Valentine FHE Plan of Salvation with FREE PRINTABLE Completely Type A

One of the most effective ways to explain God's simple plan of salvation is by using an illustration called the "BridGe tO Life." Step 1: God loveS you and haS a purpoSe for your life. God wants you to experience peace and life, abundant and eternal. God's Simple Plan of Salvation My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good you are, nor if you are a church member, but are you saved? Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

Simple Plan Of Salvation

To be saved from your sin, you must do three things: Ask forgiveness for your sins; be willing to turn from your sins; and believe that Jesus Christ—our Lord and Savior—died for your sins and rose again. If you have done these things, you are saved! You Can Know For Sure! The Scriptures offer the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord. The following principles are given with the hope that they may help you see the great need of life that you have, and can receive through repentance and faith in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. For understanding or presenting the plan of salvation. Admit. Believe. Confess. Download & Print Teaching Notes and Free Bookmark Handouts The ABC's of Salvation explain the way of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ in three simple easy to remember steps. Jesus himself said clearly, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His plan is simple! You can be saved today. First, you must realize you are a sinner. Rom 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Rom 3:10 As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one; Eccl 7:20 For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin.

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Home of God's Simple Plan of Salvation. Over 650,000,000 copies printed and distributed in over 120 languages. Loved by Pastors and Missionaries world-wide! 25-pack Other Retailers Availability: Out of Print Composed mainly of Scripture, this redesigned bestseller explains the plan of salvation in three simple points. Designed to allow the Scripture to speak for itself, this tract is a popular choice for mass distribution as well as being easy to use for one-on-one witnessing. Full Text Product Details Plan of Salvation {FREE PRINTABLE} January 25, 2014 by Shari Eighteen of the most exciting and challenging months of my life were spent on an LDS mission in California. In some form or another, I think about those months almost every day. God's Simple Plan of Salvation Romans 10:5-13 May 26, 2006 | Ray Pritchard Listen to this Sermon This is a very familiar passage of Scripture. Most of us know certain parts of it by heart. I have asked the Lord to do me a favor and not let me say anything new. I don't want to say anything you haven't already heard.

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God's Simple Plan of Salvation God's word says: > ALL HAVE SINNED We are all sinners but God is perfect: Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God Our sins have separated us from God but HE has a plan: Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. How to Share the Plan of Salvation Step One: God Loves You Draw the following: Explain that God loves the person you are talking to and that He wants a personal relationship with them. Instead of writing "You" and "Me" under the figures, write your name and the name of the person to whom you are talking. bottom of the page to help make easier transitions from verse to verse. (Outline 1 follows this plan and may be printed and placed in your Bible for easy reference). Article: Model Discussion (With a Child) by Dr. Thomas Sanders The following plan is simple. It utilizes five simple statements and Scriptures that will help you as you discuss Home of God's Simple Plan of Salvation. Tract face pages: Creation, Lily, In God We Trust, Large Print, Deluxe, Christmas, Peace, Grow, Share, Foreign.

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6. Turn paper over and print page 6 ("Roman Catholic Church"). 7. Assemble pages as follows: "Baptism" on the bottom, "Salvation" next, and "Peter" on top. 8. Fold pages in half from side to side, with the cover on the outside. 9. Make sure all headings in the gray boxes are in alphabetical order. 10. Languages in Print | gods-simple-plan Languages In Print A partial list of languages that GSPS has been translated into. Please contact us for availability. Click on any language that is underlined for an e-tract that can be printed and shared. Contact Us Afrikaans German Oriya Albanian Goan Panayan Along (Hiligaynon) Greek Pangasinan Amharic