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'Woodstock' for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town Over two weeks, more than 50,000 people descended on a small campus chapel to experience the nation's first major spiritual. Not Now Notifications by PushAlert This week's Weekend Plug-in highlights the spiritual revival that drew thousands to Asbury University, a small Christian college in Kentucky. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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'Woodstock' for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town. Over two weeks, more than 50,000 people descended on a small campus chapel to experience the nation's first major spiritual revival in decades — one driven by Gen Z. Added 2 minutes ago by M E Source:. PressReader. Catalog; For You; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 'Woodstock' for Christians Revival draws thousands to Kentucky town 2023-02-26 - By Ruth Graham and Jesse Barber . WILMORE, Ky. — Jennifer Palmer told her boss Thursday morning that she had to leave work, and drove 11 hours straight from Jacksonvil­le, Fla., to get here. It declared independence from all authorities, conventions, rigid structures, and stifling traditions. It celebrated the primary religious value of the post-Christian era: freedom. Freedom to be whomever; to sleep with whomever; to do whatever feels real and authentic. Richie Havens's 'Freedom' was Woodstock's call to worship. Opinion God's presence in Kentucky is closer than you think March 11, 2023 at 3:51 a.m. by Paul Prather A headline in the New York Times dubbed it a "'Woodstock' for Christians," the Woodstock.

Alabama's Woodstock for Christians? Festival draws crowds for outdoor

'Woodstock' for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to. - Yahoo. $ . 17, 2023. 'Woodstock' for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town - Over two weeks, more than 50,000 people descended on a small campus chapel to experience the nation's first major. The self-described prophets and online spiritual leaders who supported former President Donald Trump also began posting about the revival, sometimes from afar. By this week, activist and author Lance Wallnau was suggesting in a television appearance that perhaps Trump had supernaturally summoned the revival himself. New York Times: 'Woodstock' for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town, by Ruth Graham: For two weeks, tens of thousands of people have made a pilgrimage to a tiny Christian college, about 30 minutes south of Lexington, for what some scholars and worshipers describe as the nation's first major spiritual revival of the 21st century.

Alabama's Woodstock for Christians? Festival draws crowds for outdoor

A "Woodstock" for Right-Wing Legal Activists Kicked Off the 40-Year Plot to Undo Roe v.. "It is time for Christians and others who do not accept the narrow and bigoted humanist views. WILMORE, Ky. — Jennifer Palmer advised her boss on Thursday morning that she needed to go away work, and drove 11 hours straight from Jacksonville, Fla., to get right here. Jayden Peech, a highschool pupil from a couple of hours away in Kentucky, got here along with his mom after listening to a speaker at […] Striving for a 'Christian Woodstock' By Tammy La Gorce Aug. 21, 2005 FRENCHTOWN - WITH a sweat-basted Christian ranting into a microphone about his past run-ins with Satan, the presence of a. Woodstock. When I heard about Asbury, I immediately thought of Woodstock, the iconic lovefest of August 1969. Since Woodstock is often associated with drugs, sex and rock and roll, this might seem an odd comparison.. Christian nationalists appeared in Hughes Chapel blowing shofars; they were immediately silenced. When celebrity preachers and.

Love and the Woodstock Generation’s ‘spiritual’ pulse Terry Mattingly

Jesus' Woodstock "After 20 summers of love, the Cornerstone Festival still opens doors for unknown musicians and unlocks truth for hungry minds" Todd Hertz July 1, 2003 Jackie Roberts drove a. Christian university in Kentucky draws pilgrims nationwide amid spiritual revival: 'Gives me so much hope'. foxnews. 2. 0. r/atheism. Join. • 7 mo. ago.