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What's the correct spelling for the ordinal form of the number 22? Should we use "22th" or "22nd"? We want to know which form to use and which to avoid, as well as the rule for the correct one, so we can avoid mistakes in the future. 22th or 22nd - Which Spelling Is Correct? "22nd" is the correct spelling for the ordinal form of the number 22. Follow this pattern for the numbers moving forward: 21st, 31st, 41st, etc. all use -st like 1st. 22nd, 32nd, 42nd, etc. all use -nd like 2nd. 23rd, 33rd, 43rd, etc. all use -rd like 3rd. All the rest use -th (24th, 37th, 49th, 50th, 68th, 126th…). I hope this helps. Link to this page: You can read more articles in the archive.

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22th or 22nd? 22th Incorrect spelling, explanation: 22th is an incorrect form because every number which ends with 2 has the suffix nd in its ordinal form. -th is added to every number except 1, 2, and 3 (their suffixes are respectively -st, -nd and -rd ). This is why the correct ordinal form of 22 is 22nd. 22nd Correct spelling, explanation: as -nd is the suffix for the ordinal form of number 2, every number that ends with two will have this suffix (as in the ordinal number full form: second ). -th is a usual suffix for ordinal numbers, but not all of them. Therefore 22nd is correct and 22th is wrong. Definition of 22nd: Last updated: July 7, 2022 Published on: October 31, 2016 22nd vs 22th check which spelling is correct on WhichIsCorrect.com - Free Online English Dictionary. Definition for 22nd vs 22th 22th or 22nd? WHICH IS THE RIGHT PHRASE? 22nd or 22th? When talking about the twenty-second day of the month, use the word 22nd; 22th would be incorrect. LEARN WHY Input your text below. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. Improve your English! Submit your text now 22nd This is correct

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A variation of your first sentence: My test is on the 22nd of June. Although you may write on June 22, 2013, in a conversation I would say on the 22nd of June - notice the the and the nd ending of the 22nd. Alternatively you can say on June 22nd.. More here In, At, On + Time or Date. in + month or year - in March, in 2013 on + date (with the year or without it) or day of the week - on April 2. Shortening the year is also acceptable as long as it will be clear which year you mean, such as in the following: 23.10.16. 23/10/2016. You can also write out the date but shorten the month to save space: 14 January 2016 → 14 Jan 2016. 9 October → 9 Oct. Although these options are easy to understand and perfectly acceptable in most writing. Which is the correct way to spell "twenty second"? How do you write this, 22th or 22nd? The correct way to write it is 22nd. Read on to find out more about the meaning and spelling of twenty second (22nd) in the English language. 22th is not correct, 22nd is correct Meaning of 22nd or twenty second In linguistics, 22nd is an ordinal numeral. When it comes to writing dates, the correct ordinal number to use after the number 22 is "22nd." This is because the suffix "nd" is the correct one to indicate that the number 22 is in the ordinal form. In English, ordinals are used to indicate the position or order of something in a series.

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October 28, 2023 When it comes to ordinal numbers, it's easy to get confused. Is it 22nd or 22th? Which one is correct? Well, the answer is quite simple. The correct form is 22nd. Let me explain why. In English, we use ordinal numbers to indicate the position or order of things. These numbers are formed by adding a suffix to the cardinal number. 1. Today is the 22nd of September. 2. She was the 22nd person to arrive at the party. 3. The 22nd chapter of the book is my favorite. 4. The 22nd of December is a public holiday in our country. By using the correct suffix "22nd" in these examples, we are able to convey the precise position or order of the date, person, chapter, or holiday. #1 How do i say that I'm 22 years old on 22nd June? Is this correct if I say, " I'm 22nd on 22nd" or " I? I'm 22th on 22th " ? The Newt Senior Member USA / EEUU English - US May 12, 2020 #2 "I'm (or "I'll be") 22 on the 22nd." Myridon Senior Member Texas English - US May 12, 2020 #3 My twenty-seco nd birthday is on the twenty-seco nd. The accent in the pronunciation is always on the first syllable, The two most difficult days to pronounce are Tuesday and Thursday, so take extra time to practice those. As you can see, we always use a capital letter for the first letter of each day. Here are some examples: - I work from Monday to Friday. I'm free on Saturday and Sunday.

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Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart. A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five. An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except when the final word is: one → first (1st. Ordinal Numbers We use ordinal numbers to talk about the "order" of things or to define a thing's position in a series. Note that after the numeral or digit, we write the last two letters of the word. For example, we take the last two letters of first and add them to the digit 1 to make 1st. Transcript: Well I placed a bet on a horse