The Hunter Call of the Wild All Outpost Locations

theHunter: Call of the Wild™ > Guides > DownhillDom's Guides 1,254 ratings NEW Animal Location Maps (Hi-Res) - AUSTRALIA UPDATE! By DownhillDom In the following chapters you can find completely new crafted Animal Location Maps for all reserves. EXPLORE THE WILDS Explore 50 square miles of varied terrain, ranging from wetlands and dense forests to lush valleys and open farm fields. The vast world of theHunter: Call of the Wild is split up into separate and distinct hunting reserves, each one filled with surprises and memorable moments.

The Hunter Call of the Wild Animal Locations Map

1 Map 2 Huntable Animals 2.1 Hirschfelden Animals (9 total, 1 unique, 2 great one) 2.2 Layton Lake Animals (9 total, 3 unique, 3 great one) 2.3 Medved-Taiga Animals (8 total, 2 unique, 1 great one) 2.4 Vurhonga Savanna Animals (10 total, 9 unique) 2.5 Parque Fernando Animals (8 total, 3 unique, 1 great one) The Hunter: Call of the Wild In the following chapters you can find completely new crafted Animal Location Maps for all reserves. The maps have been put together of 32 images each, so the resolution is as high as possible before needzones on the map are being displayed ingame. All outposts, high stands, ground blinds and Interactive Maps Special page Browse custom interactive maps inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandom. Explore and visualize locations, items, and more! Create Map Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve Last edited 7 April 2023 Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve Last edited 7 April 2023 Layton Lake District Last edited 19 December 2023 With a new map already released to Steam and coming to consoles in early 2021, let's do a ranking of all of theHunter: Call of the Wild DLC Maps released so far. The addition of new locales and game animals to hunt has proven great additions for the game as it provides players with countless additional missions and hours of game time.

The Hunter Call of the Wild Animal Location Maps (Updated)

. A wide variety of weapons can be used for hunting including different caliber . With such a vast selection, the hunter has to choose his/her weapon carefully according to the hunted animal to get the highest possible. Shooting is not the only possibility; the willed hunter can also take pictures of the majestic creatures using the provided theHunter: Call of the Wild™ Maps By SUPERSEXYHOLYSHIT The guide roams across my favorite to my first time visits and summary of reserves and animals.. There is info here and it covers - Beginner $$$ by ducks at Layton --- Particular Zoo and species locations -- Long range shooting -- theHunter: Call of the Wild™ > Guides > Xi Law's Guides 1,574 ratings Animal Location Maps (Parque update!) By Xi Law These maps of Layton Lake District, Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve, Medved-Taiga, Vurhonga Savanna and Parque Fernando show the best locations to hunt and what animals you'll find there. Longtime hunter/lurker but decided to finally contribute something. I got tired of looking at multiple resources when trying to hunt so I combined everything I found into one spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains every weapon, animal, class, fur type and hunting location map I could find. There are other resources which I've linked below that.

Steam Community Guide theHunter Call of the Wild™ Maps

Layton Lake District Map Updated after the release of white-tailed jackrabbit. Apart from the addition of the jackrabbits, the locations of other animals have changed as well (mostly Moose). Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve Map The best locations for Canada Geese are around open fields, so the east half of the map including Schönfeldt. Medved-Taiga On this Emerald Coast Guide we go over the best locations to hunt on this new reserve + every single Emerald Coast Hotspot Map to hunt species like Saltwater. On this New England Mountains Guide, we go over the best locations to hunt on this reserve + every single New England Mountains Hotspot Map to hunt species l. Credit to DownhillDom. If you play theHunter: Call of the Wild and you are looking for new animal locations, this guide will show you where they are, and animal positions have been taken from their needzones on my maps, so they may vary a little to yours, but the tendency is as accurate as possible. Let's check them out.

The Hunter Call of the Wild All Outpost Locations

Map The map displays the reserve and how much of it the player has explored at any given point in time. Exploring the world and discovering points of interest will mark them on the map. They can also be marked by visiting lookout points . The player can fast travel to any visited and discovered outpost by clicking on its icon on the map. BEST & WORST MAPS In TheHunter: Call of the WildWant to know what the best reserves in TheHunter: Call of the Wild are? Look no further, I have been playing.