Ardia Sedilo 2022

S' ARDIA HORSE RACE - THE EVENT PROGRAM 2023 6th JULY 06h00 and every hour: the holy mass in the Sanctuary 07h30 e 09.30: Holy mass in the church 11h00: Holy Mass in the Sanctuary presided over by the Bishop of Faenza-Modigliana Mons. Mario Toso 16h00, 17h00 e 18h00: the holy mass in the Sanctuary Il programma completo de S'Ardia - la festa di San Costantino a Sedilo. programma di giovedì 29 giugno Ore 19.00 Prove dell'Ardia Ore 22.30 Nel Santuario di San Costantino. intrattenimento musicale con Matteo Scano prorgamma di mercoledì 5 luglio Ore 07.30: Santa Messa in Parrocchia Ore 08.30: Santa Messa nel Santuario

S'Ardia horse race in Sedilo, running for faith and tradition

Ardia Sedilo 2023: L'Ardia è una corsa sfrenata a cavallo fatta in onore di San Costantino, che si svolge ogni anno a Sedilo la sera del 6 luglio e si ripete la mattina del 7 e ricorda la battaglia di Ponte Milvio tra Costantino e Massenzio. One of the biggest festivals in Sardinia is L'ardia DI San Costantino, commemorating Constantine's victory over Maxentious at the Mulvian Bridge in 312, where Constantine is reported to have seen a flaming cross inscribed with the words "in this sign thou shall conquer". Domenica, 16 luglio 2023 - Ardia a Piedi: ore 06:30 /ore 19:00 - Sante Messe in parrocchia. ore 07:30 - Piazza San Giovanni - Consegna de Sas Pandelas. ore 08:00 - Santuario di San Costantino - Ardia a piedi accompagnata dai fucilieri di Sedilo e dalla banda musicale di Monastir. Segue S. Messa nel Santuario. A Sedilo il giorno dell'Ardia di San Costantino Verso le 19 la prima corsa dei cavalieri circondati alla folla . 06/07/2023. Ardia; Sedilo.

S'Ardia Sedilo 2011… Flickr

S'Ardia: the route The knights launch themselves along a steep and bumpy path at a crazy speed. In addition to the leader of the race, the "first pandela", almost one hundred knights turn around the sanctuary 7 times and then head towards Sa Murredda, a circular space with a cross in the middle. Photo Credit: S.Tidu Sedilo is a characteristic farmer's hamlet, quiet except during the three days devoted to St. Constantine, when riders take on one of the most dangerous races in the world.. but the real Ardia can only happen in Sedilo.". Dec 10, 2023. I Wore the Same Shirt for an Entire 12-Day Trip. And It Magically Stayed Clean. Nov 22, 2023. 10. Sedilo, in the heart of Sardinia, is home to an iconic event whose origins date to early Christianity: an intensely frenetic horse race featuring knights proving their devotion to St. Constantine, Faith and boldness: it's time for the Ardia | SardegnaTurismo - Sito ufficiale del turismo della Regione Sardegna May 15, 2023 by Angela Corrias The Ardia horse race in Sedilo is a reckless race that takes place every year on the 6th and 7th of July on the occasion of the Saint Constantine festival and never fails to attract thousands of visitors from Sardinia, Italy, and Europe.

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0:00 / 1:14 S'Ardia 2023 Sedilo Riccardo 6 subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago SEDILO Momenti del Ardia 2023 Sedilo Festa San Costantino Imperatore Questa manifestazione,. 56K views, 406 likes, 32 comments, 580 shares, Facebook Reels from Sandrone SÌ: S'ardia 2023 One chance One shot One Clip #sedilo #ardia #sancostantino #ardiasantuantine #tradizionisarde #cavalli. Only those born in Sedilo can ride in S'Ardia, if you are brave enough to enter. In Sedilo, it is not just tradition and bravery for those who live and breath horse riding, it is S'Ardia. Shot and directed by Dan Sadgrove Editor: Ben Elkaim Music: Hanan Townshend Sound: Morgan Johnson Color: Mikey Rossiter Translation: Claudia Marredda By Staff | June 20, 2023 A moment of the Ardia di Costantino (Photo: Lpd82/Dreamstime) English Italian Every year on the 6th and 7th of July, the small village of Sedilo, located in the Oristano province of Sardinia, comes alive with the traditional celebration of L'Ardia di San Costantino.

Ardia Sedilo 2022

The faithful make pilgrimages to Sedilo from all over Sardinia. Constantine's victory means Christianity's survival for another year. Know Before You Go The event is in Sedilo, Sardinia. From. This is Sardinia. You'll get used to it. When : Annually on July 6 and 7 Where : Sedilo, Sardinia, Italy Getting there: Take a flight to Cagliari from Rome or Milan, the Tirrenia Ferry from Civitavecchia to Cagliari or Olbia/Golfo Aranci or Sardinia ferries from Civitavecchia to Cagliari. There is no train station in Sedilo.