Catholic Purple Scapular Prayer Printable Digital Download Etsy

The Purple Scapular Prayer Word-for-Word from Our Lady I hail thee, Jesus crucified, for granting me life. I hail thee with all the joy of the angels and saints during your descent from the Cross. I hail thee with the sadness of your mother while you rested on her Immaculate heart and lap. Repeat 5 times: O Crux Ave, spes unica, 1. What is the Purple Scapular? The Purple Scapular is a sacramental object primarily used for display on a wall in a home. It consists of two purple wool panels connected by cords. It is a heavenly gift which promises divine protection for your family against natural disasters, storms, supernatural chastisements, and even intruders.

4" x 3.5" Purple Scapular of Blessing and Protection

Order Purple Scapulars Only $20 At our cost with free U.S. priority shipping before Christmas. For Display in Your Home The Mother of God and her son Jesus gave the Purple Scapular to the approved Catholic mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny, to protect your family from the worst possible natural disasters and supernatural dangers. I hail Thee, Jesus crucifiedfor granting me eternal life.I hail Thee with all the joyof the angels and saintsduring Your descent from the Cross.I hail Thee,. The Purple Scapular is a privilege offered by Our Lord and Our Lady to lead us through terrible times. Given on August 23, 1878 to Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941); Catholic stigmatist and mystic - APPROVED by her local bishop, Monseigneur Fournier, the Bishop of Nantes, Brittany, France in 1875. ______________ Shipping Rates The Purple Scapular comes with the Prayers that should be prayed everyday «My children of the Cross, for a long time My Son and I have wished to make known this scapular of benediction. This scapular, My children, is modeled on My Heart, because My Heart is the emblem of simplicity and humility, which explains the color of violet.

Catholic Purple Scapular Prayer Printable Digital Download Etsy

Purple Scapular of Benediction and Protection - YouTube © 2023 Google LLC #Marie-Julie Jahenny #purple scapular #benediction and protection scapularPURPLE SCAPULAR OF BENEDICTION AND OF. The Scapular teaches a practical confidence in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin to obtain for its wearer the grace of final perseverance, or a happy death. The two general conditions to obtain this benefit are that one must honor Mary by wearing the Scapular faithfully until death and endeavor sincerely to lead a Christian life. Product Description [Purple Scapular of Marie-Julie Jahenny] - Elevate your spiritual connection with the Purple Scapular of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a vivid woolen accessory featuring intricate full-color artwork of The Blessed Mother cradling Jesus post-crucifixion, as revealed to the esteemed Catholic mystic. The Purple Scapular Prayer (The Crux Ave) Word-for-Word from Our Lady. I hail thee, Jesus crucified, for granting me life. I hail thee with all the joy of the angels and saints during your descent from the Cross. I hail thee with the sadness of your mother while you rested on her Immaculate heart and lap. Repeat 5 times: O Crux Ave, spes unica,

Purple Scapular of Benediction and Protection Catholic Etsy

100% Satisfaction. Guaranteed with 100% Price Match. Description. The purple scapular is for benediction and protection. This scapular is handmade with images of the Pieta and crown of thorns with nails. Prayer for the Purple Scapular hail thee, Jesuscrucified,for granting me life. hailthee with all the joyof the angels and saints during your descentfrom the Cross. hailthee with the sadnessof your mother while you rested on her Immaculateheart and lap. (Repeat 5x)OCrux Ave, spes unica, et Verbum caro factum est. OJesus, conqueror ofdeath, save us! Purple Scapular-Scapular of Benediction and Protection- Purple Scapular The Amazing new Scapular of Benediction and Protection for Powerful Graces and Protection This is what the Holy Virgin shows me on Her Immaculate Heart, it is a large scapular, larger than ordinary scapulars, it is a little larger than the palm of the hand. What is the Purple Scapular? In 1878, in a small town in the northwest corner of France, Our Lady and Jesus himself appeared to the approved mystic and stigmatist, Marie-Julie Jahenny. They showed her the truly astounding Scapular of Benediction and Protection, more commonly known simply as the Purple Scapular.


The Purple Scapular is larger than most other scapulars, because it can be both worn, as well as hung in homes and chapels for its protective promises. It is a beautiful purple, almost the colour of violet. Here is what is on it: in the middle, there are the three nails that crucified Our Saviour on the Cross, some are crossed on the others, not exactly in the form of a cross and the point of each nail, there is a drop of red blood. Above the three nails, there is a