Dabbling Ducks #1. Mallard How to identify: Males have a bright green head, thin white collar, dark reddish-brown chest, yellow bill, and a black rump with a white-tipped tail. Females are mottled brown with orange and brown bills. Both sexes have purple-blue secondary feathers on their wing, which is most visible when they are standing or flying. 1. Mallard Mallards are very common in Ontario and can be spotted all year. They are recorded in 27% of summer and 21% of winter checklists submitted by bird watchers for the province. Mallards are large ducks, and the males have striking green heads. They also have bright yellow bills and gray bodies with brown breasts and black towards the tail.
Types Of Duck
Dabbling Ducks Dabbling ducks, as the name suggests, feed by dabbling on the surface of the water or grazing on land. They typically feed on plants, insects, and small invertebrates. Some commonly found dabbling duck species in Ontario include Mallards, Wood Ducks, and American Wigeons. this guide can help you identify what waterbirds you see in Ontario All Sort Grid Card Mallard 1 Anas platyrhynchos American Black Duck × Mallard 2 Anas rubripes × platyrhynchos American Black Duck 3 Anas rubripes Mallard × Northern Pintail 4 Anas platyrhynchos × acuta Blue-winged Teal 5 Spatula discors Northern Pintail 6 Anas acuta Hunting Waterfowl ID Waterfowl ID - Learn About All Types of Ducks & Waterfowl Your guide to waterfowl identification, behaviors, and habitats Dabbling Ducks View All Mallard The mallard is one of the most recognized of all ducks and is the ancestor of several domestic breeds. Its wide range has given rise to several distinct populations. 1. Common Eider Even though the Common Eider is a bird that is considered to be in the process of becoming extinct across Ontario, it is still possible to see it year-round along the northern shore of the province. The Common Eider is a huge sea duck that has a forehead that slopes downward.
Duck Identification
Dabblers fly straight up off the water. Divers patter across the water picking up speed before becoming airborne. Look at the surroundings Habitat is a key piece of identification. Dabbling ducks are most often found in shallow water around the edges of wetlands. Here in Ontario we can spot the red-breasted, common or hooded merganser during the summer months. Perchers Perching ducks are denoted by their prominent talons accenting their webbed feet, allowing them to get a firm and strong grasp on almost anything they attempt to perch upon. Ontario is home to a wide range of bird species. The vast diversity of landforms and ecosystems found here provide excellent habitat and food sources. Everything from songbirds and shorebirds to owls and birds of prey can be found living among the forests, fields and wetlands of Ontario. Female: Chestnut breast, grayish brown body, gray-colored head, and a small, black-tipped gray bill. Male: Pinkish-brown back and breast with a green patch from the eyes to nape and a small, black-tipped white bill. Eurasian Wigeon Scientific name: Anas penelope
Free Printable Duck Identification Charts [PDF] Guide With Pictures
Ontario is home to 20 different types of dabbling ducks, each with its own unique characteristics and preferences. Mallards. The Mallard is the most common species of duck found in Ontario. They are versatile ducks and can be found in a wide range of wetland habitats, including lakes, rivers, ponds, and marshes. Common Mergansers are streamlined ducks that float gracefully down small rivers or shallow shorelines. The males are striking with clean white bodies, dark green heads, and a slender, serrated red bill. The elegant gray-bodied females have rich, cinnamon heads with a short crest. In summer, look for them leading ducklings from eddy to eddy along streams or standing on a flat rock in the middle.
Learn more. Small stiff-tailed diving duck with a relatively slender dished bill. Floats very low in the water, and unlikely to be seen on land. Male has intense chestnut and black plumage, bright blue bill. Female is dark grayish. Usually observed on the water on deep wetlands. Much longer and less chunky bill than Musk Duck. Official list of the birds of Ontario, as maintained by the Ontario Field Ornithologists http://ofo.ca/site/page/view/checklist.checklist
Duck Species Duckling Identification Chart
Updated: September 2, 2022 Ducks are remarkable waterfowl that are commonly found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. If you spot one in the wild, they are sure to catch your attention with their beautiful plumage, waddling gait, and an attention-grabbing quack. Did you know that there are over 50 different types of ducks? Browse North American birds by shape—helpful if you don't know exactly which type of bird you've seen.