Nerdovore Star Trek Maps

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Star Trek Map

03-24: Relaunch. Getting started on 2.0. I'm still in the idea & design phase, stay tuned for more! 05-12: Travel Calculator Laurie Brown created a Travel Calculator for the Star Trek Universe based on my maps, you can use it on her website.. 05-12: Update Marathon Part III Star Trek Maps Enjoy this map? Please help us by sharing it: Share Tweet Filed Under: The map above is Shakaar's Alpha/Beta map v3.3; a fan-made creation showing the Alpha and Beta quadrants in the Star Trek universe. The map shows both major and minor powers that have appeared in the various series over the years. Star Trek Maps is a set of four maps and an Introduction to Navigation booklet. Possibly the most technical Star Trek book ever produced, the booklet introduces the reader to galactic coordinates and basic vector calculus. The maps themselves are well researched and properly projected to 2D. By Benedetta Geddo Mar 17th, 2023, 1:36 pm No matter the fictional universe— be it fantasy or sci-fi or somewhere in between (looking at you, space operas)—I've always found maps and cartography.

Territorial maps of Star Trek space r/startrek

Star Trek Maps is a reference work demonstrating the stellar cartography and navigation system featured on the Star Trek television series, written from an in-universe perspective. It was published by Bantam Books in August 1980, and licensed by Paramount Pictures . Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek. Map of the Galaxy Select a quadrant to view. Buy the book at Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek =/\\= Today is Stardate 77477.8: E-mail questions or comments. Star Trek Stellar cartography (Star Trek Maps) downloads in PDF-format : Maps: Preview / download. Filetype / size. Description. License. 8,48 MB. Simplified map of the Federation Main Core and sourounding space as a searchable vector-PDF.. Simplified map of the explored space in the 22nd Century, before the foundation of the Federation, as. ufp main core. 1 centauri; 10 canum venaticorum; 11 leonis minoris; 13 ceti; 14 eridani; 16 cygni

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Map of the Federation main core and surrounding space Information This map is featuring the birthplace of the Federation, as well as many other powers and most of the known locations in the 24th century. The in-game map of the apocryphal Star Trek Online video game, depicting Klingon and Romulan space in the Beta Quadrant. In most reference works, novels, and games, Klingon and Romulan space are usually depicted or stated to be located solely in the Beta Quadrant.This would make the Federation the only government spanning both quadrants. The video game Star Trek Online is largely faithful to. Star Trek: Stellar Cartography (2013), a collection of ten 24″×36″ folded maps. (Note that I haven't seen any of these maps.) Online, Star Trek Dimension's Cartography section has maps from the series as well as Christian Rühl's Galactic Atlas . Digital interactive map of the star trek galaxy The presented tool is a patform to explore the known star trek galaxy. The sources are the official and semi-official ones as well as wikipedia, for the real spectral class (work is in progress for many of the star systems).

Star Trek Map

This list describes some of the more significant settings for Star Trek films or story arcs over multiple television episodes. Badlands The Badlands comprise an area of space that appears (or is referenced) in episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. [1] 1. The four quadrants. Already in the era of Classic Trek, the expression "quadrant" was used for the exact determination of positions in the Star Trek universe. However, this cartographic term which literally refers to "a quarter" was used for completely different three-dimensional volumes at that time: sometimes a quadrant indeed corresponded.