Via Lactea Granite is a durable and elegant black natural stone from Brazil, featuring striking white veins. Ideal for countertops and kitchen islands. Via Lactea granite is a grey-black granite patterned with chalky white veins. The natural stone is well suited for creative homeowners who desire to give their kitchen a stylish atmosphere. It can also be used in many other places in the home.
Via Lactea Granite Design USA
Via Lactea Granite, also known as "Starry Night" Granite, is a remarkable natural stone that is quarried in Brazil. This granite variety is highly regarded for its striking appearance, resembling a night sky filled with twinkling stars. Via Lactea is extracted in Brazil. This black granite contains subtle white veining and schist minerals that add sparkle and depth to the stone. Its name describes it perfectly. Via Lactea's surface is as dark and mysterious as the cosmos and its veins are white like the Milky Way, producing a breathtaking effect. APPLICATIONS: Counters Fireplace Contours Flooring Full-size Backsplashes. Description Via Lattea Granite, also known as Black Galaxy Granite, is a stunning natural stone quarried in Brazil. It is widely recognized for its rich black color and striking golden speckles, resembling a sparkling galaxy against a dark backdrop. Here is a description of Via Lattea Granite: Appearance: Why you should choose Sensa Via lattea. Sensa gives you the opportunity to enjoy natural stone without maintenance concerns. Its revolutionary stain treatment makes it durable for everyday use. The stain-resistant protection of Sensa natural stone makes it easy to use for kitchen countertops and wall cladding.
Vía Láctea Marmolería Portaro
Via Lactea. Via Lactea resembles the beautiful and mysterious night view of the moving Universe from Earth. A solid and hard granite formed by a dense black mineral mass with fine white lines looking in a steady and constant live movement. A very special and affordable black stone for all kinds of applications. Via Lactea is extracted in Brazil. This black granite contains subtle white veining and schist minerals that add sparkle and depth to the stone. Its name describes it perfectly. Via Lactea's surface is as dark and mysterious as the cosmos and its veins are white like the Milky Way, producing a breathtaking effect. APPLICATIONS: Counters Fireplace Contours Flooring Full-size Backsplashes. Via Lattea Granite Slabs. Via Lattea granite slabs are beautiful and durable, making them a phenomenal choice for countertops and other uses. Highly valued for its performance, granite has been used in buildings throughout the centuries. Colors Finishes Thickness Availability. O granito preto via láctea recebe este nome por conta das manchas brancas presentes na sua estrutura, semelhantes à via láctea. É uma pedra que deixa a decoração intergalática. Super moderna! Se você gosta do efeito do mármore - mas não quer gastar tanto no projeto - então o granito via láctea será uma ótima escolha.
Granito Vía Lactea Brillado/Leather Granito y Cuarzo
Zona Norte Zona Oeste Zona Sul Zona Leste Grande São Paulo Selecione a região de SP. O Via Lactea é um granito suave e elegante que adiciona luxo a qualquer que seja o ambiente. Por exemplo, um banheiro ou uma bancada de cozinha. ÓNIX GLACIALE Cotiza tu Granito Via Láctea, idóneo para los proyectos de interiorismo más sofisticados. Contacta con Grupo Tenerife y haz realidad todo tipo de proyectos.
Granito Vía Lactea Dimensiones de la placa (variable) Altura: 2.90mts Ancho: 1.90mts Espesor: 2cms Precio de placa: De $18,100.00 MXN a $14,500.00 MXN (NO Incluye Instalación) Pregunta por el costo de mano de obra Conoce nuestra galería de cocinas aquí. Vía Láctea. Granito Negro, con delgadas Vetas Blancas | TROYSTONE Nuestros granitos son los mejores para todo tipo de proyectos ya sea para interiores o exteriores, siendo la mejor opción del mercado. Cotizar Detalles técnicos Origen: Natural Dimensiones: 3.15 x 2 Aprox. Terminado: Pulido
O granito Via Láctea é uma pedra bastante versátil e que pode ser aplicada em diferentes projetos, incluindo varandas e áreas gourmet. O espaço gourmet pode ganhar a pedra de diferentes maneiras, como bancada, mesa, rodabanca, balcão ou até mesmo como uma opção para revestir a churrasqueira. O granito preto com veios e marquinhas. O que é Granito Via Lactea? O granito via láctea é uma pedra brasileira, encontrada principalmente nas regiões de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Ela é formada a partir de rochas magmáticas ígneas, que passam por resfriamento lento. A composição reúne grãos de quartzo, feldspato e mica escura (biotita).