Visual Screening for Allied Health Professionals online presentation
Wold Sentence Copying Test $ 31.00 Used to determine if a child has the ability to rapidly and accurately copy a sentence from top to bottom of page. Pad of 50 forms. Includes instruction sheet and "The Wold Sentence Copy Test & Academic Performance" by W.C. Maples, article reprint with updated norms from the Journal of Behavioral Optometry. The Wold Sentence Copy Test (WSCT) was developed by Dr. Robert Wold to supplement optometric evaluations by providing an opportunity to observe behaviors related to copying text. The Wold Sentence Copy Test (Wold) is a standardized visual motor test, that was de-signed to be used as a screening device for teachers, according to the author. It is eas-ily administered in a group setting. In this study we sought to verify and possibly up-date the previously published school grade specific Wold norms. Product Details Product Reviews Pad of 50 forms W.C. Maples article is enlcosed for updated norms for grades 1 through 5. Used to determine if a child has the ability to rapidly and accurately copy a sentence from top to bottom of page. Click here to view the Wold Sentence Copying Test instructions.[PDF] The Wold Sentence Copy Test Academic Performance Semantic Scholar
The Wold Sentence Copying Test is a performance-based assessment designed to evaluate an individual's visual-motor integration, fine motor skills, and perceptual abilities. Developed by occupational therapist Karen Wold, this test has found applications in diverse settings, ranging from schools and clinics to rehabilitation centers. The Wold Sentence Copy Test (Wold) is a standardized visual motor test, that was designed to be used as a screening device for teachers, according to the author. It is easily administered in a group setting. In this study we sought to verify and possibly update the previously published school grade specific Wold norms. The Wold Sentence Copy Test (Wold) is a standardized visual motor test, that was de- signed to be used as a screening device for teachers, according to the author. It is eas- ily administered in a group setting. In this study we sought to verify and possibly up- date the previously published school grade specific Wold norms. Some 2561. Norms for the Wold Sentence Copying Test were recorded in the literature for grades 2 through 8 in 1966. The norms were updated by Maples in 2003 for grades 1 through 5. Both tables are given below. The Maples article is included in the Test kit for your further reference.Pin on OT Assessments/ Important Forms
The Wold Sentence Copying Test (WSCT), was normed, for children grades 3-6, for both letter and number copying speed, and for the number of head/eye-movements used to complete both the letter and number sentence. Our study sample consisted of 18 third graders, 13 fourth graders, 17 fifth graders, 16 sixth graders. The Wold sentence copy test was created by Bob Wold, an American optometristin 1970. In 1995 the Wold Sentence Copy test was modified to extend its
measurement range and refine the norms. The new version, called the Wold -
Pacific Copy Test, includes sub-tests for number and letter copying and
The Wold Sentence Copying Test (WSCT), was normed, for children grades 3-6, for both letter and number copying speed, and for the number of head/eye-movements used to complete both the letter and number sentence. Our study sample consisted of 18 third graders, 13 fourth graders, 17 fifth graders, 16 sixth graders. Results showed an overall significant difference for letter and number copying. For more information see Laukkanen, Eliason, Kenison & Oland, Optom and Vis. Sci The Wold Sentence Copy Test is a timed test designed to evaluate the child's speed and accuracy when copying a sentence from the top of a page to the lines on the rest of the page.