Champions Analyzed: 32,673,570 The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. Always up-to-date, U.GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 13.24. Tier List Tier List Arena Tier List Arena Duos ARAM Tier List Duo Tier List Combat Objectives Filters Top Emerald + Ranked Solo 13.24 World Show All Our statistical LoL Top Lane Tier List is updated hourly with the best champions to play in LoL. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best and worst picks for League of Legends Top Lane champions. This Champion Tier List displays all champions that are frequently played as Top Lane.
Best Top Laners For Season 14 Patch 14.1 of League of Legends Will Burton January 6, 2024 ∙ 3 Min read Table of contents 5 S-Tier Top Laners to Climb With in Patch 14.1 It's a new year, and a new Season of League of Legends is underway. The first champion on our list is Poppy, who is a very basic yet versatile and strong Top Laner in League of Legends. She can be built in many different ways, and depending on the matchup, she can either scale or take over the map. Another benefit to Poppy is how much peel and protection she can provide for her team. Singed is a wacky pick in the top lane that many people don't know how to play against. He's a fun champion and even if his kit is old since he was one of the first champions ever made, it's still relevant today and most players sleep on this pick. Can't go wrong with Singed guys. | © Riot Games League of Legends The best top lane champions in League of Legends These are League's top-tier top laners for this season's solo queue. Mateusz Miter , Davide Xu , and Cade Davie Photo.
The Best Top Laner for Climbing JAX GUIDE by LCK PRO YouTube
Tremic 's Tier List Last updated on October 9, 2021 9729 3 2 Votes New Tier List Tier List Discussion (3) Description Hey everyone, welcome to the Top Lane Tier List for Patch 11.20! This tier list will consist of all the current meta top laners ranked from the OP tier (the best) to D tier (not viable). Fiora really likes tank Junglers and Control Mages in the Mid Lane, as those allow her to bring her ahead and split push easier. 1. Jax. Jax has been climbing quietly, and now he's reached the top. As the third most popular champion, his win rate is a little lower than you'd expect, at 50.05%. League of Legends' best top laners for Solo Queue Squaring up to opponents is easy when you have these LoL champions to conquer top lane duels. By Nick Geracie & Akshon Esports 7 min. Who is the best top laner in League of Legends? Going by win rate, Dr. Mundo is the best top laner on patch 13.10 with a 53.04% win rate. However, it's important to keep in mind that counter.
'I either am or can be the best toplaner in Europe' could Alphari
At the start of the 2021 season, the once-mid laner for RNG role-swapped into the top lane in a last-ditch effort to keep some veteran presence on a largely developmental roster. The best types of top laners you'll spot in the game are: Hyper-carries For crazy-high damage on your opponents, hyper-carries are the ultimate champs to use. They have massive AoE and high.
Top Lane Tier List: BEST Top Laners [Version 13.15] A detailed tier list of all top laners ranked from best to worst according to the current League of Legends meta. 1. Nasus Nasus is one of the strongest solo and late-game champions in the game. He is incredibly strong because he scales very well. Games in lower ELO tend to go for a long time, so he can just keep stacking and be highly obnoxious and strong in the late game.
Smeb on fighting to remain as the world's best top laner with new team
Best Top Lane Champions in Patch 12.7 S-Tier Fiora. Soaring Sword Fiora, Image Via Riot Games. Fiora is one of the best top laners right now. You get insane healing with Conqueror and her items. Though she is mainly a split pusher, she doesn't do half bad in team fights with Goredrinker heal. Death's Dance is a perfect item for her if the. Who are some of the best top lane players in League of Legends throughout the game's history? 15 Marcus "Dyrus" Hill This is a controversial pick because, as Dyrone and TSM fans will tell you, Dyrus wasn't necessarily the best player. He often got targeted and would have extremely bad KDA ratios. But he wasn't a playmaker; he was a team player.