Average Monthly Temperatures in Antalya Turkey

Antalya, Average Weather February Day Temperature 12 °C 55 °F High Temperature 15 °C 59 °F Low Temperature 6 °C 43 °F Night Temperature 10 °C 51 °F Sea Temperature 16 °C 62 °F Temperature 10 °C 51 °F Rainfall 130 mm Rainfall Days 10 days Sunshine Hours 7 hours Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Slide and Tap Other Months Weather Things To Do Travel Advice What's The Weather Like in Antalya February Temp 12° C average Rain 32 mm per month Sun 53 % chance Humidity 62 % average Average daily temperatures It can be quite cool at this time of year, so visitors are recommended to take warmer clothes especially for venturing out after dark.

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Antalya weather in February (Mediterranean Region Turkey, Turkey) Planning a trip to Antalya in February? Check out this comprehensive weather guide. In February, Antalya generally has moderate temperatures and high rainfall. February is a winter month. Throughout the day, temperatures typically settle at around 15°C . The best time to visit Antalya is generally in the summer between the months of June and September. This time of the year is dry and hot, perfect for enjoying the beautiful beaches of Antalya. Get the monthly weather forecast for Antalya, Antalya, Türkiye, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. On average Antalya experiences temperatures of 110C in the daytime, with highs of 150C at the peak of the day and lows of 60C at night. With around 11 hours of daylight each day, February's a great time to explore the sights, but prepare for wet weather as the city can be rainy this month.

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Thus, the mean temperature average on this month of february in Antalya is 56°F. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Antalya in february with a maximum record of 72°F in 2016 and a minimum record of 29°F in 2012. You can expect to have about 3 days with temperatures over 65°F, or 10% of the month. In Antalya, Turkey Other months F/inches/miles 57 ° F highs 42 ° F lows 1am 3am 5am 7am 9am 11am 1pm 3pm 5pm 7pm 9pm 12am General weather summary Moderately chilly with a gentle breeze Feels like 31% Chance of rain 0.169 in Amount 11.4 mph Wind speed 70% Humidity 10.8 hrs Daylight length 7:46 AM Sunrise 6:34 PM Sunset 54% Cloud cover Jacket Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 52 °F. Sprinkles. Overcast. (Weather station: Antalya, Turkey). See more current weather Annual Weather Averages Near Antalya Averages are for Antalya, which is 13 miles from Antalya. February Weather in Antalya Turkey. February Weather in Antalya. Turkey. Daily high temperatures increase by 3°F, from 58°F to 61°F, rarely falling below 50°F or exceeding 68°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 2°F, from 42°F to 44°F, rarely falling below 34°F or exceeding 51°F. For reference, on August 1, the hottest day of the.

Data tables and charts monthly and yearly climate conditions in Antalya Turkey.

During February in Antalya, the favorable weather conditions with clear skies or minimal cloudiness last for an average of 13 a day, which is equivalent to 54.1% of the day. July has the most bright and sunny days in Antalya with an average of 23.2 hours per day, while January has the least with only 12.4 hours of cloudless skies. Antalya - Climate data The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is of 10.3 °C (50.5 °F), that of the warmest month (August) is of 29.2 °C (84.5 °F). Here are the average temperatures. Precipitation amounts to 1060 millimeters (41.7 inches) per year: it is therefore quite abundant. Get Antalya weather conditions in February. We provide day and night temperatures, sunshine hours, sea temperature and precipitations averages for Antalya in February.. The average sea water temperature in February of 2023 was 62.9°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 64.2°F and 62.2°F. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 59°F / 15°C. But due to the very dry air, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. During the night, it will cool down to around 42°F / 6°C. Antalya Turkey has its share of rainy days in February.

Average Monthly Temperatures in Antalya Turkey

July is the hottest month in Antalya with an average temperature of 28°C (82°F) and the coldest is January at 10°C (50°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in July. The wettest month is December with an average of 210mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 29°C (84°F). Graph Summer weather in Antalya Summer in Antalya is characterized by hot temperatures, sometimes touching the pinnacle of 34.2°C. The city receives minimum rainfall during this season, averaging just up to 10mm. Also, this period brings long daylight hours averaging up to 14.7 hours, allowing ample time to soak up the summer sun.