Tomate Tiny Tim Tomates/Tomates Cerises Graines de Tomates

The Tiny Tim Tomato is an heirloom tomato cultivar developed by the University of New Hampshire and introduced in 1945. The University bred this plant specifically to be grown in containers such as pots, windowsill gardens, and even indoor containers. Tiny Tim is an open-pollinated tomato variety. La tomate ancienne 'Tiny Tim' est idéale pour la culture en contenant. Elle donne un plant compact et buissonnant de 20-40 cm de haut par environ 30 cm de large. Ces délicieuses tomates rouges bien fermes et rondes ne mesurent que 2-4 cm de diamètre.

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The Tiny Tim tomato plant, also known as the unique dwarf, is a top favorite of several house gardeners due to its convenient size. Growing them seems a tough job considering the many diseases associated with the Tiny Tim plants. However, with this simple guide, you will master this art on your very first try. Table of Contents Tiny Tim Tomatoes are an extremely early variety. The miniature scarlet-red cherry tomatoes are perfect for decorating salads and vegetable trays. SKU: 140168 Growing Information Days to Germination: 7 to 14 days Days to Maturity: 45 to 55 days (after transplanting outdoors) Best Container Size: 18"+ Growing Height: 38-60 cm (15-24") Key Features Tiny Tim tomato plants max out around a foot tall, which makes them perfect for small patios, tabletops, and window boxes. And they're not just for looks—they also produce many handfuls of red cherry tomatoes! Interested in growing some Tiny Tim plants at home? Then stick with us as we cover all you need to know about growing Tiny Tim tomatoes. What Are Tiny Tim Tomatoes? These tomatoes are so tiny, they can easily grow in pots on your porch or garden. The University of New Hampshire first developed the Tiny Tim tomato in 1945.

Tiny Tim Tomato Seeds — San Diego Seed Company

Begin growing tiny Tim tomato seeds indoors in small containers, eight to ten weeks before the last frost date for your area. First, select sterile containers. Then, sow Tiny Tim tomato seeds about 1/8″ inch deep, using sterile seed starting soil. Seeds sprout in 10-14 days, depending upon soil temperature. Start your seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date in your area. Fill a seed tray with potting mix and water it until it's moist. Place 1-2 Tiny Tim tomato seeds in each cell of the seed tray, and cover the seeds with a thin layer of potting mix. Place the seed tray in a warm, sunny spot and keep the soil moist. A Tiny Tim Tomato plant requires six to eight hours of sunlight per day. If you grow your tomatoes in a planter on a balcony, ensure that it is not shaded by surrounding structures. Humidity & Temperature. To grow this plant successfully, the temperature must remain above 45°F or 7.2°C in the evening. Additionally, they need consistent. Tomato plants with tiny Tims thrive on balcony or deck plants. Small urban gardens can also benefit from them. Several garden pests, including tomato hornworms, cutworms, and some other worms, can harm tomato plants. If the fruit has not been staked or caged, snails and slugs will consume it.

Tomate cerise Tiny Tim Graines Une variété naine à fruits miniatures

Tiny Tim cherry tomato seeds are easy to grow and produce unique dwarf plants that work very well in small containers, window boxes, hanging baskets and small garden spaces. Read More Exposure Full-sun Matures in 60 days Season Warm season Seed type OP ? Click here for more options 0.1g (approx. 55 seeds) — $4.09 (in stock) 3.99$ En stock La tomate cerise Tiny Tim produit de petits fruits rouges d'environ 2.5 cm de diamètre. Plant nain au port compact (entre 25 et 45 cm de hauteur) qui en fait une candidate idéale pour la culture en pot. Variété hâtive et déterminée au feuillage de type rugosa (rugueux). Bonne résistance aux maladies. Ajouter au panier Growing Tiny Tim from seed. Start indoors six weeks before last frost. Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 2.60 feet (80.0 cm) and sow at a depth of around 0.78 inches (2.0 cm). Soil temperature should be kept higher than 12°C / 54°F to ensure good germination. By our calculations, you should look at sowing Tiny Tim about 42 days before. Introduced in 1945, Tomato "Tiny Tim" is a surprisingly tiny plant, growing to only 30cm (12in) tall so no staking is needed. It can be grown as a potted pla.

Tomate Tiny Tim Tomates/Tomates Cerises Graines de Tomates

Tiny Tim is grown as a bush tomato and requires no pruning other to remove excess foliage and foliage which is covering the fruits. APPEARANCE AND TASTE OF TINY TIM TOMATO The tomatoes are bright red and true cherry tomato size (3cm / 1in in diameter), one bite and they are gone! Kids will love them. Tomato | Tiny Tim (Bush) A perfect choice for producing lots of delicious fruit just right for snacks, salads, and relishes. The dwarf plants are easy-to-grow and very productive. Plant seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost, keeping soil temperature in the 20sºC (mid 70sºF). Grow in full sun. Shift hardened transplants to the garden sh.