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The ball python ( Python regius ), also called the royal python, is a python species native to West and Central Africa, where it lives in grasslands, shrublands and open forests. This nonvenomous constrictor is the smallest of the African pythons, growing to a maximum length of 182 cm (72 in). [2] The Royal Blue Python Snake, commonly referred to as a Ball Python, has become increasingly popular with pet owners due to its ease of care and size: ideal for those who don't want an intimidating monster in their home. These snakes are nocturnal hunters that use their heat pits and other special organs to detect prey.

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What do they eat? Primarily rodents, such as mice and rats. Purpose: Ball pythons are ambush predators, they can wait numerous days for prey to cross their path. Eggs or Live birth: Egg baring snake. Venomous: None venomous/ None poisonous Are they kept in captivity? Royal Blue Python snake care requires that your enclosure create conditions which enable your snake to thermo:regulate, meaning it can shift between warm and cool areas of the enclosure. Royal Pythons are ectotherms, meaning they require both warm and cool environments to regulate their body temperature. The royal blue python snake, scientifically known as Python regius, is a species of non-venomous snake native to western and central Africa. This captivating creature, also referred to as the royal python or ball python, has been a subject of fascination for scientists and reptile enthusiasts alike due to its vivid blue coloration and unique characteristics. Ball pythons, also known as royal pythons, are the perfect snake for someone who has never owned a snake before. They are typically docile, easy to handle, and do not grow as large as other constrictors.. They also make GREAT pets for experienced snake owners, as they come in an impressive range of unusual morphs (opens in a new tab) which can make breeding an exciting challenge!

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Ball pythons ( Python regius ), also known as royal pythons, are found in the grass­lands and open forests of West and Cen­tral Africa. They are na­tive to the Su­danese sub­province west of the Nile, in south­ern Sudan, the Bahrel Ghazal and Nuba Moun­tains Re­gion, from Sene­gal to Sierra Leone in West Africa, and in the Ivory Coast. The ubiquitous ball python, also known as the royal python, is a small to medium-sized constricting snake endemic to Western and Central Africa [2]. It is extremely popular in the exotic pet trade around the world, especially in Europe and North America [4], and it is aptly named for its tendency to form a ball shape with its head in the middle when it feels threatened or when it is handled by. Fun Facts. These snakes are called ball pythons because of their defensive posture of coiling into a tight ball with their heads protected in the center of the coil. The name royal python is believed to be derived from the fact that many African rulers were known to have worn live pythons as jewelry. Ball pythons are believed to live the. Scientific Information Scientific Name: Python regius Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Family: Boidae Genus: Python Lifestyle and Lifespan Diet: Carnivorous Activity Time Frame: Nocturnal Interactivity: Solitary Sexual Dimorphism: No Gestation:

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The royal python (Python regius), is a short, thick-bodied snake belonging to the family Pythonidae and inhabiting grasslands in western and central Africa. Seldom longer than 5 feet (1.5 meters), it is a notably docile snake. When disturbed it coils its body into a tight sphere, tucking its head into the central fold, and remains motionless. Ball pythons (also referred to as royal pythons) are a popular pet choice due to their non:venomous status and excellent temperaments. The most common reason a snake won't eat is due to an inadequate intake of food. This could be caused by several factors, including: Size of Prey Items Royal Pythons are a heavy-bodied snake species averaging 3-5ft in length, with females usually being larger than males. Their decent size and ease of care and handleability make them a great choice for a first-time snake owner. They are native to West and Central Africa and can live for around 20 years, possibly longer. Royal python Python regius This is a very attractive snake. The patterns and colours vary depending on geographic location. The colour pattern is typically black or dark brown, with light brown or gold sides and dorsal blotches. The patterns vary from being striped, spotted, banded, rectangular, and blotched. There is a black edged band along.

BallRoyal Python Care Information Arbor View Animal Hospital

Heating is an essential part of Royal Python/Ball Python care. This needs to be researched, purchased and set up before you purchase your snake. If you are using a rub or terrarium setup, place a heat mat under one-third of the tub. In the rub, use a thermostat to prevent the heat mat from getting too hot. Royal Blue Python Snakes are widely sought:after for their vibrant colors and patterns. Breeders around the world strive to breed these pythons to perfection! These animals typically have a dark brown base and transition to creamy champagne color towards their belly. Furthermore, they often sport light stripes on the back as well.