Chihuahua Rat Terrier Mix Rateria Dog Pets Lovers

History of the Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix. The Rat-chi was introduced for the very first time in the 1990s, and since then, it has often been claimed as the 'best' designer dog. Temperament and Personality. The Ratchas are affectionate and mostly long for attention. These intelligent dogs yearn for human touch, sleeping on their masters. The Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix is a happy pup with energy to spare. Adding size from the Rat Terrier side makes your Ratcha pup as satisfied in the country (supervised while outside, of course) as in the city and able to play more safely with young children. Both breeds are relatively healthy, so your Ratcha should have few genetic health problems.

Light Brown Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix Pets Lovers

Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix (Rat-Cha) 13 mind-blowing Rat-Cha facts #1: Rat-Chas can live to be 18 years old #2: The Rat-Cha is a designer dog #3: They don't weigh more than 15 pounds #4: Rat-Chas can have long, short, and multicolored coats #5: They have high energy and love to play #6: Rat-Chas are a lifelong lap dog Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix History. Now that we know about the parents let's talk about the crossbreed. The Rat-Cha originated in the 90s when designer breeds were still starting to bloom. Like many crossbreeds, they are officially recognized by the Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC) and the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC).. The Chihuahua Rat Terrier mix is a unique and intriguing combination of two very distinct dog breeds. With its small size, sleek fur, and sharp features, it has the appearance of a typical Chihuahua.. But at the same time, it also has many characteristics that are more typical of a Rat Terrier, such as long ears, and sturdy legs.Overall, this mixed breed is relatively compact but muscular. Meet the Rat-Cha, which is an American Rat Terrier crossed with a Chihuahua. These dogs may be little, but the Rat-Cha has big spirits. Their ferociousness can put much larger dogs to shame, for better or worse. The Rat-Cha can actually make a good guard dog, but you must take care not to let them get too aggressive.

Chihuahua & Rat Terrier Mix ♥ Rat Terrier Pinterest

The Chihuahua is most commonly crossed with the Rat Terrier, the Jack Russell Terrier, the Fox Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier, to give different Terrier Mix breeds. While many of the parent Terrier breeds are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Chihuahua Terrier Mix is not because it is a crossbreed. One of the most popular of these mixed breed adoptees is the rat terrier-chihuahua mix, a dog that is colloquially referred to as the "Rat-Cha." If this sounds like an interesting choice to you, experts suggest that you first do some basic homework before pulling the adoption trigger, just to ensure that this particular type of dog is the. The average estimated lifespan of a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix is between 10 - 15 years. If you are looking for an energetic companion dog and don't have any young children or other dogs in your home, then a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix will be the best bet. While both breeds that constitute this cross are loving and devoted, the rat-killing. A Chihuahua Terrier mix dog has one Chihuahua parent and one parent from one of the Terrier group. often this will be a Yorkie, Pitbull, Rat Terrier, Fox Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier or Bull Terrier. Chihuahuas are the small dog with a big reputation, first bred for companionship in Mexico and now popular all over the world.

Chihuahua Rat Terrier Mix Pets Lovers

The Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix is versatile in terms of its compatibility. They tend to do well in families, especially if they are raised around children from a young age. Their playful nature means they can be excellent companions for kids, though supervision is always advised given the Rat-Cha's small size. The Chihuahua Rat Terrier mix is a very affectionate companion - loving and loyal to their owners. Both parent breeds are small and active, making them wonderful options for a retired couple. The Chihuahua Rat Terrier, like other mix breeds is receptive to training, despite it's independent, stubborn nature.. While a Chihuahua terrier mix can be bred by mixing any terrier with a Chihuahua (there are over 30 different types of terriers), the most popular terriers are the Jack Russel terrier, rat terrier, Yorkshire terrier, and fox terrier. These breeds have varying histories, but they can mostly be traced back to the need for hunting dogs in the 19th. The Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix, or the Ratchi, is a one-of-a-kind furry friend that promises endless entertainment and affection. From their boundless energy and playful antics to their sassy charm and intelligence, these pint-sized pups pack a big punch. If you're looking for a companion that will keep you smiling and laughing while showering.

Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix Brindle Pets Lovers

Rat-Cha Physical Characteristics. The Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix tends to fall somewhere in-between the size of the two-parent breeds; they are still typically small dogs and will weigh between 12 and 25 pounds.Rat-Chas are not tall and grow between 12 and 18 inches.. Typically Rat-Chas have a short, smooth coat, however, because there's a version of the Chihuahua with long coats, you might. The cute and perky Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix, also known as Rat-Cha, is a crossbreed that combines the affectionate playfulness of the American Rat Terrier and the cuteness of the Chihuahua breed. These small breeds are low-maintenance lap dogs perfect for single apartment dwellers but can be prone to aggression and other behavioral issues.