psig) Pressure (barA) Pressure (barg) Pressure (psig)-70 0.36 -0.66 -9.52 0.35 -0.66 -9.55-68 0.40 -0.61 -8.85 0.40 -0.61 -8.87-66 0.45 -0.56 -8.10 0.45 -0.56 -8.13-64 0.51 -0.50 -7.27 0.51 -0.50 -7.31 Temperature and pressure chart for refrigerants R22, R410A, R12, R134A, R401A, R409A, R502, R404A, R507A, R408A and R402A. R401A R409A R404A R402A Refrigerants Temperature and Pressure Chart - Imperial Units Refrigerants Temperature and Pressure Chart - SI Units Related Topics Genetron® AZ-20 (R-410A) pressure-temperature chart. 596.01 KB. 10/31/2023. Genetron® AZ-20® | sell sheet. Non-ozone-depleting refrigerant replacement for R-22 in new residential, light commercial A/C systems. 210.95 KB. 10/31/2023. Pressure-Temp Chart for Genetron® AZ-20® and Genetron® R-22 | technical tool.

Pressure Chart For 410a Refrigerant

The maximum recommended temperature is often around 150 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (65.6 to 71.1°C) for the condenser coil. What is normal subcooling for 410A? Normal subcooling for R-410A systems can range from 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit (5.6 to 11.1°C) depending on the specific system design and conditions. SUBJECT: TEMPERATURE - PRESSURE CHART FOR R-22, R-410A, R-407C, R-134A & R-404A REFRIGERANTS FYI #289 9/17/2009 updated 10/10/2012 Data points are reproduced based on available information. Advantage assumes no responsibility or liabililty for data errors.