Spanish lavender ( Lavandula stoechas) is one of about 40 different varieties of lavender. It grows as a low shrub, much like its other relatives, but has a distinct flower shape. Spanish lavender is known for its upright petals that appear at the top of the flower heads, giving the blooms a rabbit-like appearance. Spanish lavender is a common name for Lavandula stoechas, a species of lavender native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, including Spain, Portugal, and France. It is also known by other common names such as French lavender, butterfly lavender, or topped lavender. What to Know About Spanish Lavender?
Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast'Spanish Lavender Western Star Nursery
Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk' (Spanish Lavender) French Lavender 'Anouk', Spanish Lavender 'Anouk', Butterfly Lavender 'Anouk' Compact and very hardy, Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk' features dark plum flower heads topped with long-lasting violet-blue bracts delicately fading to pink as they mature. Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is a flowering subshrub native to the Mediterranean. Spanish Lavender is known for its petal-topped flowers (often called "rabbit's ears"), strong scent, and historic use in lavender oil production, ancient Greek medicine, and in the Four Thieves Vinegar of the Middle Ages. Prized for its flamboyant flowers and silvery, aromatic foliage, Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is the showiest of the garden lavenders, with tall petal-like bracts that rise above plump flower spikes like the ears of a rabbit.Compact, shrub-like, and highly ornamental, this versatile lavender is a beautiful addition to mixed perennial beds, herb gardens, borders, rock gardens, and. Pollinator and Culinary Garden Cultivars / Varieties: 'Alba' White blooms 'Anouk' Dark plum flower heads with blue-violet bracts 'Ballerina' Bi-color purple flowers with white flags 'Purple Ribbons' Tags:
Lavandula stoechas Spanish Lavender The sense TASTE Pinterest Spanish, Lavender and
Lavandula stoechas, the Spanish lavendertopped lavender (U.S.) or French lavender (U.K.), [1] is a species flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, occurring natively in several Mediterranean countries, including France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey and Greece. [2] Lavandula stoechas, commonly called French Lavender in the UK and Spanish Lavender in the US, is a small aromatic evergreen shrub, with upright stems of narrow grey-green leaves and long stalks bearing oval heads of tiny purple flowers topped with pink bracts. It is a drought-tolerant shrub native to the Mediterranean basin but can be found all. The Spanish lavender, scientifically known as Lavandula stoechas, is a cultivar of the lavender plant known for its charming bluish-purple blossoms. The plant is also known as topped lavender in the U.S and French lavender in the U.K. Lavandula stoechas grows natively in the hot, dry Mediterranean climate. Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) are long-blooming and fragrant perennial plants. A favorite with butterflies, Spanish Lavender (sometimes known as French Lavender) is distinguished by its unique, tufted blooms. Vigorous and easy to grow, Spanish Lavender prefers well-drained soil and is ideal for growing in raised beds. Lavandula stoechas.
French Lavender, Spanish Lavender seeds Lavandula stoechas 37 seeds Garden Seeds Market
Spanish Lavender is often referred to in older publications as French Lavender (which, today, is how we refer to L. dentata). This beautiful ribbon of 20 year old Spanish Lavender is fronted by blooming Hot Lips Salvia and framed by a Rosemary hedge in the back. Spanish Lavenders make a great addition to our Zone 8 Fragrant Herb Garden Six Pack. Lavandula stoechas. Spanish Lavenders or Lavandula stoechas are hardy to zones 8-10 and have beautiful flower blossoms. These Lavenders have unusual blooms which are tufted and pineapple shaped in appearance with dark purple flower bracts accompanied by dark green leaves. Another name for Spanish Lavender is French Lavender or Italian Lavender.
Spanish lavender — Lavandula stoechas. The Spanish lavender is the most colorful of the garden lavenders. It grows as a rounded shrub 24-30 in. high, and 2-3 ft. wide. Foliage is comprised of small linear gray-green leaves; flowers spikes feature several large and showy intense purple bracts, and occur on stems extending 4-6 in. above the. Primavera Spanish Lavender, A tightly mounding variety with an extended bloom season, from early spring through summer in Northern areas,. Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk Deluxe 1225' PP #33,269. Pronunciation: lav-AN-dew-lah STOW-kass. SKU #45655. USDA Zone. 7-9. Your climate might be too cold for this plant:
Anouk Supreme Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk Supreme') in Springfield, Oregon (OR
This selection is a breakthrough, the first commercially grown Spanish Lavender from seed, and offers masses of dark purple flowers with purple flags on a cute compact mound of fragrant, silver-green foliage. Excellent in mixed containers, as well as a hot, sunny border. May be wintered indoors in cold regions. Drought tolerant once established. Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is a perennial with a powerful scent and interesting appearance. This lavender variety from the Mediterranean will give you stunning purple flowers with.