PPT What is water pollution? PowerPoint Presentation, free download ID4389918

Effects of water pollution Aug 29, 2015 • 24 likes • 33,832 views A Adarsh Bimod Student Follow Environment Causes of water pollution and its effects. Effects of water pollution 1 of 14 Download Now Save slide Save slide Recommended Water Pollution april.cruda 401.3K views • 64 slides Air pollution: source, effect and cont Anas Indabawa • Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion in streams and rivers. • Oil spills in the water causes animal to die when they ingest it or encounter it. Oil does not dissolve in water so it causes suffocation in fish and birds. Presented By Narendra Singh

Water pollution ppt for class 9th

What Are the Causes of Water Pollution? Water is uniquely vulnerable to pollution. Known as a "universal solvent," water is able to dissolve more substances than any other liquid on. Here are a few types of water pollution: 9. 1. Nutrients Pollution Some wastewater, fertilizers and sewage contain high levels of nutrients. If they end up in water bodies, they encourage algae and weed growth in the water. This will make the water undrinkable, and even clog filters. Cause & Effects of Water Pollution PowerPoint Presentation. There are 3 major sectors of society that cause water pollution. What are they? What human activities cause water pollution? How does water pollution affect aquatic wildlife? Is red tide caused by water pollution?

PPT What is water pollution? PowerPoint Presentation, free download ID4389918

PowerPoint About the Template Today one of the most pressing environmental concerns is water pollution. Download this water pollution ppt template and outline your thoughts on water pollution and what can you do to prevent it. Today water pollution, Air Pollution is becoming a serious concern. Water pollution: an introduction. by Chris Woodford . Last updated: October 1, 2023. Over two thirds of Earth's surface is covered by water; less than a third is taken up by land. As Earth's population continues to grow, people are putting ever-increasing pressure on the planet's water resources. In a sense, our oceans, rivers, and other inland. Download our entirely editable Water Pollution PPT template to showcase the types, causes, effects, and preventative measures of water pollution. Types of Water Pollution Presentation - Click for PowerPoint Tagged: biodegradable wastes, nutrient pollution, heat pollution, sediment pollution, chemical pollution, radioactive pollution, medicinal pollution, microbiological pollution Share Newer Post Types of Water Pollution Handout Older Post Lesson 3: Cause and Effect of Water Pollution

Water pollution, Effects of water pollution, Pollution

Effects on Humans Diseases caused by: Drinking contaminated water Swimming in polluted water Contact with chemically polluted water Effects on Animals 200 turtles in Australia's surround waters die each year Effects on Animals Birds and mammals become coated with oil What You Can Sources of Water Pollution. 10. Pollutant Types and Sources Pathogens: Disease causing organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasitic worms. -Mostly non-point sources; sewage or animal feces, livestock feedlots, and poultry farms; sewage from overburdened wastewater treatment plants. PRITI INTERNATIONAL 47A, Balaram Bose 1st Lane, Kolkata - 700020 West Bengal, India Phone : +91-33-24542421 +91-33-24862592 Tele Fax : +91-33-24543817 Mobile No : +91-9874211745 E-mail : [email protected] Website: www.pritiinternational.in. Priti international shares this power point presentation on the effects of water pollutions and. Water pollution affects the entire biosphere of plants and organisms living in these water bodies, as well as organisms and plants that might be exposed to the water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities. 3

Water pollution ppt

This powerpoint begins by looking at the River Bann facts. It then introduces the idea of river pollution and its serious effects - fresh water can become so polluted that plants and animals can die. The powerpoint also contains an activity which demonstrates how to create a water filter for removing physical impurities from he water.Tags in this resource: river-background-daylight-1. How do we measure water quality Bacterial Counts: Fecal coliform counts from intestines of animals • None per 100 ml for drinking • >200 per 100 ml for swimming Sources: human sewage, animals, birds, raccoons, etc. See table 22-2 on page 493 for diseases transmitted by contaminated drinking water. 8.