Stefano Zarrella und Romina Palm im EuropaPark

Influencer Stefano Zarrella und Model Romina Palm haben sich getrennt. Hat die ehemalige GNTM-Teilnehmerin ihren Ex betrogen? Vor wenigen Tagen ließ Influencer Stefano Zarrella (32) in. After planning their wedding, Stefano Zarrella (32) and Romina Palm (23) have called it quits, much to the surprise of their fans. The couple confirmed their separation recently, and rumors have been swirling around social media as to what led to the split. The couple had been together for three years and were even engaged since the summer of 2021.

Stefano Zarrella + ExGNTMKandidatin Romina Palm Sie haben sich getrennt

Stefano Zarrella explained to his 1.4 million followers that he and Romina Palm had gone separate ways. The former couple had pushed back their wedding date repeatedly after Stefano proposed to Romina in June 2021. Despite the announcement, Zarrella did not comment on the exact reasons for their surprising love off. After separating from Stefano Zarrella (32), Romina Palm (23) dived for the first time in early March. Now the influencer is speaking again on her YouTube channel for the first time since the love off. The video overwrites the former "GNTM" candidate with the words "Welcome back! Our new phase of life". März 2023 um 12:00 Uhr. „Meine Therapie hat einiges in mir aufkommen lassen!". Mit diesen Worten meldet sich Romina Palm (23) nach der Trennung von Stefano Zarrella (32) erneut auf Instagram. Not quite two years ago, Stefano Zarrella (32) and Romina Palm (23) got engaged. Instead of walking down the aisle, they ended their relationship, as the brother of moderator and singer Giovanni Zarrella (45) announced on Instagram.

Stefano Zarrella & Romina Palm FanDiskussion um mögliche Trennung

Romina has now revealed how things are with her and her boyfriend Stefano Zarrella. Private insights should stay private The 22-year-old model recently explained in a YouTube video how she manages to balance her career and her love affair with Stefano Zarrella. Stefano Zarrella und Romina Palm laden dich in ihrem neuen Podcast "Hör mal, Amo!" zu ihrer Date Night ein! Erlebe die beiden hautnah und erfahre, was sie wi. Age 24 years old #96425 Most Popular Boost About TikTok star recognized for her red hair and mermaid-like persona. She posts dance challenges, lip sync videos and glam looks to her rominajosefinepalm TikTok account, which has garnered 20 million likes. Before Fame She joined TikTok and Instagram in February of 2020. Trivia How much time does Romina Palm (22) have for love? Last season, the influencer was seen at Germany's next top model and even made it to the finals there. In the meantime, the Cologne-based woman is not only successful with shoots and on social media - she also wants to pursue an acting career.

Stefano Zarrella und Romina Palm im EuropaPark

Vor Kurzem schockte das nächste Influencer-Paar mit seiner Trennung.Stefano Zarrella und Romina Palm verkündeten ihr Beziehungs-Aus! Nach Stefano meldet sich. Trotz Verlobung: Romina Palm und Stefano haben sich getrennt - YouTube Alles aus bei Romina Palm (23) und Stefano Zarrella (32)! Drei Jahre lang waren die ehemalige GNTM-Kandidatin. 31.03.2023, 18:42 Uhr Ex-GNTM-Teilnehmerin Romina Palm hat sich nach der Trennung von ihrem Verlobten Stefano Zarrella bei ihren Fans zurückgemeldet. Köln - Das ehemalige GNTM -Model hatte eine dreiwöchige Auszeit genommen. 910K Followers, 761 Following, 354 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ROMINA PALM 🌴 (@rominapalm)

Offiziell Romina Palm und Stefano Zarrella haben sich getrennt NEWSZONE

Romina Palm bricht Schweigen: Sie spricht erstmals über Trennung von Stefano Zarrella. Köln - Nach ihrer Trennung von Food-Influencer Stefano Zarrella (32) verschwand die frühere "Germany's Next Topmodel"-Kandidatin Romina Palm (23) für drei Wochen von der Bildfläche. Jetzt kehrte sie zurück und hatte überraschende Infos im Gepäck. Romina Palm was not heard from for three weeks. Now she speaks for the first time since the separation from Stefano Zarrella. After separating from Stefano Zarrella (32), Romina Palm (23) dived for the first time in early March. . The video overwrites the former "GNTM" candidate with the words…