The Artist Summary Explanation in Hindi YouTube

The Artist (कलाकार) 'The Artist' is a short story by a Japanese short story writer Shiga Naoya. It is a story of a Japanese talented boy. This story shows how the adult often causes damage the talent of a small child. He was born in Japan. He is a short story Japanese writer. This story shows, how is the talent of young ones crushed by adult one. In this story, Shiga narrates a story of a 12 years old Japanese boy, Seibei. He is fond of collecting gourds. He studies in a primary school' He likes an even & symmetrical gourds.

The artist summary in Hindi YouTube

Class 12 English | The Artist Summary in Hindi | Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 6 | The Artist Class 12 English, The Artist Summary | The Artist Ka Sum. 12th English 100 Marks Chapter 6 | The Artist By Shiga Naoya summary in Hindi & English | Education Baba | English By Aditya JhaEnglish 100 marks syllabus 20. The Artist Short Story Summary in English and Hindi by Shiga Naoya The Artist Summary in English Seibei was a twelve years old boy, and he was still in primary school. He lived with his parents in a small harbour town in Japan. He was passionately fond of collecting gourds. 'The Artist' is a short story written by Japanese author Shiga Naoya. This story expresses the traditional attitude of teachers and parents towards education.

THE ARTIST summary in hindi class 12 bihar board YouTube

The Artist-Shiga Naoya. "The Artist" is written by Shiga Naoya he was a Japanese writer. In this story he tried to unfurl before us how the people of today damage the talent of their son or daughter. In this story there is a boy whose name is Seibei and he was of 12 years old even he was reading in primary school only. The Artist. Shiga Naoya. Summary in Hindi. सेबे 12 वर्ष का लड़का था, और वह अभी प्राथमिक पाठशाला में पढ़ता था| वह अपने माता-पिता के साथ एक छोटे से बंदरगाह वाले नगर. The Artist is a beautiful story written by Shiga Naoya, a famous Japanese short story writer. In this story, the author reveals the story of Sebei, a talented Japanese boy, how adults often destroy the talents of a young child. "The Artist" has been written by Shiga Naoya he was a Japanese writer. In this story he tried to unfurl before us (हमारे सामने प्रस्तुत) how the people of today damage the talent of their son or daughter. In this story there is a boy whose name is Seibei and he was of 12 years old even he was reading in primary school only.

The Artist full chapter hindi explanation 12th class English Bihar

The Artist - Summary. ' The Artist ' is a very inspiring and instructive story written by the famous Japanese writer, Shiga Naoya. The story tells us how the creative talent and passion for the art of a boy is crushed and killed by an apathetic and prejudiced attitude of his father and teacher to art and artists. Seibei is a boy twelve. The Artist Summary Summary - Shiga Naoya (1883-1971) This story has been written by Shiga Naoya. he was a Japanese short story writer of the 20th century. In this story, he has described an artist Japanese boy whose name is Seibei. He has a hobby for collecting gourds. He buys them for a few sen. Notes of 12th, English Grammar & English Literature & Hindi THE ARTIST SUMMARY 2 - Study Material बिहार बोर्ड 12th English, The Artist Summary,The Artist best explain, इंग्लिश के लिए बिहार बोर्ड के नंबर वन टीचर,बिहार बोर्ड कंप्लीट इंग्लिश, The Artist expl.

The Artist Story In Hindi boatfasr

The Artist by Shiga Naoya, summary in Hindi & English, download free pdf, take online objective test free. जल्दी करें! बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं के सारे नोट्स फ्री और आसान भाषा में NRB App पर पढ़ें। Open Now. The Artist's Way Book Summary in Hindi इंट्रोडक्शन- WEEK 1: RECOVERING A SENSE OF SAFETY WEEK 2: RECOVERING A SENSE OF IDENTITY WEEK 3: RECOVERING A SENSE OF POWER WEEK 4: RECOVERING A SENSE OF INTEGRITY WEEK 5: RECOVERING A SENSE OF POSSIBILITY WEEK 6: RECOVERING A SENSE OF ABUNDANCE CONCLUSION इंट्रोडक्शन- क्या आप एक artistic इंसान हो?