Defriko Gusma Putra, R. Rahayu, A. Putri Published 14 January 2021 Business, Computer Science TLDR Evidence is provided that ERP implementation makes an integrated operating system and can increase organizational capabilities by utilizing existing resources, and ultimately will also increase company performance. Expand View PDF Save to Library Defriko Gusma Putra Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat Rita Rahayu Universitas Andalas Anne Putri Abstract and Figures Research aims: This study aims to examine the effect of Enterprise Resource.
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M. D. K. Putra, W. Rahayu, Jahja Umar Published in Jurnal Penelitian dan… 29 June 2019 Psychology The General Self-Efficacy Scale 12 (GSES-12) is a brief measure for assessing self-efficacy. This study aimed to revise an Indonesian language version of the GSES-12 that was translated and adopted from previous research. Putra, D.G., Rahayu, R., & Putri, A. (2021). The influence of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation system on company performance mediated by organizational capabilities. Journal of Accounting and Investment, 22(2), 221-241. ARTICLE HISTORY Received: 07 Nov 2020 Revised: 17 Dec 2020 11 Jan 2021 Accepted: 14 Jan 2021 (Putra, Rahayu, & Umar, 2019).pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. View the profiles of people named Putra Putra Rahayu. Join Facebook to connect with Putra Putra Rahayu and others you may know. Facebook gives people the.
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MDK Putra, W Rahayu, J Umar. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 23 (1), 12-25, 2019. 10: 2019: Exploring the Factor Structure of Environmental Attitudes Measure in a Sample of Indonesian College Students. B Hayat, R Hidayat, MDK Putra. CES Psicología 14 (1), 112-129, 2021. 5: 2021: Defriko Gusma Putra, Rita Rahayu, Anne Putri; Affiliations Defriko Gusma Putra Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatra. Rita Rahayu Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatra Anne Putri Department of Accounting, STIE Haji Agus Salim Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. MS. RAHAYU RIDZUAN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Postgraduate application- Inbound and Data Coordinator) +603 9769 7808/3598
[email protected]. Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia +603-9769
[email protected]. HOTLINE CONTROL CENTER (24 HOURS) 03-9769 7990 | 03-9769 7470 | 229 Followers, 632 Following, 7 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Putra_Rahayu (@putra_rahayu)
Keadaan Umum Kelompok Ternak Putra Rahayu (n:15 responden) Mitra pengabdian mayoritas memiliki pekerjaan utama sebagai petani padi (86,7%) sehingga usaha berternak ini merupakan kerja sampingan. NPSN : 70004571 Status : Swasta Bentuk Pendidikan : SMP Status Kepemilikan : Yayasan SK Pendirian Sekolah : 425/1285a/Bid.SMP/Kab/2020 Tanggal SK Pendirian : 2020-09-17 SK Izin Operasional : 425/1351/Bid.SMP/Kab/2023 Tanggal SK Izin Operasional : 2023-05-15
Sekolah disekitar SMP PUTRA RAHAYU. Ekstrakurikuler dan Muatan Lokal; Proses Pembelajaran; Rasio Siswa Rombel 36.33; Rasio Siswa Ruang Kelas * 27.25; Rasio Siswa Guru 10.9; Persentase Guru Kualifikasi 40; Persentase Guru Sertifikasi 20; Persentase Guru PNS 10; Persentase Ruang Kelas Layak 100; Profil Sanitasi. PUTRA RAHAYU. Jl. Dewi Sartika Gg. 1 Semarapura, 80752 Klaten - Indonesia. Want to see more results ? {0} important information hidden . Log In / Sign Up. Categories. Main category Industrial buildings and warehouses (1541) Secondary categories Construction Of Residential And Non-Residential Buildings (110103)
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Putra Rahayu Ikuti 139 Mengikuti 660 Pengikut 2947 Suka Ig PUTRA_.RAHAYU meneri job khitanan sewa rajawali ulang tahun,nikahan DLL Video Disukai 335 #senireak #putrarahayu #antipelanggarantiktok #cutamuda 2370 #senireak #dogdog5 #putrarahayu #sikulimis 1554 #cinematic #rajawali #senibenjang #putrarahayu 1227 Membalas @alfian___2 1342 #CapCut 5712 SMP PUTRA RAHAYU adalah salah satu satuan pendidikan dengan jenjang SMP di Ciwalen, Kec. Warungkondang, Kab. Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Dalam menjalankan kegiatannya, SMP PUTRA RAHAYU berada di bawah naungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan