A trireme ( / ˈtraɪriːm / TRY-reem; derived from Latin: trirēmis [1] "with three banks of oars"; cf. Greek triērēs, [2] literally "three-rower") was an ancient vessel and a type of galley that was used by the ancient maritime civilizations of the Mediterranean Sea, especially the Phoenicians, ancient Greeks and Romans. [3] [4] The Trireme ( Greek: triērēs) was the devastating warship of the ancient Mediterranean with three banks of oars. Fast, manoeuvrable, and with a bronze -sheathed ram on the prow to sink an enemy ship, the trireme permitted Athens to build its maritime empire and dominate the Aegean in the 5th century BCE. Most scholars credit the Phoenicians.
Ancient Greek Trireme at the Harbour of Delos Escultura de la antigua
18/08/2019 Trireme, nave da guerra greca La trireme era chiamata così perché dotata di tre ordini di remi a scalare, per favorire una rematura più efficace. Era una nave lunga e stretta che poteva imbarcare un'equipaggio di circa 200 uomini, di cui 170 erano rematori. La trireme (in greco antico: τριήρης?, triérēs al singolare, τριήρεις al plurale) era un tipo di nave greca da guerra che utilizzava come propulsione, oltre alla vela, tre file di rematori (da cui deriva il nome greco) disposti su ciascuna delle due fiancate dello scafo . Indice 1 Etimologia 2 Prime apparizioni 3 Caratteristiche costruttive The Ancient Greeks dominated the seas using their revolutionary ship: the Triremes. Discover how the Triremes design made it one of the deadliest and most ef. The Trireme Trust was founded in 1982 by Frank Welsh, John Morrison, and John Coates to promote further trireme study, settle the controversies if possible, and engender an appreciation of the maritime skills of the ancient Athenians. The Trust, which is closely associated with the Olympias, has a wonderfully informative Web page. It is packed.
Ancient greek trireme Royalty Free Vector Image
The trireme, or τριήρης in ancient Greek, was the formidable warship that hamstrung the second Persian invasion of Greece and changed the course of European history. It helped Athens build an empire and secure the wealth needed to sustain a civilization whose arts, monuments, and institutions sowed the seeds of Western culture. Strangely. The trireme's most feared weapon was a bronze battering ram attached to the prow of the ship. Fierce ancient naval battles were fought by trying to slam into the side of an enemy ship and either. The Greek trireme was a large warship with three banks of oars. The word 'trireme' was derived from the Latin word triremis , which meant 'three-oarer.' These ships were about 120 feet long and. Olympias. (trireme) / 37.934283°N 23.68517°E / 37.934283; 23.68517. Continuous (crew rowing in turns) 4.0 kilometres per hour (2.5 mph) 2.15 knots (estimated). Olympias is a reconstruction of an ancient Athenian trireme and an important example of experimental archaeology. It is also a commissioned ship in the Hellenic Navy of Greece.
Trireme boat drawing Корабль
The Ancient Greek Trireme was a staple ship of Greek naval warfare, and played a key role in the Persian Wars, the creation of the Athenian maritime empire, and the Peloponnesian wars. The first recorded use of the Trireme in combat was in the 6th century BC, where the Greek historian Herodotus claims in 525 the tyrant Polycrates of Samos. The trireme was developed by the Greeks and Phoenicians around the 8 th century BCE. The Phoenicians, being extensive traders, developed a ship that was long and narrow with a heavy bronze ram at the prow. The ram rested just below the surface and in battle was powered forward by three rows of oars on either side giving the ship its name, trireme.
La trireme (in greco Τριήρης sing., Τριήρεις pl.) era un tipo di nave da guerra che utilizzava come propulsione, oltre alla vela, tre file di rematori (da cui deriva il nome greco) disposti sulle due fiancate dello scafo. The Greek trireme was an innovative ship that played a crucial role in the ancient Greek civilization. The Greeks invented this ship as they sailed throughout the Mediterranean and encountered enemy peoples, which made it necessary to have boats for war purposes. This ship was named "trireme" because it had three rows of oars on both sides.
SUPERCAZZOLAPREMATURATA, Trireme OLYMPIAS Ricostruzione funzionante di
trireme Nave da guerra antica, tipica delle flotte da guerra greche dal 6° al 4° sec. a.C., specie di quella ateniese del 5° e 4° sec. (v. fig.). La trireme è la nave da guerra vincente della flotta greca, in particolare di Atene. Costruita con legno leggero, di pino o di abete, è lunga circa 40 metri e larga 6 metri. La trireme è dotata, di solito, di un solo albero con vela quadrata. Si muove grazie ai 170 rematori, disposti su tre file posizionate a livelli diversi.