Iris 'Starship Enterprise' Starship Enterprise, 2d Design, Bearded Iris

Sparkling in the late spring garden, Iris 'Starship Enterprise' is an eye-catching Tall Bearded Iris with gently ruffled, crystalline white standards infused with golden yellow at their midribs. They proudly float above crisp white falls, elegantly edged with a 2 in. (5 cm) ribbon of rosy magenta. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Starship Enterprise') in the Irises Database - Learning Library Homepage Food Gardening Guides Garden Curricula Seed Swaps Data specific to Irises ( Year Of Introduction (May Differ From Registry): Seedling Number: CC 758-B Tall Bearded (TB) 36 inches (91 cm) Bloom Color Classification: Bloom Color Description:

Starship Enterprise Iris Flower Patch Farmhouse Iris flowers, Iris

Starship Enterprise Tall Bearded Iris Daylily and Iris planting instructions Daylily Planting - Daylilies like full sun the best, however, they will grow in partial sun and shade. Dig a hole that is twice as large as the root system and about 12" deep. 1999, Schreiner 'Starship Enterprise' ( Schreiners, R. 1999). Seedling# CC 758-B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards crystalline white (RHS 155D), midrib golden yellow; falls light creamy yellow (10A) to white, yellow shoulders, 2" rosy magenta (71B) marginal band; beards golden yellow. American Iris Society Awards: Honorable Mention 2001; Award of Merit 2003. Positive: On Nov 28, 2005, ADKSpirit from Elkton, MD (Zone 7a) wrote: William Shatner would be impressed, everything about Starship Enterprise is "big, really big." The buds and the flowers are huge, and they keep coming. Starship Enterprise $ 10.00 'Starship Enterprise' (Schreiners, R. 1999). TB, height 36″ (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards crystalline white, midrib golden yellow; falls light creamy yellow to white, yellow shoulders, 2″ rosy magenta marginal band; beards golden yellow. Schreiner 1999. Honorable Mention 2001; Award of Merit 2003.

Iris 'Starship Enterprise' Starship Enterprise, 2d Design, Bearded Iris

$ 8.00 Standards white, yellow center. Falls white rose magenta band, yellow Beard, 99 Schreiners Due to weather and other factors, C and T Iris will be not accepting any iris orders starting September 6, 2023 thru December 31, 2023. Ordering of iris will start again on January 1 2024. Again thanks for the help in 2023. C and T Iris Patch Starship Enterprise X My Ginny. Tall Bearded Iris ( Iris 'Beam Me Up Scotty') Starship Enterprise X Conjuration. Tall Bearded Iris ( Iris 'Bohemian Girl') Fruitsation X Jeda 4-3M13: ( Starship Enterprise x Terryton) Tall Bearded Iris ( Iris 'Brockenfeuer') Starship Enterprise X Cerf-Volant. Tall Bearded Iris ( Iris 'Burst of Glory') Bloom Color Description: White standards flushed yellow at base; violet blue falls, white starburst and red purple rim and shoulders, white edge, yellow throat. Beard Color: Yellow. Style Arm Color: White, veined yellow. Fragrance: Slight. Musky. The flowers have 3 falls (outer petals), and 3 standards (inner upright petals). Bearded irises are so called because the falls have soft hairs down the middle. 'Starship Enterprise' bearded iris alarge iris with white, yellow and magenta flowers, white and yellow standards, yellow, near white with a magenta falls.

Starship Enterprise Tall Bearded Iris in 2020 Bearded iris, Day

Starship Enterprise close $15.00 Model: 1040InStock Quantity: 0 Quantity: Reviews Add to Wish List SOLD OUT Description (Schreiner 99) Standards crystallin-white; falls creamy-yellow with rosy-magenta band; golden-yellow beard. Be sure to order this beauty early, she is very popular in our gardens. Extra Info Iris Cultivar: Starship Enterprise. Iris Class: Tall Bearded Height: 36 inches Bloom Time: Mid late Iris Color: Magenta, white, yellow Iris Hybridizer: Schreiner Year: 1999 Photo(s) Courtesy of: Brenda's Joy $ 10.00. Out of stock. lower Form: Ruffled: Bloom Color Classification: Magenta White Yellow: Flower Patterns:. Height 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards crystalline white (RHS 155D), midrib golden yellow; falls light creamy yellow (10A) to white, yellow shoulders, 2" rosy magenta (71B) marginal band; beards golden yellow. Awards: Honorable Mention 2001; Award of Merit 2003. How to thin Bearded Iris in 3 easy steps. 'Starship Enterprise' Tall Bearded Iris Iris Magenta ruffles becoming Bright yellow to white center Height: 24-48 in Spread: 12-18 in Zone: 3-8 Please Note: does not sell/broker plants or provide gardening advice. Your Zip Code: Find A Retailer Promote Starship Enterprise In Your Garden Center Print Iris benchcards with.

Starship Enterprise Bearded Iris. Tall bearded iris, Bearded iris

Apr 24, 2023 2:24 PM CST Thread OP Name: Belle (Zone 6b) Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of varieties that had names relating to Star Trek or Star Wars. As the name suggests I am trying to start a themed iris patch and any bit of help would be great! If you like multiple colors in an iris this iris is for you. Standards and styles rich butter yellow with wine-red veined edges. Falls dark red-purple with white rayed area around dark tangerine beard. 8 buds on nice stems.. V307B: Starship Enterprise X T249D: (Unknown x Jazz Band) SOLD OUT.