OkamiSan and Her Seven Companions Anime (2010) SensCritique

Plot Set in the fictional Otogibana City, Okami-san & her Seven Companions follows the lives of Ryoko Okami (the eponymous Okami-san) and her friends, or companions, throughout their service as members of a "trading" club known as the Otogi High School Bank. 7.16 Ranked #3378 Popularity #856 Members 275,928 Summer 2010 TV J.C.Staff Episodes: / 12 PV English dub version More videos Edit Synopsis Tomboy Ryouko Ookami is a fierce boxer and the assigned bruiser of her club. Of course, no normal high school club needs a bruiser, but the Otogi Bank operates more akin to an actual bank.

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Story. Set in the fictional Otogibana City, Okami-san & her Seven Companions follows the lives of Ryoko Okami (the eponymous Okami-san) and her friends, or companions, throughout their service as members of a "trading" club known as the Otogi High School Bank. At the start of the series, Ryoko and her partner, Ringo, are on a routine service. 1 Video 17 Photos Animation Comedy Fantasy Ryoko-san and her friends at the Otogi Bank help classmates with their problems, in exchange for their help later on. Stars Colleen Clinkenbeard Brina Palencia Monica Rial See production info at IMDbPro STREAMING S1 S1 RENT/BUY from $16.99 Add to Watchlist 4 User reviews 2 Critic reviews Episodes 12 14 Reviews Add To Watchlist Add to Crunchylist Once upon a time, the studio behind Toradora! and Shakugan no Shana created a fable-minded story full of fairy tale tomfoolery. In this amusing. Led by Liszt Kiriki and staffed by tsundere Ryouko, inventor Majolica, jealous Otohime, flirtatious Tarou, serious Alice, nervous Ryoushi and maid Otsuu, Otogi Bank assists with everything from helping break into a rival school to convincing an upperclassman to not quit a sports team.

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Best Price Free SD HD 4K Stream 12 Episodes HD 12 Episodes HD Buy $16.99 $16.99 12 Episodes We checked for updates on 234 streaming services on January 6, 2024 at 3:11:19 AM. Something wrong? Let us know! Streaming, rent, or buy Okami-san and Her Seven Companions - Season 1: Watch Okami-san and Her Seven Companions Okami-san and Her Otogi Bank Companions, on Crunchyroll. Ryoko and her friends form Otogi Bank: a social club which specializes in resolving problems for. Watch Okami-san and Her Seven Companions Okami-san the Liar and Ryoshi, on Crunchyroll. Ryoko gets a request while the rest of Otogi Bank is out shopping. When gangsters from a rival high school. Season 1. S1, Ep1. 1 Jul. 2010. Ookami-san and Friends in Otogi Bank. 6.9 (18) Rate. Ryoko and her friends form Otogi Bank: a social club which specializes in resolving problems for classmates via aggressive transactions. The wallflower Ryoshi is smitten with Ryoko - despite rejection - and must prove his worth to the rest of the troop.

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An anime adaptation called Ōkami-san and Her Seven Companions ( Ōkami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi ), which takes its name from the first novel in the series, was produced by J.C. Staff and aired in the summer of 2010. The anime was licensed by Funimation in 2011, with the DVD/Blu-Ray released in April 2012. Not related to Ōkami. Okami-san and Her Seven Companions. Season 1.. S1 E3 - Okami-san Gets Caught in the Fight between the Tortoise and the Hare. July 14, 2010. 24min. TV-14. Otohime plans to settle the score with a long-time rival by beating her in the Miss Otogi Academy beauty pageant. At her request, the Otogi Bank unleashes on the competition to help her win. Order Now! http://amzn.to/Okamisan_yt_amznOnce upon a time, the studio behind Toradora! and Shakugan no Shana created a fable-minded story full of fairy tal. Ryoko Okami (大神 涼子, Ōkami Ryōko) is the main female protagonist of Okami-san and Her Seven Companions. She is 16 years old and has a very intense personality, just like a wolf. She is 174 cm (5.8 feet) tall. Ryoko has very long, light brown hair and pointy golden-brown eyes. Her common outfit is a black short sleeved sailor school girl top with red trim, a red scarf, and a black maxi.

Okamisan and her Seven Companions Japan Powered

Thu, Aug 12, 2010. S1.E7. Ookami-san Goes on a Double Date with Jizou-san. Ringo arranges a precocious pairing in response to a request from the Academy's baseball whiz. When Ryoko flees the mission, a blow to the head leads to a run-in with the tormentor from her past. 7.3/10. Ryoko Ōkami, the "wolf" of our story, and her BFF Ringo, also known as Little Red Riding Hood, are members of Otogi Bank—a high school club that helps classmates out of grim situations. One day, a meek young man proclaims his love to Ryoko, who does nothing but bite him in return. "You're much too weak for me," she huffs.