Mod 2: Fertility and Protection Individual or Global pregnancy risk, birth control, surgeries, social interactions! Mod 3 - WooHoo Transmissible Diseases Diseases, accusations, acceptance or rejection, etc. Mod 4 - Paternity Testing Woohoo Wellness Mod. mod. mod description. preview. work in progress. 170. 129. Get more from Lumpinou. 105. Unlock 105 exclusive posts. Be part of the community. Connect via private message. See options. Lumpinou. Creating Sims 4 mods. Join for free. Lumpinou. Creating Sims 4 mods. Join for free. Recent Posts.
The Best Woohoo Mods For The Sims 4 Ultimate Sims Guides Gambaran
The WooHoo Wellness Mod, also known as the Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection, is a mega mod for The Sims 4 centered on recreating the aspects of real life, especially in terms of pregnancy, childbirth, family, and relationships. The mega mod, created by Lumpinou, is comprised of downloadable mods that could also be used independently. Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (Woohoo Wellness) - Extra Global Option Page | Patreon Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (Woohoo Wellness) - Extra Global Option Page Mar 26, 2022 THIS IS NOT THE POST TO THE MOD ITSELF! YOU STILL NEED TO GRAB THE MOD ITSELF OR NOTHING WILL HAPPEN! Check the Index Page ________ You DON'T NEED to have any of those. Lumpinou October 20, 2020 Mod Description (Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul, mod #1) Pregnancy / Family Preferences and Pregnancy Interactions 2 / 21 ——- Family Preferences: wants children, doesn't, or neutral —— Advertisements Assignment of Family Preferences Effect of Family Preferences Interactions Moodlets Advertisements Compatibility with the 'WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul' mod by Lumpinou Crabs STD (Click Here to Learn More) Sims can catch Crabs through WooHoo with infected Sims or sleeping in infested beds Sims slowly experience the process of catching Crabs through multiple moodlet stages Special Lice Killing Shampoo to use in a shower or bathtub
WooHoo Wellness pt2 [ diseases ] // Mod review [ the sims 4 ] YouTube
WooHoo has a chance of causing pregnancy. The chance is a number based on the fertility of each Sim involved and some other factors. Protection (woohoo protection items & birth control) can be used. These methods have a 5% failure rate by default, but it is customizable in settings. If they fail, the pregnancy risk rate as mentioned above will. The below download contains the following mods / files: - M0: REQUIRED Core Library - M1: Pregnancy & Family Preferences / Reactions / Impact - M2: Fertility & Protection - M3: WooHoo Transmitted Diseases - M4: Paternity Testing & Drama - M5: Teen Pregnancy & Gameplay - M6: Temporary Separations / Relationship Breaks - Fixed a rotational play issue in which babies given for adoption to another family would not be able to have their origins to them if then playing the adopting family. This issue was due to a weirdness in how babies work. No worries, I made the fix retroactive, so you can with v2.5.1 reveal adoption to the affected babies who have now grown up. Released 13 days early for members. (OLD POST) Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (aka WooHoo Wellness) v2.76. Mar 28, 2022. OLD VERSION!!!!!! CHECK INDEX FOR LATEST VERSION. April 21 : -fixed a slip up with accepted pregnancy that would potentially show a double moodlet. - toned down the likelihood of stress causing an AddOn 7 event - let me.
Sims 4 Woohoo Wellness and Pregnancy Mod + Install & Error Guide
How the System Works Requirements for the Paternity System to Trigger If a pregnant Sim WooHoo'd with only one other recently: If a pregnant Sim recently WooHoo'd with several who can impregnate: What the lovers of the pregnant Sim can do, prior to knowing for sure ———————- Notes on Test Results ———————- Notes on Test Results $3 / month Access Everything that is in Comet, AND: - Participation in Polls to help choose what gets worked on next, new features & their implementation - Early Mod Previews, with screenshots, detailed explanations, etc, so you can share feedback and be part of shaping the mods! (IN ADDITION TO: - Early Access to Mods (up to 3 weeks early)
Hello simmers! I hope this video helps you all install this awesome woohoo wellness & pregnancy mod! If you have any questions feel free to ask. ⭐ BECOME A S. First Impressions - a Sims 4 Mod. Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection, mod #5 Teen Pregnancy Module How previous features of the mod apply to teens: - Teens do not get pregnancy wishes by default; you can assign them manually. BUT If a Teen who doesn't have a wish finds out they're pregnant, it will by default assign the 'Does Not.
WooHoo Wellness Mod for The Sims 4 All The Best Features!
WooHoo Wellness mod surely can make your sims 4 gameplay more realistic and fun. Just click the download button below to get going with the Mod. Download Now What is the WooHoo Wellness mod? WooHoo Wellness mod is for the game, Sims 4 by LUMPINOU and comes in the name WoHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul. After woohooing with Nina one too many times, Don got her pregnant! Will he grow to accept his child? Watch the video to find out!Download Woohoo Wellness v2.