Due to its high load-bearing function, the C5-C6 motion segment is frequently affected by poor posture, degeneration, disc herniation, radicular pain, and trauma. 1 Gray JC, Grimsby O. Interrelationship of the spine, rib cage, and shoulder. In: Donatelli RA. Uncovertebral arthrosis is thought to be the result of dehydration/reduction of the intervertebral disc, leading to an increased load between the cervical vertebrae and hence the uncovertebral joints. It typically is seen in the lower cervical vertebrae due to the increased load at these levels. Radiographic features

Uncoartrosis. Síntomas, causas y tratamientos de Uncoartrosis Página 6

A soft center (nucleus) surrounded by anannulus is formed between the vertebrae in the spine by rubbery disks. herniations are caused when part of the nucleus pushes through a crack in the annulus. When a nerve is compressed as a result of herniation, it may experience symptoms. Cervical spondylosis is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck. As the disks dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of bones (bone spurs). Cervical spondylosis is very common and worsens with age. C5 provides sensation to the upper part of your upper arm down to your elbow. Cervical nerve 6 controls the extensor muscles of your wrist and is involved in the control of your biceps. C6 provides sensation to the thumb side of your forearm and hand. Cervical nerve 7 controls your triceps and wrist extensor muscles. C7 provides sensation to. The normal cervical spine has a lordotic curvature.. Anterolisthesis of C3 on C4 and C4 on C5. Vertebral body heights are maintained. Multilevel degenerative changes characterized by disc space loss, uncovertebral joint degeneration, and facet arthropathy, most pronounced at C6-C7.. Multilevel degenerative changes, most pronounced at C6.


Radicular pain. This pain can radiate from a pinched nerve in the neck down through the shoulder, arm, hand, and/or fingers. It can sometimes feel hot or electric shock-like. See Radiculopathy, Radiculitis and Radicular Pain Cervical radiculopathy. The degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine usually involves the most mobile segment that is the C5-C6 followed by C6-C7 and C4-C5 disc levels. The degeneration causes decreased water content of the disc or desiccation which leads to tears in the outer ring or the annulus fibrosus. These tear allow the herniation of the central nucleus.