Meaning of the name Julia. Origin, life path & personality. YouTube

Der weibliche Vorname Julia bedeutet übersetzt „die aus dem Geschlecht der Julier Stammende" und „die dem Jupiter Geweihte". Julia bezeichnete im alten Rom die weiblichen Mitglieder der „Gens Iulia". Julia gehörte lange Zeit zu den beliebtesten Vornamen in Deutschland und wird auch heutzutage sehr oft vergeben. Weiterlesen Erst seit dem 18. Jahrhundert ist der Name im englischsprachigen Raum als Vorname verbreitet. [1] Vor 1970 wurde der Name in Deutschland nur sehr selten vergeben. Seit 1970 zählt er zu den beliebtesten Vornamen Deutschlands.

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Der Name Julia passt zu mir und die Bedeutung, die der Name in sich trägt. Für mich ist er einzigartig und jeder der sich Julia nennen darf, sollte in mit stolz tragen. Ärgert euch doch nicht, dass viele diesen Namen tragen, sondern begrüßt eure Namensvetter mit einem Lächeln. LG Julia. 15. April 2018 10:05. April, 22. Mai, 21. Juli, 28. September, 16. Februar und 16. September. Wie beliebt ist der Name Julia? Hier kannst du sehen, wie sich die Beliebtheit von Julia in den letzten Jahren entwickelt hat. ( Quelle) People Ancient world Julia (women of the Julii Caesares) : Julia (wife of Sulla) (c. 129 BC-c. 104 BC), first wife of Sulla Julia (wife of Marius) (c. 130 BC-69 BC) Julia (mother of Mark Antony) (104 BC-after 39 BC) Julia Major (sister of Julius Caesar) (before 101 BC-?) Baby Names Julia Name Meaning By Elisa Cinelli Updated on July 11, 2021 Fact checked by Cara Lustik Stanislaw Pytel / Getty Images Table of Contents View All How Popular Is the Name Julia? Name Variations Similar Names Common Nicknames Suggested Sibling Names

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A person by this name has a brief mention in the New Testament. It was also borne by a few early saints and martyrs, including the patron saint of Corsica. Additionally, Shakespeare used it in his comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594). It has been common as a given name in the English-speaking world only since the 18th century. Girl Julia A feminine form of Julius, Julia means downy haired and youthful. Julia Name Origin: Latin Pronunciation: jule-ee-ah See what 18 people think about Julia Meaning Popularity Alternatives Lists Julia Name Meaning A sweet classic with timeless appeal, Julia is a longtime favorite among parents. The name Julia is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "youthful or sky father". Julia was an ancient Roman imperial name given to females in the house of a Julius, as in Caesar. The name Julia is of Latin origin and means "youthful." It was once an ancient Roman name given to women born in the house of Julius. Possible roots include Latin iuvenis (youthfu); Greek ioulos (downy-bearded); or the form of Jupiter Jovis ("sky father"). Syllables: 3.

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Meaning: "The Highest God." Origin: The name "Julia" was borrowed from the Latin name "Iūlius. Its origins beyond that are debated, yet many believe that it came from the Ancient Greek name "íoulos" or "Jovilius." Popularity: Julia has consistently been in the top 100 girls' names in ten different countries, including England and Poland. See the popularity of the baby girl's name Julia over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. Popularity: 274. Origin: Latin. Other Origin (s): Roman. Meaning: youthful or Jove's child. Julia is a girl's name with Latin origins. The name Julia means "youthful" or "Jove's child" and was once an imperial Roman name given to those born in the house of Julius Caesar. Despite its ancient roots, Julia is a modern and sophisticated. Meaning:*. The origin of this name is still quite uncertain today. The theories include: A) From the Late Latin "Iūlius," meaning "youth, youthful, juvenile.". B) A supreme god from the Latin and Proto Indo-European "*djew > iou-pater > Juppĭtĕr.". Jupiter is the King of the Gods and the God of sky and thunder in Roman Religion.

Meaning of the name Julia. Origin, life path & personality. YouTube

Julia (Not Julia) - The Nields. Julia Dream - Pink Floyd. Julia Says - Wet Wet Wet. Julia's Song - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. The name Julia is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Youthful, Downy. Click through to find out more information about the name Julia on Vorname Julia - Bedeutung, Herkunft, Beliebtheit Der Vorname Julia gehört zu den beliebtesten Mädchennamen in Deutschland. Doch woher stammt der Name eigentlich und was bedeutet er? In diesem Artikel werden die Herkunft, Bedeutung und Beliebtheit des Namens Julia genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Contents Bedeutung und Herkunft Vor- und Nachteile