Sterling Silver "Protection" Kanji Chinese Symbol Charm

Chinese Protection Symbols 27. Dragon. Protection Symbol #11 Dragon . A manifestation of Chinese history, the Dragon is the auspicious carrier of spirituality and protection. The prime duty of protecting water bodies portrays the importance of care, power, and individualism. The Meaning of the Foo Dog in Feng Shui. The Foo Dog is a symbol of strength, power, and protection. In feng shui, it is believed that the foo dog can help to protect your home or business from negative energy. It is also used as a feng shui enhancer, improving luck, health, and wealth in one's space.

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Phoenix or Fenghuang. According to the stories, the Phoenix flies to heaven in times of trouble. That's why when the Phoenix appears, it is considered a good omen. By itself, it is a Chinese symbol of luck and prosperity. But together with the Chinese dragon, they make up the ultimate couple in feng shui. The Triquetra is a three-pointed symbol that is found in Celtic culture. It is also known as the Trinity Knot or the Celtic Triangle. This symbol represents the three elements of mind, body, and spirit. It also symbolizes the three important realms of the earth, the sky, and the sea. It is said to represent protection against harm and negative. Whereas, in native American tribes, it is a symbol of long life, protection, and fertility. 5. Scarab. This is a protection symbol of ancient Egypt, which is associated with the god Khepri, who is the god of creation and rebirth. This symbol is used in jewelry as protection against dangers and the afterlife. The symbolism for protection come from past times and different spiritual paths: Norse, Wiccan, Egyptian, Pagan, Celtic, mayan, aztec, Witch, Native American, indian, Judeo-Christian, irish, chinese, japanese, greek and many others. Besides, each magical symbol has a different energy and function. Since the beginning of time, protective power.

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A turtle is one of the most powerful symbols under Feng Shui for protection. This feng shui symbol with a head of a dragon and the body of a trutle guards good Feng Shui energy. A black turtle is the most powerful one. A dragon turtle is known to attract success, career development, good luck, and wealth wherever you keep it. 8. The Fu Symbol. The character fu (福) literally means "good luck arrives.". This symbol signifies good fortune and blessing, and it is one of the most widely seen symbols in China, painted as a decoration everywhere from notebooks, building walls, to Chinese New Year posters. The Chinese definitely love puns. Especially important in the Chinese belief system of Taoism, Yin Yang is a spiritual protection symbol for balance.. These knot-like spiritual protection symbols demonstrate the divine connection that our three-fold auras - mind, body, and soul - have even on earth. The symbol has been tattooed or carved onto bodies in different cultures. Chinese art is full of symbols that often include butterflies, bats, flowers, and fruit. These designs are not only pleasing but also meaningful in the Chinese picture-based language. Popular motifs and images actually communicate hidden messages, significant numbers, and inspirations to release protective powers in the art form itself.

Sterling Silver "Protection" Kanji Chinese Symbol Charm

喜喜 is the Chinese symbol that represents happiness. 喜喜 is not an official Chinese character. It is a symbol that we call it 双喜- shuāngxǐ. 双-shuāng means double and 喜 - xǐ means joy or happiness. Thus, doubling the 喜 - xǐ means double happiness. This is a very famous and common decoration for Chinese weddings. The concepts of power and strength are also associated with some symbols, such as animals and plants. The most popular Chinese symbols for strength are: 8. Tiger: 虎 ( hǔ) The tiger is a Chinese symbol of strength. It symbolizes protection, bravery, and a dominating presence. KEY TAKEAWAYS. Ancient protection symbols have been used in various cultures to ward off negativity and harm. These include the Eye of Horus, the Hamsa Hand, the Pentacle, and the Ankh. Other symbols like the Triskele, Runes, and the Scarab Beetle are also associated with protection. These symbols, often worn as amulets or incorporated into. The symbols in Chinese culture act as a way to invite good fortune and luck in and to keep bad spirits away. The colors used for the symbols also have meaning. For example, red is considered a lucky color (it is also the national color of China) and it represents wealth, status and power - which is why it is used so often in many of these symbols, to invite these same concepts into everyday.

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Table of Contents. Ai - Chinese Symbol for Love. Fu - Chinese Symbol for Luck. The Legend Surrounding the Inverted Fu Symbol. Heping - Chinese Symbol for Peace. Lu - Chinese Symbol for Prosperity. Shou - Chinese Symbol for Longevity. Shuangxi - Chinese Symbol for Double Happiness. De - Chinese Symbol for Virtue. A list of Chinese symbols, designs, and art motifs, including decorative ornaments, patterns, auspicious symbols, and iconography elements, used in Chinese visual arts, sorted in different theme categories.Chinese symbols and motifs are more than decorative designs as they also hold symbolic but hidden meanings which have been used and understood by the Chinese people for thousand of years.